Thursday, November 9, 2017

MMT and Bill Mitchell

Good job Bill!

 Bill blows away the shadows on the wall but people remain chained to what they have seen.  It is like the trick of staring at an image for long time then closing your eyes and it is still seen.  It does not go away.  Its chains cannot be broken.  Walking out of the cave with eyes closed is not possible because the light cannot be seen.  Only the lasting image of the black shadow on a white cave wall that was stared at for so long.

I see MMT as a Crypto Coin model.  The government creates the coin then spends it into existence.  There is no counter party binary Asset/liability balance sheet debt that accounts for the money.  The accounting system is Blockchain.  Once created and spent into existence in its first transaction exchange it is use in a chain of all following transactions.  Crypto currency is actually the value associated with the current amount of an owners list of all transactions received waiting in a wallet to spent.  What is truly spent is the last transaction and its related numerical value.

"Bitcoin has a lot of weaknesses as a type of money. One idea that is actively being looked at by many governments is using central banks to start issuing sovereign currency on blockchains. That would really be a game changer, because you wouldn’t need the fractional reserve banking system any longer—you could just have everybody with a digital wallet account at the central bank. This ironically revives an idea that came out of the University of Chicago in the 1930s, called at the time the “narrowing” of the banking system."

Blockchain is the stake to drive in the Vampire Bankster Balance Sheet Accounting Financial System. 

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