Sunday, October 22, 2017

Building Abstractions On Top of Abstractions ---Bottom Foundation?

Added the following day:  This morning I found an AI produced visual abstraction of real world objects built on abstracting iterations....abstract representations of is a fascinating thing to look at the results with the knowledge that they were spawned by photographs of real world realism being the first step iteration of a real physical thing existing in time and space followed by compositing an instance of a collective abstract entity called (for example) Faces or any other chosen instance/class object of choice.  Perhaps even an example that is spawned from an abstracted instance of art called a HumanIntelligentProducedPainting. Most interesting because the AI applied to do this is algorithmic programming which can be followed from the first to the last progression.....this is the big picture:  It can be followed in a chain of object observation and process on that observation from beginning to end of the AI program process in a chain or....most astounding....the reverse processes from the end back to the beginning real world object.

Is that really possible?  The test of a program is that it proves itself both ways:  TopDownBreakdown or BottomUpAssembly.  Like a Codec Codes or Decodes.  AI beginning with a real world photo image can apply itself to looking at higher levels of ParentClass images or AbstractSymbolicRepresentationsOfAChosenInstance to produce an image representation that matches attributes of any given ParentClassObject in a generational ChildToParent chain all the way up to the final SuperClass which would by logic and reason be binary Black and White??

It is there that the AI would reach its limits of Intelligence?  What is the ParentClassObject that has only binary ChildClassObjects Black and White?  Each inheriting matching attributes of the ParentClass but having unique attributes that make each child different like Cain and Able?  Black or White.  Good or Bad.  Presence or Absence.  That is of course a philosophical point of analysis that is beyond AI and in the pure problem domain of HumanIntelligence?  Or......binarily looking at it....Not?

Obviously, the application of VisualAI to photos is only of value as a tool to discover degrees of abtractions of real things.  Most important perhaps to discover the symbolically represented unique identity of a real world HumanBeing instance of all HumanBeings.  That unique individual being one that matches face to ConceptuallyAbstractName.  Beyond that it is fun and games if confined to the Problem domain of real photos all all Humans producing a UniversalHumanFaceImage that has all the attributes to produce the SuperClassImage of AllPeople.

Could an AI program reproduce the chain of thought contained in what I have just added to yesterday's blog entry?  No, probably not.  It is, within its own domain SuperIntelligent and therefore the end result of its ArtificialIntelligence processing would be a single result presented as a BinaryChoice for any instance of a HumanBeing to ponder:  Is the  ParentSnapShot of what I have just written a thing that has only two ObjectClassChildren?  One being Crazy. The other being.....Intelligent?  Both sharing the common attribute of the Parent:Human?

Where is it that people think about things like this and apply that creative thinking to AlgorithmicArtificialIntelligence to look at ProblemDomains from a MachineBasedPointOfEntry?

The only attribute in common with what I have written is that Cern comes to the same UltimateObjectSuperclassParent/Child relationship that I see: A BinaryChoice of either Present or Absent.  Exist or Not.  What is the Parent of two children called Exist or Not?  What common Attribute of the Parent do they share in common?

I think the answer is none but some ChildObject attribute must be shared because that is the definition of the abstracted ObjectChild.  Maybe the thing that makes it a child of the parent is not an ObjectAttribute  but then what?  All that is left is sharing ParentObjectMethod and ParentObjectMessage in the ObjectOrientedDomain structure.

Maybe the single shared attribute of the two children of the UltimateSuperClassObject is.....really not an ObjectThing but a pure ActionThing that implements the relationship of AllThings called..........
Time!  At this point I am lost in Time.....something to do with StateOfBeing in the Blockchain....StateOfBeing.....being......Crazy? Intelligent?

I don't know.  I can't trace the iterations of abstractions I have made to this point as a true BlockChain or a false branch child called Crazy to be abandoned and return to Intelligent.

Is BlockChain an abstraction of Mobius Strip?

Having Squared the Circle the following is what I wrote in this blog entry yesterday............


I'm in awe of Information Age things.  Like I was in awe of Industrial Age things in the 50's.  I'm old.

Industrial Age things were mechanical, they had mechanical connections.  I could not see AC or DC electricity but I could trace their wire paths with my fingers.  When I heard on the news in the 50's that the USA electric system was for the first time operating on nuclear power I thought that the stuff coming to the electrical wall outlet was then nuclear, not electrical.  Much later in life I learned more about Nuclear Power in the navy.

There are real things then on top of them our intelligence builds abstraction representations of them.  It is a human thing.  We create an arbitrary word symbol describing a real thing and manipulate the thing by means of strings connecting the abstraction of it to its reality.

The string gets longer when abstractions are abstracted to more related abstractions.  Maybe a better way to say it is that any given level of abstraction explodes to related abstractions.

The essential Problem Domain is to reverse the abstraction explosion to all its piece part children of the first degree abstraction that is connected to reality in the physical domain or those fundamental abstractions of our own design that are connected to things of the mind that have no physical existence.  Like feelings or things that we declare to be absolutes in a purely conceptual domain.  A conceptual domain that runs the range from pure conceptual logic and reason in harmony with the physical domain to somewhere far out in the spiritual domain of our own creation or the creation of an other purely spiritual entity that exists and does not exist at the same time in time and space.

Back to earth!

A single path branches, then branches again.  We take a path then take parallel paths at the same time.  Impossible to go down two real world paths that we walk on with two feet but we can do it in our minds.  The beauty of multi-tasking.  We can take a serial sequence logical step at a time down two conceptual paths in parallel or at least referential to each other (one contributing to advancement in the other).  Creating abstractions that build on abstractions that have no expansion boundary beyond the rule that the next abstraction is built on the last one (logical or not like Alice in Wonderland, logical in its own illogical domain).

When we get so far out on the branches of abstractions connecting to more abstractions of a tree extending from a real world physical connection and utilized to do something to make a change in the state of the physical world that we can't understand or comprehend the nature of all the connections then we get lost in the woods.  Individually.  Some don't and know the path from the most remote abstraction all the way back to its connection to doing something in the real world.  They are smart.  Either our leaders for the common good our users for their own good. 

Hard to tell when we can't follow the chain of abstractions like those that can.  In the Information Age only the system can follow the chain.  The system is the chain.  If what the the system "Is" not open to public access it cannot be followed.  Rights of Privacy as we choose to define it as an abstract attribute of a physical or purely abstract object is a primitive root abstraction connecting to real world entities.

This blog is getting so abstract I'm not sure I can find my way back to my coffee cup this morning.  It had a beginning purpose, my purpose of going somewhere.  It is a work in progress.  If I can get back to the foundation it can continue.  At this point it is abstracted to the extent that extension is only a loop.

(Strange but....) The beginning was here: 
How I abstracted from there to here is only a path of abstractions of my own creation only known to myself.

Where is my compass?  What is my compass?  How does it work?

Finance builds abstractions of real world value representations as well as abstractions of things that do not exist in the real world but are declared to exist by some logical or reasonable (or not) construction of abstractions like Mark to Make Believe or Ponzi or Greed.

From the Link:
"The Role of Banks in Payments Innovation
The examples I have highlighted so far illustrate payments innovations from fintech firms and banks alike. I want to spend a moment highlighting the special role of banks in the payments process, and how banks are needed in order to create innovations that can be used broadly across the economy."

Banks are not needed.  Distributed relational system structure design is the requirement, not a network that is founded on a physical controlling entity.  The architectural design is the same as decentralized nature of power that drives our own self governance.

The conclusion of the Link:

"Rapidly changing technology is providing a historic opportunity to transform our daily lives, including the way we pay. Fintech firms and banks are embracing this change, as they strive to address consumer demands for more timely and convenient payments. A range of innovative products that seamlessly integrate with other services is now available at our fingertips. It is essential, however, that this innovation not come at the cost of a safe and secure payment system that retains the confidence of its end users."

The author means that the Federal Banking System is the only answer to a safe, secure payment system.

Not! it is a dinosaur that must die as a function of evolution.  Now called revolution in an Information Age that brings fast paced change.  It will die because its fundamental foundation of debt based money is abstract concept founded on absence of real foundation instead of a presence of an abstract entity that can be traced in an eternal blockchain from its declared origin through all verified transactions to it present State.

CryptoCurrency is a thing that can be followed in a chain of validated tokenized truth in a decentralized system.

The Fed is as old school as black magic in the Information Age.  A debt based vampire that exists as an abstraction of the absence of something (life) that feeds on life (sucking greedy bloo from it) that must die as a function of establishing a monetary system based on the persistent presence of an monetary unit that is not self extinguishing back to the non-existent state of being called nothing but persisting forever living as a traceable recyclable entity as spawn form its declared originating identity as long as society has need for a abstract medium of exchange that recycles in ownership as a function of its attributes, methods of ownership transfer and means of messaging change of state in a blockchain.

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