Thursday, January 3, 2019

Tyler Technologies - E-Government - A Better System To Perpetuate Government of the People and For the People

The Oregon Property Tax System is....Hard to describe!  Hard to believe!  How can Oregon citizens be so manipulated and so blind?  Maybe it is simply new norm.  How many are blind to the corruption of the property tax system?

95% ?

A simple look, even a passing glance at fundamental accounting records reveals how pathetic and unjust the system is.  Silo property tax data in each of the counties property tax records are the same self destructive self defeating model repeated on a smaller crises level.

There is an opportunity to correct that situation that is also a business model with proven success.  Data driven E-Government in a trusted governance system.  Oregon must be the lowest hanging fruit on the tree to pick first.

Picking property tax payers pockets will be quickly exposed when the 5% or less that understand the technology that will bring and end to private gain at public expense.  It will exposes those that are benefitting by virtue of state law and administrative rules and regs that lock their gains into the protection and defense of law.

Special Assessment for Eastern Oregon Forestland is $79.38. 2018-19.   State ORS and  OAR are its legal basis.  We have met the enemy and they are us!

Like so many legacy systems government systems and Oregon Property Tax laws  must be corrected and will be corrected swiftly by and entire replacement of silo public data into a central data source.

Researching the transition from silos tho data driven E-Government there are leader examples a business enterprises that see the need  as well as the opportunities to correct a dysfunctional system.

Finally after all my research of looking at both the trees and forest of this problem I stumble across the logical entry to correcting it.

Oregon is transitioning from a timber economy to a tech economy.  There is no better example than Bend.  Smoke stacks above fires that once drove the economic engine of Central Oregon now fly the flag under which the progress of our nation advanced with liberty and justice for all.  It is called the Old Mill but it is the center of a new era of advancing our state and nation.

Problem is:  Old legacy laws that promoted a timber industry to benefit all is now benefitting a few at the expense of all.

Bend is a center of a new economic engine in our state.  Investment in variety of diversified new startups coming to Bend on a new Oregon Trail.

Some house cleaning of old laws and rules that are now are constructive evasion of taxes due for public benefit and protection of private gain at public expense must be eliminated.  Data driven E-Government that consolidates public data for examination by all citizens serves us best.  Those that protect legally sanctioned but unjust gains gains will self identify themselves.  They see the system changing now.  Simple sample research of existing public property tax records reveals the problem in factual data.

Each area of government has an example of blazing a trail for others to follow like Fremont blazed a trail to Bernd.

Tyler Technologies has lead the way for other states in the application of commercial systems to improve government and governance systems that can serve us all better.

Our free private enterprise competitive economy rewards the winners for the benefit of all.  There may be other systems offered in competition for evaluation.  Local and state governments have made their choices of systems for advancing the vision of there citizens.

Tyler Technologies appears to have had success in other states that would benefit Oregon. In my evaluation it is a standard for evaluating any and all other E-Government systems.

Follow on leading edge Codex Law systems will follow.  Oregon could be a leader there too.
Using Public Portal Information

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