Friday, October 4, 2013

Hayden jokes of putting Snowden on kill list

"Will no one rid me of this troublesome priest?"

Hardly original way to convey a desire for elimination that grants sanction to the action.

Link Here

A way for a superior to get things done in the military with out being responsible for commanding it.

UNODIR  Maybe the flip side of getting things done.  I will do this unless you otherwise direct me not to do it.  UNORDIR is a message sent at the same time the action is taken to preclude any direction not to do what is stated to be done in the message.  In other words:  I take full responsibility for this action because I did not give you time to approve or disapproved.

UNODIR:  Used if absolutely sure it is the right course of action that a superior would otherwise deny permission if they had the time to do so.

Two very interesting passing of intent to do something differentiated by the nature of who, subordinate or superior initiates the intent to do something.  In most cases they have the same effect as an order:  This thing will be done.

I have in my career used UNORDIR.  In one case with the intent to not give time enough for response, in the other knowing that a response would not be given.  Non-response not necessarily intentional or unintentional.  Depends on what the superior wants it to be and what is deniable.

Maybe it requires understanding the culture.

I once used the "who will rid me" unintentionally.  A sailor that exceptionally troublesome in my division.  I was talking in jest that maybe we should put out a hit on him in Olongapo.   My CPO said he could go to Subic City and have it arranged!  In no uncertain terms I had to tell my chief that is not what I meant.  The sailor was transferred to the laundry and put lye in my skivvies.  Gave me second thoughts about the hit.

Another time the CPO said that a sailor found stealing might accidentally fall down a ladder.  It is called "lower deck justice"  An UNODIR if I had said that it would be unfortunate or nothing at all.  That was as emphatically denied as well as some direct orders as to the way things were to be done or not done.

Hayden is a pathetic piece of dis-honorable unfit crap.  I am ashamed of him.  He belongs in the category of the Marine General that said it is fun to kill. 

From the link:

UPDATE: Mr. Hayden elaborated on his comments on Thursday via email to RT's Marina Portnaya.

"The quote is correct," writes Hayden. "I was intentionally broad and undefined and it was never a proposal."
"I never suggested he be put on any list. I simply reflected ruminations in my darker moments," he adds. 

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