Tuesday, October 24, 2017

The Foundation of Abstractions Built Upon (or deriving from) Conceptual Abstractions

2+2=4.  A good conceptual structure abstraction.  Applying the math model that uses abstract representative conceptual symbols of a precise math language (coding) to the sentence that follows it would logically result in the in an equal conceptual expression in the less precise language (coding). 

What would that translation be that expresses a translation from math to English?

Maybe the answer exposes why English is a less precise form of coding..  I use the word "coding" the describe what I am talking about because "coding" is a gerund in English.  A "gerund" is a fundamentally the expression of a noun as a verb.  It inherits attributes of the noun object parent but then "owns" its own additional attribute as a child of the parent that makes it different from the parent.  That attribute is essentially one of action.  

What would that translation be that expresses a translation from math to English?


That exposes the ambiguity of a less precise language.  It is not so easy to make a quick literal precise translation.  Something is lost in translation.  In a precise language with a low degree of ambiguity it would be called noise.  In Enblish we would describe it as a "Slip between the cup and the lip"?

Works for me because I understand the English expression.  Might not work so well for someone not entirely conversant in the English language because it an abstraction built upon, removed from, its foundation in the real world by a couple degrees of abstraction built upon some (two) real things.

I am not an English Major but we all enjoy manipulating the subtle ambiguities of the language only for the purpose of amusement as the function of "Joke".

Enough joking around playing with ambiguity.

This blog builds upon the prior blog entry.

Getting serious:

The prior blog entry about abstractions of abstractions is about getting back to the RealRock they are built on.

Our DebtBased = MonetrySystem is built on nothing.  The thing called Money is called into existence, created from...nothing with the stroke of a pen in a balance sheet ledger that gives its existence identity because it equals a negative identity on a balance sheet equation. 

Something = Nothing.  This equation never changes it is always in functional balance and therefore always true until the debt is extinguished by some means, hopefully payment with interest from the debtor from the point of view of the loaner or payment by society if the loaner is clever enough to shift the risk.  Banksters are risk adverse by nature.

All loans are eventually extinguished to nothing in the balance sheet system and then resurrected to live again.  There should be a 3 day waiting period to make money the Banksters God. Banksters are clever.  While money lives in the form of a check they must cast they make us wait 3 days.

The big change coming in the Monetary System is that Money will be debt free.  Based only on existence of itself by virtual of a Blockchain where:  Transaction=Money.  The transaction give value to the medium of exchange used to make the transaction in a chain of all past transactions.

Transactions using CryptoCurrency go on forever.  If continuing Transactions over indefinite time into the future not just as a means of settling the transaction with a medium of exchange but one that is in fact "Spending" the last transaction that put CryptoCurrency into the Wallet of the Spender then the Blockchain of Transactions as Currency (Transaction = Currency for the next Transaction) means.......get this: Transaction(s) = Currency.  Currency that is never extinguished by repayment of debt although it may be used to repay debt!

In that case the Currency is no longer Debt Based.

The Currency is Asset Based.  The Public Asset Ledger, not the Bank Balance Sheet Credit/Debit Debt Based Ledger is Money that is the f
Foundation Rock of the ConceptualAbstractionStructure of what money "Is"

The established Bankster System which is a State granted monopoly must make a paradigm shift to maintain exclusive control of the our Monetary System that stands on the verge of becoming what it has always been by Sovereign Right of our SelfDetermination form of ConsentOfTheGoverned.

Banksters must control Money.  The State, which is us in the USA by right controls its own money, we gave away control away to the Fed in 1913.  The Information Age gives us the opportunity to assert our self determination and choose a logic and reason based Monetary System that benefit the common good objectives of the users more than the continued narrow objectives of the extractors of Finance.

Banking System Finance is only one of the things that money does.  It does millions of other things for us.  Debt Based Finance as our foundation for the creation of Money in a Monetary System creates an entire system of renting money for use.  Rent on money for use should and must be restricted entirely to a subset of the uses of Money as a medium of exchange.  All other Money that exists for the purposes of medium of exchange must be free of rent.  It is a public resource, not a privately owned one.

CrytoCurency must be Public Money, not a Privately wholly and exclusively owned Monetary Domain.

The greatest conflict short of traditional armed warfare to capture and control territory and resources faces us.  That conflict is on a Monetary Control battlefield of Private vs Public.  A battlefield that has often lead to traditional warfare among nations.  This is a World Wide conflict that on that scale is essentially.........

Public vs Private control of the resource called Money for the general Public Good or sector Private Gain at the expense of the Common World Wide Public Good.

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