Saturday, November 25, 2017

Bottom Up Assembly....or Not... at Peak Bottom: Wall or Pit Speaks to Us

"In computer science and information science, an ontology is a formal naming and definition of the types, properties, and interrelationships of the entities that really exist in a particular domain of discourse. Thus, it is basically a taxonomy. It does not draw on the 'old' philosophical discipline 'ontology' as it was established in antiquity.
An ontology (in information science) compartmentalizes the variables needed for some set of computations and establishes the relationships between them.[1][2]
The fields of artificial intelligence, the Semantic Web, systems engineering, software engineering, biomedical informatics, library science, enterprise bookmarking, and information architecture all create ontologies to limit complexity and organize information. The ontology can then be applied to problem solving."

 An Information Ontology System Structure design approach is generally a top down breakdown strategy.  Name the top thing then sub-category things, subs of subs, etc.  An Object Oriented Parent and children tree.  With relational design methods and tools applied to the schematic tree various relationships of branches can be derived and formalized.  In a very general sense it is a process of Normalizing the Data Base in a number of successive steps. 

I learned about Data Base Normalization in the 70's and disliked the term applied to the process.  It was intrinsically self explanatory.  It was something that had to be learned in order to define.  I saw it then in my own terms.  It was taking all the things that managers must manage in their heads as the art of management and formalizing it to a science of management with budding Information Age Tools.  Kinda like Stone Age tools compared to today.  It was a start that went from 1st Form through Successive Forms like discovery of New Dimensions of the Universe.

The whole thing became populated with expanding relationships very quickly.  KindaLike the Big Bang that created the Real World Universe that we live in.  An excellent model for creation of our Human Conceptual Universe.  What I did in the creation of the last link is to NameTheLink then go find its formalized definition betting there would be one somewhere on the World Wide Web. Not just one but a MultitudeOfLinks.  Out of the multitude I simply picked one near the top. GoodEnough is good enough to get at least a hit in the ball park to get on base, if not second or third or even a HoleInOne   =   HitNailOnHead.

What I am building in the prior paragraphs is building a definition of terms and concepts by relating them as I see them in my head to their existence on the WorldWideWeb.  A grand an glorious RelationalDataBase. Many of the previous links giving formalized definition and meaning are drawn from a CommonDictionary and CommonEncyclopedia of WordDefinitions and ConceptualInformationMeanings.   You know what I mean so I didn't link the last two Concatenated Pharses to anything other than what you have in your head that is probably the same definition and meaning of what I have in my head.

Get it?  (GetIt).

Programmers program computer code to speak with computers in their language.  They know the syntax and semantics of the ComputerLanguage they code in.  A human programmer's language is NaturalLanguage:English.  A good enough language for speaking with others that know it.  English can be spoken with various degrees of precision.  In general, Colloquial English is a poor language to use speaking to a computer because it is highly ambiguous and computers speak a PreciseLanguage.

This is a far as I go in climbing a tree to get to the moon.

My number 2 grandson is preparing his university applications.  It was discussed at the Thanksgiving table.  What universities they would be submitted to.  What did he want to study?  Maybe languages, a variety of Natural Languages.  He likes to travel.  Speaking the language of a country is a natural door of entry to that country in a future profession.

In the travel profession that is an entry level skill that pays in many ways.  It is however one that depends on a range of Natural Languages as well as some variable degree of depth of meaning and precision depending on the complexity of what is being spoken about.

It is a range vs depth thing.  Speak a range of several Natural Languages to some degree of depth or speak OneLanguage to a extensive degree of depth precision.

Number 1 grandson was at the table and will graduate from the University of San Diego this next year.  He will have learned Finance as well as the depth of FinanceLanguage syntax and semantics.  NarrowRange focus, excellent degree of depth information and knowledge at the point of entry level.

Range vs Depth.

This blog started out to address one idea and shape it enough into syntax and semantics to mean something more precise than the vague idea I woke up with in my head this morning.  In the course of giving some range and depth to it I found something more specific to explore.  Sooo.....I explored it!

The original idea was "Bottom Up Assembly"

It somehow seems intuitively obvious to me that the course of the Information Age has been driven by the strategy of designing Information Systems from the top down.  Now we have those systems designed and operating that relate and integrate unique granular level Data Elements.  Data Elements that are the ultimate progeny of Object Oriented Parent/Child top down relationships.  Those granular level progeny objects have now been endowed with their own intelligence methods to apply them and the messaging communcation ability to speak to one another.

We are beginning to call it Artificial Intelligence.  We created it from the top down with Human Intelligence.  Now it has reached the stage where the Child becomes the Teacher of the Parent.

The future will bring us things starting from the bottom up Intelligence endowed by us in physical and conceptual granular level things that now teach and enable us to to apply them to a re-stucturing on the very conceptual systems that created them.

That is the future that 3 grandsons  at the verge of entry will enter.  They are acquiring and will continue to acquire more precise professional skills maximizing their utility  === MakeMoney as well as DeriveSatisfaction.  Maybe at a higher level AcheiveSuccess.

The tables have turned as Information at an exceedingly fine granular level created by Information Systems of our own conceptual design take on a life or their own to teach us and endow us with more precise and less ambiguous Knowledge from the bottom up.  The tables have turned in the nature of the Language used to do this.  In the beginning we (some extraordinary gifted) used the language of machines to create what we have today.  Now machines are learning our language to speak to us in our own language but with new rules that machines apply to our legacy Natural Language.

It will all look like English but will become a dialect that we all need to understand and speak.  Those that learn and apply the new dialect will be in control of the Social System.

What that New Social System is as an Operating System and it does as a function of its Application Programs.  Artificial Intelligence is teaching us to think more precisely in terms of the same way we have always naturally thought but in a more precise manner that we desperately need to manage what we have to date created.

In the beginning it all started with Things and Actions creating a Top Down driven Information System as we put things and actions together in various progressive ways toward a future bottom line that we could hope and dream of achieving.  Maybe another way to look at it is that we have reached Peak Bottom.  Essentially, maybe looking at it that way it has been a great race of our Social Systems to get to the bottom of Things.  From now on the truth of what Things "Are" and what we use them to "Do" is up to us if we learn to apply them  to continuing progress......or not if the legacy System refuses to progress to a better way that True Intelligence has to teach us as a function of what Artificial Intelligence that we have created tells us as it speaks to us in our own language that it makes more precise for us to understand.

What Language "Is" and what it "Does" are elemental.   All things are created from their most granular elements.  Conceptual Social Systems are at a point of peak bottom and something is going to initiate a paradigm shift from the legacy system.

Will it be the Phoenix rising from its elemental ashes or a bloodless coup as a function of  our Intelligence to see what we have created that are written on the wall in elemental words and meanings to tell us.

Words written on the wall or on the bottom of a deep pit where we bury things with them.

I should end this with something that says the writing on the wall is the way out and up.  The writing on the bottom of the pit is our epitaph.  No links to either way, up or down.  Not necessary to GetIt.

Getting more granular all the time.  Sometime it might be too late to get smart?


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