Monday, October 28, 2013

Core Concept of Uniquely Serialized Digital Dollars Each With A Value Of One

A core concept in my object oriented model of virtual digital money is that there are only two virtual places where digital dollars "reside" to the extent that their presence or absence can be found there.  The term "There" being the virtual abode of money.  "Money" being our designated coin of the realm: US dollar currency medium of exchange in digital form.  Money exists in these two places and only in these two places.  It cannot and therefore does not exist outside of these two places.  That narrows down the parameter of the virtual world of money.  Everything that follows is in the domain of the virtual world of digital stuff.

This is a Sidebar....  VirtualWorld:Meme:Joke:  "Money is hard to find".  (Laugh mode on).  Get the joke?  It is not hard to find.  Money is only to be found in two possible places and no other than two possible places. 

1.  A digital dollar virtual record.

2.  A digital dollar account virtual record.

The two records are always in balance.  The total of all dollars in one is equal to the total of all dollars in the other.  The digital dollar record however records each record instance of a dollar a single dollar.  The digital dollar account record records dollar value as an single total number of dollars in any single uniquely identified digital dollar account record.  Every account record is associated with an owner/holder.

There are only two outcomes of finding money in either one of these two virtual places:

1.  Numerically there (present) greater than zero.

2.  Numerically there equal to zero (not present).

These outcomes relate to the digital dollar record and the digital dollar account record as follows:

Digital Dollar Record:  By definition, the digital dollar record is a uniquely serialized digital dollar each with a value of one dollar.  If there are 10 trillion records in the the total digital dollar domain then their total aggregate dollar value is 10 trillion dollars.  If serial numbers are assigned sequentially then the range of serial numbers on these dollars is from 1 to 10 trillion. 
     If; every dollar in the domain must have a unit value of one and serial number.
     Then; it exists and is money and is always found.  A dollar with any unit value 
         other  than one is not possible, it does not exist in the digital dollar domain.  It  
         would  be a zero or negative number value dollar which is a system error, it is not  

Digital Dollar Account Record:  By definition this record is always associated with an account "holder/owner".  It records the total amount of digital dollars in the account expressed as a total on hand balance.  The total on hand balance in the owner's digital dollar account record is always equal to the sum of all associated digital dollars in the digital dollar record each with a value of one digital dollar.

Note:  Association of on hand balance of dollars in the account to  each of unique unit dollar in the digital dollar record is done by a look up table that always knows the identity of every serialized digital dollar in the dollar record associated to a unique digital dollar owning/holding account.

Money found present as a total in an account record is always to be found in equal amount as the sum of all account associated serialized dollars in the Digital Dollar Record.

Money is easy to find.  However, an account can exist if it has a zero balance unlike a digital dollar which does not exist unless it has a positive value of one and a unique identity serial number. 

Money is always found in the Digital Dollar Record.  It may or may not be found as a positive on hand value in the Owner/Holder Account Record.  In that case all that was found out was that there is no money in the account.  A negative on hand value in the account record is a system "not allowed" condition.

Accounting records expressing negative values in terms of dollars are not currency accounts.  They are contractual accounts recording debt obligation terms and conditions that may be settled in currency or  dollar value equivalent.  Those records relate to balance sheet account concepts of debt expressed in dollar terms but have no relation to currency except that currency may be accepted as settlement.

The object oriented digital dollar system model I propose is a debt free monetary system.  A system that deals in money as debt is a contractual type of debt obligation system independent of money.  The essence of money as a currency is not related to that system other than it is something that money does, not what money is.

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