Monday, October 14, 2013

NJ Private Schools for the Disabled

Wow!  This story will probably go viral.  It should.

Christopher Baxter of the Star Ledger is the Eric Snowden of the Private School for the Disabled world.  This example is a child of the Domain of Entities in the Class of Privatized  Government Services.  An attribute of that Class is that services to the public once delivered by public employees and are delivered by free private enterprise with a different business model and behavior.

It is a situation and business model that make the corrupt results described by the investigative report inevitable.  Everything in the model was all structured to deliver the result.

The government is going after Snowden for his exposures.  Who will Baxter bring out of the shadows?  What institutional entity will come out of its secret cave to do battle in defense of this exposure and attack the messenger?

ALEC?   Not obviously nor directly but dig down in the pile of shit before it hit the fan and Alec is at the bottom.  Uncovered by it all hitting the fan gives little room to run and hide.  Cockroaches exposed.

July 16 2013:

Cashing In On Kids: 139 ALEC Bills in 2013 Promote a Private, For-Profit Education Model

What this exposes is more than an isolated example of the government services privatization corruption.  The same opportunities exist for all Child Classes inheriting attributes of the Parent Class: Privatized Government Services.  Not an unknown danger and the alarm is being sounded but with this revelation of truth in the NJ Disabled School System the fire is now clearly seen.

Prisons?   Hmmm.  Many other entities in the same basic enterprise model.

Religious Schools? Hmmm...Religion as free private enterprise.  Interesting conceptual situation there.  Maybe religious schools saw the opportunity to privatize the public enterprise long ago as well as the special interest institutional "profit" opportunity no one dare call corrupt.

Privatized Monetary System?  We see what that has done.

There is an Allegory of the Cave example here.  Somebody saw the truth and has the bravery to come back and tell us we are looking at the shadows on the wall.

Investigative journalism at its finest.  It opens the door to looking closely as its Sibling Child Classes in the object oriented Model.  They inherit the same attributes.  There is a sickness of corruption in the Free Private Enterprise Parent Class.  It has been found to infect the Class because it is a foreign entity that belongs in the Parent Class Government Public Enterprise but with some shared attributes of Government Public Enterprise Parent Class.

Public funding of Free Private Enterprise shifted a critical attribute of a Child Class of the Parent Class: Financial Class Funding from Public Class to Private Class but also shifted control (shifted by default of not linking to the Parent Class: Control probably more a situation of abrogation or negation of control mechanisms relating to Government Control in that class) to the model of Class: Control with a Child Class: Free Private Enterprise.

In other words: The schools got the money but not the government controls.  They controlled in accordance with the Free Private Enterprise System which a a principal abhors and government control.

The NJ schools had their cake and ate it too.

They did it at taxpayer expense.

We let them do it.  Maybe not so much at fault when the aim of parents with children having disabilities, as well as society in general is to give these children compassionate care commensurate with its cost.  A Social Society Domain Problem opportunity to be preyed upon by the Child Class: Extraction of the Parent Class: Fraud.  A Child class with attributes that operate on both the Public Class and Private Class children of the Class: Enterprise.

That is my UML, Object Oriented way of looking at the Problem Domain.

There is another Parent Class involved here:  Public Citizen.  A Big Class Entity with some big Attributes as well as Behaviors.  When another Big Class Entity: Media sends it a message there are certain behaviors the Public Citizen Class (US) knows how to take.

Media sent a Message to Us

Thanks to the instance of a Child of Class Media named Christopher Baxter.

A vote is a message sent by an instance of the Class:Citizen called Me (Class:Citizen:Me) that is sent to various Child Classes of the  Parent Class: Government:ElectedOfficials:My Elected Official. with the relative aggregate power of a one to one, one to many and many to many relationship.

Media has the advantage of sending a message with the great relative power of One to One and One to Many.  The Many to Many messages that Children of the Class:Media sends impact the general course of a slow moving ship.

When one lookout sees the rocks ahead and shouts out a clear warning message to all of us then an immediate course change can be made if we are at the helm and it has the connections to the rudder to change course drastically.

The trouble is that this an "In Extremis" situation.  It is a test of the system and the system is corrupted.  It is a test of our ability to correct it and maintain command and control of our society.

That is a power to be protected by the rights of those that have it because it not only identifies problems but maintains the system to avert it.  

On the other hand it is a power that is feared by those that would sub-optimize the system in their own self interest to the detriment of the system we have established and call ours because it serves us best based on our stated objectives and values.

Let the ones that fear us the most come forth and self identify themselves...unless they hide behind layers of secrecy that protect their identity and their methods.

When the lights go on we can see the rats scurry.

This points out what will probably happen as a result.  It is among the multitude of messages pointing at the rocks.

Christopher Baxter sends a factual message about what has happened in one situation that is merely a representative of all the institutional entities that are like it sharing the same attributes of continued government funding of Free Private Enterprise (FPE) operating of previously operated Government functions without the prior structure of government controls.  Those controls are substituted with the ideology of FPE that claim to be a superior method of management based on their set of rules and objectives.

The failure of rules and objectives of others to promote the general welfare regarding our governance is why we have our system of governance that balances the operation of our country for the good of us all and not previous or alternate forms of government by divine right, religion, or other dominant power.

Our monetary system, what it is and what it does has also been preempted and controlled by a small special interest in the same ideological manner as the game plan of private enterprise controlling public domain concepts and entities by means of public money used as a decision making tool of private enterprise with private enterprise rules and self proclaimed natural rules of market place controls in lieu of government controls or lack there of by design of private enterprise power to control government.

My proposal for a debt free monetary system of digital, serialized dollars presents a neutral level playing field of what money is for  application to what money does: In application operation it implements decisions for the allocation of resources.  There are only two types of decision makers that make decisions about two states of money:  Public and Private sectors.  Public=Government.  Private = Non Governmental.

There is a private sector segment that wants to make all the decisions about what money does by denying any power to the government to use public money to make those decisions.  To do it by drowning government in a bathtub.   They however will want the power of the government to remain to transfer money to them for them to make the decisions on what to do with it in accordance with their self correcting rules of market place.  No government is the best government.  I am sure that when the government gets around to prosecuting the schools in NJ involved in this scandal I am sure they will be wishing there was no government.

Surely, FPE will seize the crises to show how their rules would not have resulted in the scandal.  That the government failed.

Throw some shadows on the wall of the cave.

Problem with that strategy:  The truth.

It is a strange situation when austerity is a tool that among other objectives forces a shift in government assets and services to the private sector with the government continuing to pay for the performance of these services, often performed with government assets.  Certainly in this case the private enterprise sector that gets paid by the government to do what government did would not want that prior function of government with government money now paid to them to suffer from any austerity program.  On the contrary there is a win-win if the money from the  government to perform the function handed to them can be increased by an offset in decrease in government money being spent elsewhere.  Either exclusive government funded and operated services or, government money going to other private enterprises being paid to do things that were previously in the domain of government services.

Good old free private enterprise competition for government money to do government functions.  Ethically they FPE benefactors probably have a non-compete clause within their own sector, like privatized education or prisons through "Associations for Self Protection"  However any other sector getting government money is fair game.  Perhaps that indicates that conglomerate ownership is the business objective.  To own the rights to government money to operate schools and prisons and all other business enterprise entities that fit the same model.  It is a private enterprise war for turf in the government funded business domain.  Logically, the war will result in about 8 (the big 8) sectors of our nations economy dividing government money among themselves and all agreeing to a non aggression, non-compete pact.  Together they all support reduction in government through privatization with some sector capitalizing on privation (the opportunity to plunder through control fraud or just good old theft) where government continues to pay for the service it once performed.

Tutors With Computers  Another case of free private enterprise receiving government money for school services that were not exactly performed previously by the government but payments for requirements in "No Child Left Behind".  Another way to get government money, perhaps a subsidiary of a "Privatized School Compnay"

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