Thursday, October 31, 2013

Lavabit - Dark Email--Digital Debt Free money--

This story says Lavabit intends to release its encryption source code as open source.  nd using Kickstarter to do it!

"NSA: You will get my encryption key when you pry it from my cold dead fingers"

Where is the NRA mentality protecting our right to privacy.

NSA: You will get access to my finger print protected computer only with my cold dead finger!

A victory for Open Source!  Like a weapon everyone owns.  Used for better or for worse.  The only thing the NSA could do is outlaw its use by private citizen.

The Right to Bear Encryption?

Our Monetary System, the Medium of Exchange we call US Dollars (M2) must be an Open Source system allowing private money systems based on a central source of debt free digital M2 dollars that may be re-branded and services added by anyone that wishes to enter the M2 money accounting market.

The "Dark Email" code would be excellent for money transactions in private money systems.

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