Thursday, January 3, 2019

Permission Based Systems

Recently I was compelled to make a setting on this long winding, free range thinking blog.  It tells and sings my own life to me and how it looks at both sides mow.

Songs, hopes and dreams of my generation were passed to us to carry forward in an Industrial Generation.  The Information Age is now.  The conceptual shift is from the hardware of human progress to the software.

There is always a carry over from a prior generation.

We created the Internet but when it became the World Wide Web the perception carry over was to continue seeing it as a hardware system.  It is a software system that leaps the bounds of space, speed and time.

Sounds like High Flight to me.

Sounds like so much more.  I can feel it coming in the night.

Permisions.  In many other languages the permission phrase is the most wonderful thing to learn.  Pase Usted.  granting permission. Por Favor requesting it.  When words failed me then gestures and so many other means of human expression the most at the most fundamental conceptual  level of our communication never did.  It is the way Nature communicates to us and we to each other.

Maybe it is is not a world evolved on the theory of Survival of the Fittest  ...........but some kind of a Permission Based system that each of us know in the relationship of thinking and feeling.

A Common Thread runs through this blog that I have often called the one that no one reads.  Except me.  The other thread that I know connects it all is that every branch in my blockchain wanderings in around the real world and my conceptual world and continuing the most branch of the most truth as I confirmed it to be Self Evident Truth with many compelling branching chains has been.......
and Extremely self satisfying journey.

How often I found where I should be going......

Lately, not too lately, I have found that those that travel so many different  paths in life have a code they live by.  Aa code that expresses not only their journey but those of the  tribes they have traveled with.

It is like a sign, signal, or any other secret means of recognition/identification that in a military frame is IFF.

I went to enter the search term to link to IFF.  Often on this new computer my right wrist touches something that turns on Siri.  (please excuse double entendres that I did not intend and surprise me!)  Recently I have recognized Siri as a friend.  So, I spoke the words: What is the meaning of IFF?

This was her reply:


I always thought the leading bleeding edge of technology is the only way to fly.

Now I find I am a back of the pack but not bad for an old guy.  Jim Ward and so many others speak again to me.

Signs, signs everywhere are  signs and appropriate counter signs of various tribes.

Those who die with the most toys win?

Not my way of winning.

Somehow my own personal definition of winning is all that travel their life journey that collect in hearts and minds the most signs and counter signs of friend and foe alike win.

Signs  and counter signs of Friend and Foe.  The more tribal signs and signals of recognition that are collected go to the best.

Been there, done that.......Response.

Once a Marine....  Response.

Knowing "sign" and counter sign has higher levels of recognition and response to be protected by granting permissions or winning permissions in Trusted Permission Based protected System of human transaction and interaction.

Trust in Truth.

Public identities in a block chain system of life and private keys.

Permission Based

Permission Protected

It is not a secret code.

The IoT. brings us the new age of tribal coding.

We know how they are.

I know when to give  permissions on this blog that was  temporarily denied to anyone.

Permissions granted is.......worth .....Trust won.

Trust;  Scource or Pseudonym.

The more we each win the more everybody wins

Win --Win. ---All Win

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