Friday, November 17, 2017

Proof of Time, Place and Unique Object Identity Attribute TimePlaceMe Crypto Coin

This link is added 9 December 2017 to the initial blog entry dated 17 November '17
Blockchain biometric linkage of a person to a Blockchained account in a highly controlled fenced environment.
"For this kind of transaction to work, the blockchain requires some kind of verification to prove the person purchasing goods at the supermarket is the same person to whom the money belongs. Building Blocks uses IrisGuard scanning technology to do this, were the beneficiary scans their eye when they wish to purchase something at the supermarket, with their iris acting as the password to their account. Haddad explains that this makes accessing funds easier for refugees.
"In Jordan, they so happen to already be using the iris scanning technology for identification, so our beneficiaries don't need anything more than their iris to transact," Haddad said."

Humanitarian effort aimed at those subject to the greatest fundamental need:  Food.  Also a "controlled test" environment for experimentation.  It cut out the third party but does the ultimate magnitude of deserved benefit of this test go to those that are subjects of the test with a fair benefit to those that are doing the testing?  It is not so strangely associated with drug testing on a targeted population of people in great need circumstances or physically incarcerated or in controlled detention.

There is an ethical issue involved that asks who is this being done to benefit the most and why?  The purpose is at the Sacred Cow protected ethics level where Religion exists.


17 November 2017 blog entry:

Interesting Proof of Time as a blockchain concept.  An idea I previously blogged about.

Proof of Time + Proof of Place + Proof of Unique Personal Identity related to Tim and Place =

I was There, Then!

Honest Judge.  I was There, Then and present my Then and There as absolute evidence that I was not at a place that was not there at the same time.  I could not have physically done something requiring my physical presence where I was not at the same time I was physically present somewhere else>

Case dismissed!

Proof of Time, Place and Physical Presence at exact Time and Place is a very conclusive Fact with Value.

Attach that Value to a ValueCoin and do an ICO!

It works to establish PastTimePresence, RealTimeNowPresence and projected contractual Future TimePresence.  Future Presence at a Time and Place becomes a conditionally binary state of Being when:
Future Time and Place = Real Time Now and Here
Past Time and Place = Then and There.

Binary State of Being:

Degree of presence in the Blockchain of TimePlaceObject(UniqueIdentity) is absolute (Present/Absent) or Variable as a function of HowClose:Cigar/NoCigar.

Applying this Time/Place to Object:HumanBeing:UniqueIdentity:Attribute seems to have some value as TimePlaceMe Coin.  A value to document Proof:Past/Present or establish future components TimePlaceMe for evaluation at Time:Point:Now.

Objects involved in TimePlaceMe:
Clock;Universal:Satellite Transmitting RealTimeBlockChainMeasurement:Second at RealPlace in Universe at Real Time
Receiver of GPS Satellite Transmission associated biometricly with Human:Unique:BiometricSigned

Receiver records and stores RealTime information in the device and/or transmitted to Cloud.

Application: AnyTime a person wishes to document proof of presence/absence at TimePlace or degree of variable proximity to TimePlace.  Documented TimePlaceMe is a ProtectedRight:Privacy not to be infringed.

All/Any person has the right to Market:Trade:Buy/Sell in a Time/PlaceMe market a ProtectedRight:Privacy in the form of a minted  ConceptualObject: Time/Place/Me Blockchain CryptoCoin with an attribute of Value:Personal established as a Seller/Buyer transaction with variable value in a CryptoCoinExchange based on a CryptoCoinReserveCuttency.

How to make money simply by being Somewhere, Sometime related to a value of NeedToKnowProof:Past/Present/Future.  PrivateValue with optional PublicValue derived from PrivateValue owner sale.

Anyone can mint a Time/Place/Me cryptocoin.  It has intrinsic personal value but only public value when it is spent as a MediumOfExchange.

Spending Time.

Time Well Spent.

Time Wasted.

Time is Money.

Time has Value

You Can Sell/Buy Time/Place/Me

You Can't Buy Time

Your Time/Place/Me is my Time/Place/You:Value

The key to value is that Time/Place/Me is a system in which Me is anonymized when transacted but has a key to identify the Minter of the CryptoCoin held by CentralAuthority but UseOfKey is absolutely controlled by the Minter. 
domain name: is for sale ----At this point of real time:  7;03 November 17, 2017.

Blockchain is proof of truth.  Time and Place are self evident truths with proof of truth in existence.  What better Rock is there upon which to build a social system of Time Place and Me (I think therefore I am) as one of the founding concepts?

Its all in the Hyperledger.

This is wacky but the Artificial Intelligence Framing is interesting

Saint Peter has a Hyperledger of TimePlaceMe.  I have minted a TimePlaceMe coin by which to enter a place of UltimateVirtualReality when I spend it in a higher order Blockchain system of even greater Truth (if it exists) as transaction that gets me to a HigherOrder TimePlaceMe.

Proof of that that Truth?  The coin created out of non-existence must be spent in a transaction to prove its non-existence?

Everyone knows that there is great risk in an ICO!  Both in binary Time as well as Eternity where there is only singularity.  "Blockchain ends at the point where Real Time becomes Eternity".  Score me some bragging rights as the first to enter that phase into the World Wide Web as validated by Google search return at this blockchain point of Real Time.

Business Model:  Monetize Personal Privacy

This is the Time/Space System Structure on which the exactness of Blockchain locking positioning of a thing in space over  over time cycle blockchain transaction related to and object such as "Me"

It is not only the unique position and time of a single satellite that associated with  the location of an object on the ground but the relative position of several satellites in spatial reference to each other at that cycle in time that can never in probability be exactly duplicated at any future time.

All that remains is establishing the absolutely unique identity of a person as that person (or other uniquely tagged Object) exists in direct relaton to a time and place locked into the blockchain of Time/Space/Me. 

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