Saturday, October 21, 2017

State Controlled Crypto Currency


I think I am a glass half full guy.  I look at the Information Age as a glass half full.  Far less than half full when I can see the distance it will take us in the future.  Information that has a strong binding to truth or a path of validation of the TrueObjectState of a thing and management of information processes that are required for ChangeOfState from current ObjectState to NewObjectState by tokenizing the Object or the Action or both in a Blockchain on a PublicLedger.

This blog entry is an Object, a thing, that has ObjectStateChange with each new letter, word, sentence I write.  As I write Google is processing it from OldState to NewState as a function of my process of entering thoughts to my computer built up from the granular level letter and proceeding up through higher ParentObjectClasses of words, sentences, paragraph structures that build to create a mini SuperClassObject called a blog entry where syntax structure and its abstracted semantics meaning join to create a HigherOrderClassObjectBlogEntry.

Google is spell checking this blog entry in real time.  I can see it as my "Save Button' forwards what I write to CloudSky.  Google gives me RealTime spell check when I make up words like "CloudSky" and sends a message to my computer to invoke its ObjectMethod:Underline(Red) telling ObjectMe that it does not have that word in its legal word reference ObjectDictionary.

How much more is Object:Google checking beyond words.  Words are key but a stream of words become an ObjectIntelligence.  A stream of words ending with a period is a ParentClassIntellegenceObject.  That class ending in the Method known to Object:ReturnKey moves what I write makes a child out of a ParentClass:Paragraph.

While Google may assist me in my writing at a spell check level.... And perhaps grading me to monetize their data base by selling aggregate blogger spelling scores to a business that sells writing and editing tools......What is, or could Google draw from a HigherClassObjectOrder AI RealTime analysis of Sentence then Paragraph as I write the blog and it takes on the ObjectAttribute of something called "SignificantMeaning" of some measurable categorical nature from Object:BS to Object:SomethingGoogleIsInterestedIn.  Perhaps a higher order Entity than Google?

This has rambled far beyond the subject of the blog that lit the fire to this seemingly unrelated path.

This blog entry is a dynamic BlockChainObject changing state over time from old to new state as it travels down a BlockChain of thought and is validated by me and me alone, and perhaps Google as well beyond the spell check level for actionable Intelligence.

By a stretch of the imagination......and I do stretch it often in this blog.....Google plays a BlockChainExchange role.  Reading each letter and evaluating each word that enters the BlockChain of the blog entry.  Google tells me when the chain branches to a chain that should be abandoned because the spelling is wrong.  When the HigherOrder level of sentences and paragraphs go in the direction of a branch that should be abandoned by some form of AI analysis perhaps there is method of some Object that sends a message somewhere called: Message:TerminateCrawlerEntrySearchableWWW.

Who knows?  This blog entry is after all not a public ledger until it I click "Publish" and may not actually be Published for some algorithmic AI reason of Google or OtherEntity.

OtherEntity?  A collective SuperClassPrivateorPublicObject.

Does what I say in this blog have value to Google?  I wonder what an AI analysis says about its Intelligence value?  Important enough that a RealPerson analyst might follow it?

It appears that Google chunks the method "Save" because I can see the greyed "Save" button each time the method is activated.  It is then that Google AI evaluates, to some level, what I am writing.

What is the AI level of evaluation?

I see the "Save" button activated more frequently in this blog entry than in other entries.  Once the Publish button activated itself.  Why when this entry is in draft stage?

OK.  enough diversion.

State control of currency.  Be afraid, be very afraid says some Entity with great investment in non state control of money.  Be extremely afraid that a government of WeThePeople would invoke is sovereign right to control the MonetarySystem as opposed to GloriusFreePrivateEnterprise and the implementing function of the autonomous "MysteriousMarketHand" that cannot be manipulated by a single entity like the SovereignState.   It can only be manipulated by a free and open market place of the BankingFinance Domain.

There is so much for BankingFinance to loose and so much for WeThePeople to gain.

That is why WeThePeople SovereignEntity called the People'sRepublicOfChina will be a WorldLeader.  He who has the Gold Rules.  Russia is a wannabe PeoplesRepublic but is that no more than the USA is.

Good for China.  While we have a F'n moron at the helm they have Xi who is really doing something for the People'sRepublic.

The challenge of US Banking and Finance:  How to assure that capture the BlockChain CryptoCurrency market.  How?  Make the BitPlayers suffer collapse or even the established BankingFinance system fall in the absence of Government bale out.  Public sentiment against that is not only strong but to BankFinance advantage to introduce their control of the answer to the problem that will ensure their control of the BankFinanceDomain for the next 50 years with their own fenced BlockChain monetary system extending into all aspects of object value traded on the market that uses CryptoCurrency based credit as the MediumOfExchange.

Never let a good crises go to waste.

First step: CreateTheCrises

Create the Public Fear of Crypto Currency to take special interest advantage:  I see a prevalence of this at Zero Hedge.

Be very, very afraid:  ‘Wolf of Wall Street’ warns of impending cryptocurrencies ‘scam’
It is a place that we must not go.  A scam in which all will be lost.  If we go there the only true scam will be lost:  The Debt Based Finance Scam devised to the benefit of Finance to enrich itself with the trick of trickle down (controlled to the least amount short of being hanged from a lampost or pierced by a pitchfork) to the Common Good.  A point where the Monetary System defining what Money "Is" is taken away from the Banking System and the only thing left to the Banking System to what Money "Does" just like all the rest of us that use Money as a medium of exchange rather than extraction.  What Money "Does" is the Market in which we all trade.  What Money "Is" belongs to all of us to declare not the Banks in a Market called the USA founded on the self governance choice with the consent of the governed.  Banks must not rule us with what Money "Is" we determine that then we all play the free enterprise game of what Money "Does".

The Information Age is going to declare the attributes of the essential objects of the Monetary System Structure.  In an OpenSourceSystem belonging to all of us, owned by all of us to govern ourselves Crypto Currency will free us from the tyranny of the Banking System sole proprietary ownership of the creation of What Money "Is".  

The Banking system is attempting to protect itself from change the same way that our Government is protecting itself from change to a better state called Peace with benefits for all.  The attempt strategy is........

Fear Based.

Be afraid.........we will preserve and protect from the thing we cause you to fear. 

The Game Plan:  The Banking System will create financial chaos in the established Monetary System to capture total control of the System that will be the solution to the financial chaos:  BlockChain CryptoCurrency.  It is the same BusinessModelGamePlan that was employed to establish the Federal Reserve December 23, 1913 to control what Money "Is".  Money is Debt Creation.  It "Is" Debt Based.  

Crypto Currency in a Blockchain is not Debt Based creation of Money.  It is declared Asset Token Based where the abstract Token Value is perpetuated by virtue of the fact that the token does not go out of existence when the under laying debt to the bank loan is paid back.  The token persists with a unique granular identity connecting to its real time, eternal now last unique transaction code over the continuing passage of indefinite time.

What matters to Banks is not so much that Money "Is" either a debt based in origin system or asset based by declaration of persistent unique token identity like a serialized dollar bill, the only difference being that it does not wear itself out over time like a uniquely serialized dollar bill and we maintain of record not simply of the value of the dollar bill but who owns the serial number on the dollar bill.   Both are tokenized conceptual abstractions.  One lasts in the digital domain forever.  The other only lives as long as its serial number on life cycle paper.   That serial number validates its existence together with unique physical attributes that are not recyclable only reusable as long as they are not worn out.  

What matters to the Banks is that they control what Money "IS".  Its fundamental origin from a debt based bookeeping origin of nothing back to nothing when the created debt is extinguished......or in an eternal cycle as a persistent declared unique tokenized object that is never lost nor worn out makes no difference as long as they control both the system that creates it and extracts rent from it.

It is ironic that Finance will create such great public fear of Crypto Currency as a tool to perpetuate its monopoly on the creation of Money when we get to the point of Financial collapse and they come to our "rescue" with a Crypto Currency system.

A slick and devious plan.

History is at a cross roads where the future will ruled by those that have the gold (banks) or the Public Domain as a Public not a Private resource belonging to the Public by self evident right as well as existing Sovereign Right to the State which is exists as the consent of the governed..

 Maybe the question to be asked is more fundamental?  

Who owns the "State"?  Those with the money to own it by virtue of the money they have to control it?

Is the history of the late 1800's repeating itself?

Will the Information Age give us a different solution than the Industrial Age gave us and now cripples us with a Monetary System controlled by banks because they control the creation of what Money "Is" and by virtue of that control what Money "Does"......for their unjust benefit beyond benefit to the Common Good that the Institution of Banking should serve like any other component of a Market System?

Crises is coming.  That is a given. 
Some will win, some will lose at the granular level.  What matters is at the top level of who wins in the end who the biggest winner and loser will be.....

Public?  All of us going down the road of a more perfect equitable society


Private? A few continuing to abscond with more than their fair share of the wealth of our Self Determined Society called the USA and in the broader scope the World at large?

Which way will the USA go?  The way of who controls the USA and the answer is bleak.

China will go the other way to benefit the Common Good and establish state control of Crypto Currency that will replace the US dollar or any Crypto Currency created by the USA in answer to the pending collapse of the world economy.

Is that the Writing On The Wall that we are too distracted to see.  The ball that we do not have our eye on in this epic shell game that those few with a big stake in the game are branding falsely as a scam.  

The scammers are calling it a scam?   Maybe they fear the end of their game and are smart enough to devise a plan to continue to control the new and more lucrative game the Information Age provides the opportunity to play and be played in.

Will US Treasuries become tokenized Crypto Currencies? 
That is a wild smoking thought I cannot even begin to give substantive support systemic structure. 

Perhaps when we give AI an opportunity access to look at a Crypto Currency system structure and operation it can come up with an intelligent way to free it from sub-optimization by Finance: 
"Unsupervised training is the key to ultimately creating AI that can think for itself, Etzioni says, but “more research is needed outside of the confines of board games and predefined objective functions” before computers can really begin to think outside the box." 

Bill Black is an expert on Predator Class Control Fraud.  Specifically, opioids. but in general it applies to Finance and Monetary Systems as well of which he often writes and is subject matter expert. 

In order to fight an Open Public State Controlled Crypto Currency System the Private Banking System must create a Walled Garden Crypto Currency System.  Transaction Settlement at the Enterprise Level is the first place to do that.  Consumer Level will follow. 

Private Blockchain vs Public Ledger Blockchain: 
Big legacy entities that by growth and size "owned" a walled garden domain by virtual of creation, marketing or maybe just plain initial theft must protect themselves from losing what they "own" to new ways of doing business that essentially breech the protective walls and play in the garden of the Big Legacy Enterprise.  Oracle is big.  A relational data base powerhouse entity has expanded far beyond its origin with a business model that protects and expands its customer turf.  The same could be said of the Banking System that is essentially the Federal Reserve Bank.  It is the oldest and biggest legacy system entity enterprise in the USA with the widest control and application of its walled garden control.  A license to print money from nothing with the US legal system and enforcement power protecting the exclusive Money Making Enterprise.

Oracle has a potential share opportunity to capture a substantial tech sector fallout when the grip of the Fed is exploded by Crypto Currency....unless the Fed is clever enough and fast enough to de-fuse the exposion by getting a private monopoly from the government to create a National Crypto Currency System that continues its domination of what the Monetary System "Is" and as a function of what it "Is" controls what it does.  That, of course, is simply an extension of the Federal Reserve Banking System established by a coup behind closed doors on 23 December, 1913.

The business model of 1913:  Exclusive Private Entity control of a system that produces Money and perpetuates control of what Money used by the Public does.  Failing to do that means extinction of the Federal Reserve Monetary system.

Likewise, Oracle has created a relational data based system that has become pervasive in use.  It must also continue to control a system that has lock on use.  A greater challenge when it does not have a goevernment granted monopoly and power of government to enforce.

Oracle however, being the smartest and fastest kid on the block however........ 

More fear from the Financial Times.  Be afraid of Crypto Currency, be very afraid.  Bring back the $500 bill.  We can't trust the electricity to always be on:  Because Puerto Rico.  Because any other fear that those that stand to lose their PrivateGrip on Currency can gin up to scare the public.

Yes, bring it back, along with bigger denominations all the way up to the $Trillion Dollar Platinum Coin that is in sole possession ownership of the US Government. Currency that is spent into existence by the Government as the origin of a Crypto Currency Blockchain of DebtFreeCurrency that has no counter party balance sheet debt to support its under laying value.  Public Utility Money belonging to the all of us.  Provide a means to exchange the Crypto Currency into a physical form if anyone wants it in that form.  Like the right drawing gold in exchange for dollars on the gold standard.  Gold in the Information Age is gold.  It can be "Gold" in the form a unique identity physical form token that cannot be reproduced.  However, spending it in physical form must be recorded in a physical Blockchain accounting system that operates in the same manner as the digital CryptoCurrency System with proof of work by GreenEysShade real people in vast PeopleFarms called BobCratchits Working for a Private Enterprise called Scrooge Enterprises.

Like any other Crypto Currency Exhange from one form of Digital Crypto Currence to another the Offine Physical Accounting for exchange of one form of currency for another carries a fee that pays the BobCratchits for their proof of work as well as make the owners of the Scrooge Enterprises extremely rich.

The problem with the model is that that use of the physical medium of Crypto Currency carries with it BioMarker ID requirements to substantiate the Identity of the Owner:Spender and NewOwner:Receiver as well as multiple exchange fees.  If anyone wants the physical form of Crypto Currency to hide under the mattress or spend they pay for conversion.  The receiver when it is spent pays a processing fee.  Looks like I just re-created the BankingModel!  Yes!  With added proof of work which makes the new model more legitimate than MoneyOnTrees:Growing.

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