Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Blockchain Me This Batman!


Deep analysis using my brain eludes me on this link.

How would Artificial Intelligence analyze it?

Advancing in Time from the previous blog entry I will stick it on the Anvil and Hammer.

I can do a rough simulation of Intelligence:Artificial with my Intelligence:Mind.  Very rough but it has some look and feel resemblance with the help of a spell checker and my coding Language:Natural.

Attempting a simulation of AI I need to learn something about abstract Intelligence:Human that looks at things in conceptual abstractions like HammeringOut things on a Blockchain of Time.  Time is a common universal PointOfEntry to any ProblemDomain.  Mind and Machine can both enter it through the same door.  AI might find us hard to understand when it looks at the problem from its Time point of view.

I would say to AI: Look at it this way.  It is a human conceptual abstraction of the same thing that you (giving AI the attribute of Intelligence identity of a person) would quickly see from your more direct logic approach that finds us so mysterious.  Your problem domain is to understand us.  Listen to the Music..................go back into your AI repository of human expression lock into the Blockchain of Time to an instance in 1963.  Peter, Paul and Mary.  "If I Had A Hammer".

We sought that Hammer then, have a better one now.

Having learned from analyzing just how far Intelligence:Human can abstract things Hammer out what Sarah Sanders said and tell me its logic and reason foundation after searching everything you have stored as the Blockchain history  of recorded human expression.

Abstracting 10 reporters in a bar to a fundamental conceptual presentation of how our social scheme of things work with any degree of relevance in the human domain is not easy because it is a shadow on the wall that challenges us.  AI might see it better than we can?

It looks to me and might look the same to AI that Sarah Sanders started with where she wanted to go in the Blockchain in FutureTime and worked back to validating FutureTruth with an imaginary fable and pulling it back into RealTime truth.  All dogs will go to heaven.  It is a fundamentalist point of entry to the problem as well as binary thinking in a Fuzzy RealTime world and even FutureFuzzier.

It is called framing the issue.  A human trick.  If historically some conceptual abstraction and methodology to explain or implement it has not worked in the past or can't be documented by past success.....like nobody ever came back from the dead.... then make up the future as a state of Truth in FutureTime and anything is possible.

Trickle Down is a very human conceptual abstraction in one of our most abstracted social system scheme of what Money is and what Money Does.  The only more conceptual abstract system in the human built scheme of things is beyond the RealWorld of Time and Space where AI can't go.

History proves Trickle Down to be a false concept.   It is founded on the conceptually shifting sands of an Action to implement the distribution of wealth designed by those that frame the action to benefit those at the bottom of the downward action but serves the greatest benefit to those at the top.

It is like a "Turn the World Upside Down" or "Cart Before the Horse" conceptual abstraction.  Will AI ever understand us?  Maybe that is why we are afraid that it will take over?  First it came for our cars........then it came for our minds......a bug or a feature?

Back to making AI sense of what Sarah Sanders said about 10 reporters in a bar........it doesn't.

It is not only upside down in Time but also backward from FutureTime.

Easy to get lost in time playing from the point of FutureTruth. Proved by getting lost in this blog entry?

Where was I??? The best place to find a new start now because beginning a start in the future is an imaginary framing......influenced by.....human nature?

While the Blockchain truth of our past that is recorded in history lacks the real time recording accuracy of the Information Age, human perception of the truth of things in a time line has not advanced as quickly as our medium that records it with greater proof of accuracy.

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