Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Structured Analysis--It's All About Structure...Hard and Soft..Hardware and Software ..Local and National

Taking a big picture look at what delights me in the morning I see that they are at polar ends of structured analysis.  While at polar ends from one perspective they share a common attribute in terms of my Object Oriented thinking:  Anomaly.  A leading attribute that make them so intriguing.  Perhaps with some degree of added paradox.

At one end is the the collection of political satire analysts with whom I increasingly start my morning viewing of the world.  They compete for top spot.  Trevor is often on top.  Their structural analysis highlights Anomalies.

Deviation.  Deviation?  Deviation is like Left Brain view of Right Brain Anomaly.  Essentially the same thing but Anomaly plays on how we feel about a thing that sticks out from the norm.  Deviation is what we think about an analytical logical measurable degree of truth. Political satirists are having a field day focusing on our Commander In Deviation from the norm.  Political norm.  Social norm.  Decency norm.  There is not a norm that he does not normally deviate from.  He is so out of bounds that we laugh at him until we just have to cry. 

Its polar.  Laughing at Anomaly is intuitive measurable response Feeling.    Crying at Deviation presented as facts is a measurable response Feeling.  We don't know what to do but in the frame of satirical presentation of Anomaly we laugh.  When we think about what we laugh at......we would cry.  It does get us to think about it.

There is a paradigm shift when the Anomalies of satire suddenly become recognition of the measurable deviation.  Laughter ceases as the view shifts to thinking about the Writing on the Wall of structured truth.  The truth of Deviation from the norm is a sociopath Deviant.  In his position of power he stands with Great Deviants that history castigates that are polar opposites of other Great Deviants that are admired.  Polar opposites.

Anomalies are easy to see intuitively as well as to leap the bounds of analytical analysis to reach and evaluation.  Analytical measurement of Anomalies on some Degree of Deviation scale relative to Good/Bad value classification requires a rigorous definition of terms.  Mathematical, Empirical, Objective views with defined structure and process.

Anomalies of political satire I look at first thing in the morning lead me to looking at Deviations in more structured systems that deal more in the domain of domain of Hard Science rather than Social Science but have increasing value is what the Hard look domain says about the Social domain.

This is segue to how the remainder of the morning is spent.  Sometimes I blog about the first intuitive part of the morning.  Sometimes I only blog about the second part of the analytical morning often follows.  Sometimes I just blog about both in the same entry switching horses in mid stream but with enough connection to keep me on the horse I rode in on.

The second part of the morning (recent example) is attempting to look at Deviation from the norm of Deschutes County Property Tax.  The anomaly is that some property owners are assessed at $77.07 per acre of land value in a residential zoned area of the City of Bend while others, often adjoining properties are assessed at somewhere closer to $100,000.00 per acre.  The sole reason for the anomaly is that one property owner has a minimum of 2 or more acres of residential zoned property in the City (often with a residence on an additional 1 acre of the same taxlot property) and have been approved by the Deschutes County Assessor to plant and grow trees on the property for the commercial sale of Timber at maturity.

That is where the Anomaly Deviation analysis relates to Social Structure purpose and value to stand the test of Judgment of the Legal Structure in which the property tax is a matter of sanctioned tax avoidance in accordance with the Law.  Analytically it is legal tax avoidance.  Objectively it is structured evasion opportunity for self interest benefit that arguably was not reasonably and logically intended by Oregon ORS and implementing OAR.

The Anomaly Deviation is:  A function of  implementing of state rules and regulations embodied in State Law applicable to Designated Forestland.  All Designated Forestland in Eastern Oregon, regardless of location is  officially valued for property assessment purposes by an Oregon Department of Revenue at $77.07 per acre with legal exemption from all or any other rules or regulations applicable to computation of property tax assessment value. 

The application of this legal exemption to property located within residential zoned areas within the City of Bend is blatantly wrong and an unintended consequence of the State Law and regulations requiring correction.

There are a lot of blatantly wrong intended and unintended consequences of the Law that require correction.  Nationally and Locally.  The problem of the Problem Domain is how to correct them!
That is what I struggle with on a very localized matter.  Chosen to struggle with because I have chosen a local matter of what is wrong that needs correction.  The problem is easy to analytically define but  difficult to socially correct. 

One way to present the problem for social analysis is to reduce the complexity of the structural domain of Law to the simplicity of the Law doing what it was intended to do and what it does as a function of unintended consequences. Unintended consequences being an unjust and undeserved benefit to a few at the expense of many.  A problem like Federal Tax Reform proclaimed to benefit the many. 

It is a relational thing.  A relation between what one categorical segment of society benefits from at the expense of another in a zero sum game.  The challenge is how to present the problem in a clear, concise, and brief manner with greatest impact to substantiate the need for correction challenging the defenders of the status quo and/or those that would seek to continue or shape the nature of the status quo norm for their self interest at the expense of Public Interest. 

Locally it looks like the tools of the Information Age are the best way to present and resolve the problem.  Emerging as one of the best tools for presentation of things with direct relationship to the Land, such as property taxes on the land is a GIS map with overlays showing Anomaly Deviations in taxation related to immediate surrounding properties as well as geographically expanded properties up to the County Level.  Perhaps even up to the Oregon State Level as State ORS and OAR at the functional root of the problem are challenged.

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