Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Ripple Monetary System XRP Currency

The Ripple Monetary System described here by Wikipedia.  Ripple described here by Ripple

Ripple model appears to be built on the traditional money model where account is the principal record and money is merely a numerical data element of the account.

In my digital, serialized dollar model Money and Account are two principal high level classes in an object oriented model architecture.  Class:Money has attributes and behavior.  In the current digital money system is just a number in an account.  A number with a plus or minus association depending on which side of the fundamental loan balance sheet you look at at the most basic level underpinning the structure of the model.

However, Ripple has a money object class that has its own attributes and behavior: XRP Currency.  This class is absolutely necessary to fill the vacuum void existing in the current monetary system where money does not exist as a system object other than a number with only mathematical properties and behaviors.  Money must be made an independent class object in order to have attributes and behaviors associated to it.

The attributes and behaviors assigned to the MoneyClass:XRPCurrency are essential in OOD to create a thing in the object oriented system that can do something.  While Ripple uses the traditional account model with money as a number, it assigns attributes and behaviors to the XRP Currency that are essential to the design of an object oriented system.  Politically they did not object properties to money in an account.  They assigned the object properties to an object (XRP Currency) that is associated to the numerical amount of money in the account.

Another way of looking at it.  Paper Currency Money was stripped of its object properties and behaviors, (it still talks) when it went (or goes) to digital form.  It does not even retain its attribute of denomination.  It become just a number to add (or subtract) from an existing total number.

Ripple XRP Currency re-establishes the capacity of the money object to have attributes and behaviors that serve vital essential functions in the virtual money model.

In my model I assigned all of the object properties and behaviors to the virtual dollar itself as a class and instance of a class in the unit of one digital, serialized dollar.  I therefore extracted it from an account data element and made it an object class that Account has to go to and ask how many of your one dollar units are associated with this Account identifier?  Or: This total number of one dollar units is to be associated to a new account identifier.  Change old account identifier association to new account identifier association.

XRP Currency is a neat money object device that does money things in the Ripple System.  It had to be that way.  Money is an Object Class.  No modern system could be developed without structuring money as a Conceptual Object Class.

XRP Currency does the heavy lifting of what a Money Object is and does.  Addition and subtraction to change a balance number in an account was only designed to obscure what money is as an object and therefore make it hard to understand what it is by only looking at what it does.

I like the XRP Currency concept and must look closure at the model.  I am sure it must have been designed by its creators using UML methodology and programmed in an OOP language.  They go hand in hand.  It is the way systems are designed and implemented in today's technology.

XRP has the essential toe hold to become a dominant currency in itself.  XRP is required to pay for the services of the system.  Like taxes! The requirement to pay tax in the coin of the realm creates the coin of the realm.

XRP has no counter-party risk.  Meaning it is debt free money!

This is excellent discussion at the Bitcoin Form about Ripple an XRP Currency.  Vinnie Falco made some great contributions to the discussions at the link and is apparently no stranger to structured thinking in the object oriented mode and displays a keen interest in digital money systems.

Vinnie Falco's home page is here He is an Open Source guy.  And one of his projects is LuaBridge.

"The original version of LuaBridge was written by Nathan Reed. The project has been taken over by Vinnie Falco, who added new functionality and wrote the new documentation. Vinnie also incorporated LuaRef and other Lua to C++ binding contributions from Nigel Atkinson."

The Ripple wiki is here

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