Monday, October 7, 2013

Tree to the Moon

So often it seems that I am climbing a tree to get to the moon. 

Initial progress is rapid and exhilarating. Then it gets to the top.

Each year I seem to be a step ahead as I enter my Sept. to Dec. brainstorm peak.

Is the tree just growing taller with me at the top or am I jumping on a new tree to continue progress.

My college friend, Chemo, sang of climbing ladders on top of ladders to get to heaven.  That is a big difference than climbing the same ladder over again.  Like rolling that stone uphill.  Shoveling sand against the tide.

I once completed Ironman (8 times).  3 times to the ultimate top.  No, not winning it but just completing it in Kona.  I had objectives for each seasonal attempt (20 Years).  If successful my game plan was never to do the same race twice.  Times were longer than the first.  That however is not the measure of success. 

Each race was built on the shoulders of the last race.

Each endeavor to learn something about the conceptual structure I set my sights on is built upon the last effort as an increment.  Money, Information Engineering, Knowledge Management, Philosophy, all the things that I have written about in this blog expanding my comprehension of conceptual structures.  Just like travel journeys expanding my knowledge of the physical world.

Every time I walk out the front door I am on a travel journey.

Every time I sit down and enter the information world called the internet I am also on a travel journey.

Sometimes I take my computer with me when I walk out the front door.

What a joy it might be to write about my travels to new and different places combining getting from point A to B in my way. 

On a bike, on a keyboard.

If I thought I was climbing a tree to the moon I would not open the front door anymore.

However, sometime I wonder if the tree is growing or if I am getting somewhere?

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