Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Bloq - Metronome - The BlockChain of Time

Jump: From Wednesday, Feb. 20th 2019 back to 10/25/17.

I have often said: "This is as good as it gets."  When I thought it could never get Any Better.  It must be validated as true in my is Truth!

If I ever actually said the words before the the first time the meaning came to me as the FirstMeaning...well....I didn't get the meaning.

That First Meaning came maybe somewhere on my bike in 1986 riding between Banf and Jasper on the North Star bike tour to Alaska.  It was awesome!  Every day I said:  "It docent (that was an auto spell correction but I will leave it that way) get any better" and then did every day all the way to Anchorage.

Strange thing about this blog, time and meaning.  My Ouija keyboard just spelled out "Anchorage"!
I have often written about "Slipping the Anchor" in this blog.  The start of a SeaVoyage and Journey.  Only now do I connect "Slipping the Anchor" the day I left the Navy in Ogden, Utah to the destination I had signed up for: Anchorage...alaska.  It is like something else I wrote about a couple of times:  All 3 of my sisters are named Mary.  I was maybe 22 when that flashed!

How did I arrive at this time point: "Now" this morning?  It is all in my Browser History.  For some reason I needed to validate my bragging rights. first entry in today's History started with:

I went there because;  I had forgotten what Metronome was all about but remember that I had blogged something about it......? Yes!

Metronome Validator Document Published

The Metronome Validator Document is back from review by independent auditors and is now live on GitHub. The document outlines how cross-chain validation works, the requirements of validators, and more details on the phased roll out of the validator network as it becomes increasingly decentralized. As a living and collaborative document, the Metronome team encourages feedback and review from the community in the form of GitHub issues and pull requests.

More to come, 
The Metronome Team

Next link in History:


Holy Smokes!

Original Blog Entry.......follows...  I said again this morning: This is as good as it gets...then it gets better!

There is much more to this story:

Where I spent Christmas 2017 and where I spent New Years day.  Then how the video of my New Years Day Journey came back to me from.......the Universe... Time?  But only in the rough cut storyboard of AI.  What I need to add to the documentary of my first day of a New Year is my own BlockchainVideo of that day extending what somehow was only started by....Me on the way to Anchorage?

time to StandUP!

What followed was a bing of email received.  I grabbed my iPhone and took a series of photos.  They will be the next entry in the extension of my (BlockChain) blog today.......
End of PostScript entry jumping back to TimeIsTheUltimateBlockChain>


Time is the Ultimate BlockChain.  I still claim bragging rights to that statement.
The very best things I write are always at the end of what I write to get to it.  I therefore move the end result of the blog entry to the beginning to make it a connecting Mobius Strip.


This looks like building upon or perhaps a better description......Extending the Conceptual Abstraction to the next Abstraction in the Blockchain System based on the first Abstraction:Bitcoin.

In view of my recent previous blog entries this looks way for EnterpriseLevel Banksters to switch horses in midstream without falling off and maintaining their Financial Control of the Monetary System through FinTech.

It looks like that because it feels like that. Essentially, the Bankster system is simply a web built on a contract called Loan.  FinTech will make Loan a Smart Contract where the Smartness is invested in, embodied in the coupling (tight binding)  of the Medium of Exchange in a BlockChain where Contract:Loan goes out of existence (is extinguished) but the medium of exchange Currency continues to exist because the MediumOfExchange is in fact the ExchangeTransaction itself.

ExchangeTransaction is a Verb, and action that becomes tokenized to a Noun as a function of InitialSpending.  The Action gives birth to the Object.  The Verb creates the Noun.  The NounObject persists as an Object used to accomplish all future ExchangeTransactions in a BlockChain.

The answer to the riddle of which came first, the Chicken or the Egg.


An Action created Both (Chicken and Egg)

This reverses my life long belief that the GodObject created the entire ObjectUninverse first.  Created all things then gave them existence by creating Time.  The continuum over which all Objects Interact.

The Thing that came first was not an Object but a pure Action:Time.  All objects were Spawned at the beginning of and as a function of Time.  Before Time existed there was Nothing.

Satoshi did not create Time.  He did create the first Bitcoin at the instant that it was Action:Spent in PurePrexistentBlockChainTime.  The instant that it became the first unique InstanceOfIt'sClass  as a SuperClassObject with all ChildObjects inheriting its Attributes, Methods and Messages in an ObjectOriented System.

Time is the PreExistent foundation of AllThings.

Bloq-Metronome is going to Spawn the first instance of it's ConceptualAbstractObjectIdentity as a function of a ConceptualRepresentation of Time:Metronome:FirstTick  Followed by FirstTock.

Time is the UlitmateBlockChain.  Can't mess with its absoluteness.

I add this to my list of bragging rights to original statements indexed by Google that have never been made before: "Time is a place holder for all things".  In the Beginning, Time was the PlaceHolder for the Word. Then came the Word.  Time came first. 

Time is the Ultimate BlockChain.

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