Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Internet of Energy -- Internet of Money

I used this graphic in a prior blog entry.  It has become a significant representation of decentralization balancing the trend to consolidation of power and influence that has caused so many problems in the world today.  Social, economic, political, energy, resource exploitation, global warming.

It is time for the pendulum to swing!  It has generally been said that the tipping point in growth for adoption of a new conceptual idea that changes the status quo is 10%.  Maybe so for conceptual social beliefs.   However, the tipping point in nature is the top of a ballistic arc which is maybe a more technical description of the situation when a pendulum stops going one way for an instant of time and starts going the other way.

The other graphic that I used in the same prior blog entry was this:
One person steps off the scale that balances centralization and decentralization.

Think about this:  What if the person standing at the lectern turns around and steps off?

Nothing.  The elegant beauty of the two graphics is that they are universally understood regardless of any language or conceptual barrier.  The concept of one to many

It is a graphic to be contemplated for awhile to get its full meaning and apply it.

The two graphics have been in the back of my mind for a few days.  Today they came front and center when I read this:

Beyond Obama's Plan: A New Economic Vision for Addressing Climate Change 

Jeremy Rifkin  Author, 'The Zero Marginal Cost Society: The Internet of Things, the Collaborative Commons, and the Eclipse of Capitalism'

His comments far beyond Obama's plan!

The Internet of Energy  An internet where each individual node (person) is a contributor is an owner/producer of energy and contributes excess energy to the grid.  What a grand idea!  What if each individual node was a contributor to the grid of another source of conceptual power to do work called money in excess of their usage?  Is there a system model here?

OMG!  Is the Internet of Energy based on the model of Communism

From each according to his ability, to each according to his need  

Seems to walk like a duck..........................except individual ability satisfies individual needs first.  What is not needed and not used goes into the commons to satisfy others with needs for energy that are not met.  If it is sold into the commons then it is really Free Private Enterprise.

Wow, for a minute there I thought that Communism might have some redeeming value.

If "Energy Capitalism" is centralized what is it when it becomes decentralized?  Really "private" enterprise.  What would that be called.....Energy  ?????

"Energy Communism"  Not the first time energy was considered in that term.

"China and Russia 2.0"? I claim bragging rights in context to creation of that original phrase.  It does appear once previously in a current Google search but not in the context I have created it.

Cottage Energy together produces Community Energy.  Excess community energy goes into the grid.  Interesting idea. 

Has the showdown between Capitalism and Communism always been about energy in its different forms?  

It is all about power. 

What happens when the internet exists on a mesh grid composed of everyone's device having client/server  communication passing in a packet switching network of personal devices.  Can that be done? 

The Internet of Things. 

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