Thursday, June 12, 2014

Temple University Probing Two Professors

Link to this news report:  Temple probing funding of two professors' research

 I would say they deserved to be "probed"

Glowing comments about an industry related to the source of their funding?

The source of their funding not reported?

Cigarette industry model?

Probe 'em.  Let them be guest of the industry they studied for a night........

From the news link:

"After speaking with an Inquirer reporter, the professors contacted the Corrections Corporation of America - the nation's largest private corrections company and one of their funders - and asked it to contact The Inquirer."

This link is the website of Corrections Corporation of America  

Creepy!  Google CCA here and the first hit you get is "CCA-Welcome to CCA" Chilling words to some, I suppose.  

Go to the website and it becomes chilling even if you are not headed there.

From a smiling face at the CCA website:  Note: if you Google CCA be careful not to press too long on the "C" and get CCCA by mistake.  The result could be confusing?  Chilling?  Creepy?  CCCA also offers a warm welcome to its Association.

"Welcome to CCA, the nation’s leading provider of correctional solutions to federal, state and local government."  Note that it claims to have an 85,000 bed capacity to welcome you.  The Motel 6 of the prison industry sector?  Tom Bodette a spokesperson?

CCA is a partnership organization.  That begs some definition of exactly what kind of "partnership" business it is in.  It describes the nature of the partnership at its website link to partnership value and benefits here.  Right up front is this statement that might soon disappear from the link???

"Taxpayer SavingsIndependent research from economists at Temple University found that partnership corrections generates from 12% to 58% in long-run taxpayer savings, giving states more money to invest in additional public safety and recidivism-reducing programs. (Study received industry support.)"

Maybe more forthcoming about funding than the professors were.

The CCA website is very interesting.

Wikipedia gives a broad description of CCA at this link

The American Correctional Association (founded in 1870)  appears to be a self policing agency that  accredits prison industry agencies.

Wikipedia describes Self Policing here.  Skimpy and slanted in my opinion.  Otherwise called Self Regulatory.  Wikipedia does not do much better at that link.  Self policing and self regulatory seemed aimed mostly at the financial industry.  Maybe I am not using the best search term.  Business sector associations that establish non governmental standards of business performance and other sector organization controlling, monitoring, etc. standards are common.  Like the Home Owners Association

ACA website here.

ACA Wikipedia site here

The ACA thanks its memebership at this link for their support in getting, for the first time, a headquarters building near the nations capital.  And they need more money for their 501.3c.

CCA is CXW on the NYSE

This Link to how well it pays and assurance that it will pay to privatize prisons for profit.


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