Thursday, October 19, 2017

Michael Hudson and Financial Extraction --

This is what is going to bring some honesty and accountability to Big Finance FIRE and the Chinese are going to do it!  Russia?  Russia will try but screw it up.  Blockchain is why Finance is scared!  Finance also wants to make it their own fenced garden for their benefit.  Public Ledger?  That is the stumbling block.  Can't have that and hide from the public as well as avoid blockchain documentation.

A long read but it goes down a bite at a time and one bite follows another to weave a simple picture that in its whole is truth.  I absolutely admire Hudson's thinking and Yves publication of his thoughts at Naked Capitalism.  This reveals exactly what they both intend to expose: The naked truth of the adverse impact of Capitalism on Society.  That naked truth is summed up as:  Predation! Predatory extraction of general social wealth that by equitable design should be shared among all of Society to benefit a narrow sector of our Society (FIRE) at the expense of the Common Good.

In the comments that follow Michael's analysis he ads his own explanatory comment that the intention of his analysis of self evident history of Capitalism was a future looking focus on how China will deal with the Problem Domain of WealthExtraction by those that control the FinancialMeansExtraction. 

In this blog over the past years I have commented on "China is Doomed" opinions in the Media.  I think that China is in a position to assume a passive role as SocialLeader of the world as opposed to the (PlaceHolderDiscriptorHere)Leader of the world.

On what fulcrum will the balance of leadership tip?  What will implement the fundamental shift between TwoObjects in order to bring them into a balance of our SelfGoverning for the CommonGood?

The TwoObjects in a BinaryRelationship:  IndividualBenefit and CommonGood.  Certainly a high wire balancing act with potential for disaster in a fall.

The BalancingActionFactor verb implementing the relationship of the Singular to the Collective (OnetoMany) SocialBenefit?


.................or, if your prefer to use the positive flip side of that abstract conceptual action,


Either is a process.  A VerbAction between two NounObjects.  The Trinity of the Domain of AbstractConceptualThought that operates in the same manner as our RealPhysicalUniverse.

A fulcrum is a Thing:Point that has a property of variable position in space and time that implements the function of balance relationship on a scale of,,,,,,,,,,,,

..............this is perhaps a different way of looking at balance but it gets me where I want to go in 
              terms of PointOfEntry to the PlroblemDomain:

MutuallyExclusive Presence/Absence at the extremes of Totality.

The desired point of maximizing Public and PrivateHuman SocialBenefit is by our SocialConsentDesign the BalancePoint.

Maybe one way to look at The state of the ProblemDomain is:  Society gets what it deserves as a function of our collective degree of control over the position of the BalancePoint.

The BalancePoint in this case of the distribution of the general wealth of our society is the process of Finance.  Not the object of Finance.

The most fundamental approach to a ProblemDomain is to manage the nature and properties of  Objects first by design and then Actions of Objects as they implement relationships among themselves on a OneToOne, OneToMany and ManyToMany  scheme of things cause ChangeOfState in the ProblemDomain moving toward DesiredStateSolution........What that?  Whatever we self proclaim or is proclaimed for us by default or we are convinced is best for us.

The proof of what is best for us?

Maybe it is measured on the scale of Pursuit of CollectiveHappiness.

Attempting to control what Finance "Does" is a losing game.  In broader terms attempting control actions as the driver of objects.

Michael Hudson approaches the Problem by analysis of what Finance "Is"  to produce the action of what it does and analysis of that result in the past to look forward to solution in the ConceptualDesign of what Finance "Is" to manage intended general best SocialBenefit of what Finance does.

The ParentDomain of Finance is Money.  Solve that problem and Finance follows.  As long as Money is fundamentally DebtBased to serve the interests of the FIRESector.

Michael frames the problem from an ObjectOriented approach as well as a solution.

I think...maybe more feel than think that Xi is fundamentally an object oriented thinker like Michael Hudson but for public presentation and consumption has to present their fundamental object design plan in terms of what it will do rather than what it is.

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