Monday, June 23, 2014

General Alexander and the Military / Cyber Security Information Complex Extended to Business to Business

I went back to a prior blog entry to enter an update on what I wrote about General Alexander's greed.  Now that he is out of the NSA he carries his greed and the business mode to implement it with him.  Not just greed at a price tag of a million dollars a pop but megalomaniac greed to control.

Direct command and control of people and an institution is core to the military.  I had it as company commander when I gave marching orders.  I said something as a 19 year old kid and 100 men immediately changed direction on my command.  It was like driving a car for the first time!  I have to admit it went to my head.  Firing a .50 machine gun gave the same rush.  So did observing a missile shoot.  The only bigger thrill is having a real target out there.  Boys games.  Other bigger and more important things like changing the policy on disposal of shipyard excess did not compare in terms of emotional thrill but did give satisfaction of a job well done.

I think that Alexander is a junkie that craves the thrill of control power that he enjoyed abusing in an official capacity.

There are many media riffs on the basic report about his new civilian security business but this report covers more than the others.

It is all about the emerging military cyber security industrial commercial complex built on the same model as the military industrial complex.  Fear based.  Instead of investment in tanks and planes to counter tanks and planes the investment is in something far more ephemeral as is the threat. As ephemeral as the threat of communism ever was.  A real cow can only produce so much milk.  A conceptual cow can be used to produce even more.

Banks are afraid of robbers.  The biggest heist is a cyber robber.  They should know.  There is always a bigger fish cyber robber to eat the smaller cyber robber.  If there is not a real bigger cyber robber fish lurking out there then there is big money to be made in creating one.

The ex-military Generals are still emeshed in the government and their old friends in Military/Government but now on the commercial side of the street.  This link describes that situation.  Note the 2nd comment at the link.  I doubt if it was made up.  There are good guys involved too that actually served with honor like Andrew Bacevich.

Added this link info 26 June: 

Alan Grayson: Is Keith Alexander Selling Classified Information to the Banks? | By emptywheel



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