Saturday, October 28, 2017

Securing Video Integrity In The Blockchain

Adobe can manipulate video in new and exciting ways to mess with original video to create some video imagery that was not in the original or erase what was in the original video.  Fun and games playing with original video.  Old school movie making updated to 2.0 for the masses.

What if the intent was to preserve the original integrity of the video or photo by protecting it from any changes to the extent that what was recorded is proof of what was originally recorded.

Blockchain the video in real time.

How?  Good question!

Maybe the answer is to watermark the video with a Bockchain time stamp of real time that cannot be duplicated post real time.  Some universal Blockchain time upon which everything runs like computer network time time slicing.  Incorporate geographic location and device identifier?

Timestamp is not a new idea.  Application is new.

Saint Peter's ledger at the PearlyGate might be a BlockChain of RealTime Proof.  In that dimension each slice of real time in the Blockchain...infinitely small in eternity is is locked instantaneously into proof.  How elegant that we are on the verge of discovering how he keeps track of everything.  We know his public identity.  If only we could get his private crypto key.

Image result for saint peter at the pearly gate

Score another bragging right!  First to coin the phrase on the World Wide Web:
"Saint Peter's ledger is a Blockchain"

The EndOfTime is defined as the last transaction in the Blockchain:Time that is never spent and is the last transaction that exists in the Wallet of  Eternity?  One way of looking at the ProblemDomain?

EOB:  EndOfBlockchain.

Sorry buddy, it has already been built:

Time is the Ultimate Blockchain 

Truth is the path of Blockchain marching on to the beat of Time.

We can't handle the Truth.

The Blockchain can.

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