Monday, November 20, 2017

Cell Phone Surveillance - Stingray

Prior Blog Entry 

One of my favorite things to write about in this blog besides money.  A cell phone ID is a granular data element level thing in a Surveillance System.  It can be linked to Time/Place/Person with a high degree of reliability.

Time/Place/Person as a function of flying a plane over a given area is a cheap, easy and quick way to suck up a vast amount of information connected to a unique individual.  Information that is persistent to Time/Place/Person/CellPhoneIMSI

Fly a Cessna outfitted with a Stingray in a pattern over a small city like Bend Oregon between 2 and 3am and the home sleeping static location (or at work static location) of every transmitting cell phone in town is captured.  Do it on successive nights to confirm location or successive weeks/months and a location data base with a high degree of probability in predicting where any given person will be at that time is developed as well as reference information as to location where sleep that can be linked to other data.  Do it in the day time and it establishes where they usually are during the day.  Put the Time/Place/CellPhone/Person results on an ArcGIS map as an overlay and bingo!

It is valuable intelligence gathering.  Anybody with a plane and a Stingray can do it.  Planes are easy.  Stingrays are harder to get.  The intelligence value of  information gathered by a private entity has money value.  Value great enough to make the price of getting a Stingray on the black market very high but a relatively small investment for ROI.

A car driving around a town is cheaper but takes longer.

How available is a Stingray on the Black Market.  They are sold world wide.  Just go where they are sold and law and order are lax with a suitcase full of money.  Steal one from authorities that have them in the USA.  Rob a place at gunpoint where they are stored.

The threat to privacy is enormous withing the frame of official use.  More than enormous in the private sector frame where there is no control on use.  It is a weapon of Mass Intelligence that can be gotten by anyone with the intention to use it for some purpose.  Official Intelligence Authorities have it in there hands for what applications?  Private Entities mining data with this intelligence tool to monetize a database?  Its like picking up gold on the ground.

Another way to vacuum up cheap Intelligence:  

It is a Wild West Gold Rush Free for All to scoop up the Intelligence Nuggets on the ground.

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