Saturday, November 3, 2012

The Purpose Of Drowning The Governemt (FA- Fighting Alligators)

Why Drown Government?  To strip it of any control of business.  The core of business is money.  Money itself is a business and it is big business that subject to government control to regulate it for the common good.

How to Drown Government?  Attack its credibility with this meme:  Do you want government managing your money?  They could not even manage a household budget!

Why attack so vehemently? They attack what they fear the most to make what they fear what we should fear.

The simplest thing that money does is act as a medium of exchange between two parties.  Used to be is was accomplished by transfer from one hand to another.  Old Owner to New Owner.  It became more convenient for a third party middle-person to handle that exchange as a clearing house function.  That function grew to be of foremost importance in the exchange and became institutionalized in banks.  In this Information Age functions related to information management that were institutionalized to brick and mortar establishments.  By association with with the function they performed they became very important.

The clearing house functions of banks which is merely processing receipts and disbursements from an cash account is now a relatively minor information management task that is a commodity that any bank anywhere can perform.  Banks actually don't do this function, it has largely been outsourced to Credit Card Companies that make money on this rather mundane task that used to be assigned to beginning accountants with green eye shades and feathered pens.  The Credit Card Companies make money on this less than lucrative function that banks offloaded to them by giving value added to the customer....value added that the customer pays for one way or the other.

Banks therefore are not in the business of record keeping of in individual money exchange transactions for goods and services traded in the economy.  They only receive the total of all exchanges at the end of the month for settlement with the Credit Card Companies.

The Bank and Credit Card Company used to be so strongly related that having the Bank's name on a credit card used to make us think the card belonged to a bank, not somebody the bank had outsourced to.  Now airlines and anyone else can have their name associated to the credit card.

Banks outsourced the individual transaction clearing function downward.  They did not want to be the processors of billions of transactions during a month.  All they wanted was the final total of all these transactions at the end of the month to perform a monthly clearing house function between all accounts in the banking system.  Banks had better and more profitable ways to apply their resources beyond mundane cash accounting: Finance!

Pure genius.  Get rid of the job of handling a great magnitude of small individual transactions by consolidating them to the end of the month through outsourcing their accounting function to Credit Card Companies but retaining the essential object that is the fractional reserve cornerstone of the business that enables making big money with the smaller volume of big money transactions in the financial world.  Both creating the money in big chunks for those transactions but also serving as a clearing house for big money chunk exchanges.  Big money chunks that become near money but when push comes to shove must be settled with real money that is the medium of the little financial entities of the world and their little money exchanges.

What we must do for the public good is to move the medium of exchange transaction clearing function up a level from both the Banks and Credit Card Companies.  In that process make the near money that is the rubber money, funny money of the big money world behave more like the little real money in our world.  That is done by a transition from a debt money system to a debt free money system and a top level clearing house for both to handle all transactions involving the medium of exchange.

Simple:  The only two things, the only two objects related to each as the essence of the system is the Owner of Money and its relationship Money Owned and therefore available for an application program called Exchange that is a program but accomplishes an action between that changes the relationship at a transaction level between Owners and Money.

In aggregate Money is a relatively fixed amount that changes slowly and in small degrees as a function of management responsibility and authority to regulate its stability and value for the common good.

In aggregate Owners are all the financial entities that use Money as a medium of exchange.  We serialized our dollar bills printed on special paper with special graphics to fix their authentic identity as they passed from hand to hand.  Money moved among its owners.

Now we can authenticate money digitally.  Once created and authenticated as digital dollars each with a value of one it exists forever.  The possibility therefore is also enabled to move owners from dollar to dollar instead of dollars from owner to owner to accomplish ownership change.

Which choice is better?

I believe that the rules applying logic to the most basic conceptual objects upon which any conceptual system is built is to choose the (relatively) most persistent and unchanging object as the primary object in the system to be the fixed object upon which the system is built.  The Owner is the most important object.  Owners are us.  Have we as creators of our Information Age which applied our intelligence to the real world at a point in time where the real world does not revolve around us as the most important object but we revolve around it?  Might this also be true of the conceptual world that we have created with our intelligence that what we create does not revolve around it but we revolve around the creation?

Money is the fixed object in our conceptual financial world.  Ownership relationship of fixed discrete Monetary Units (identified by our account name/number) is what should change.  Money is a concept we have created that will live forever, or as long as we need it.  We created and have stewardship of the conceptual system.  Our debt to future generations is not to reduce the National Debt but to get the conceptual system right for them to inherit.

Wouldn't we rather pass on to future generations National Savings and a monetary system that enables us to build the country and society that we dream as expressed by our formal and informal dreams?

Our National Debt is our National Savings.  Only a small change which most people will probably not notice (but the few most self proclaimed important people certainly will and probably foresee) in our conceptual thinking is required and the structural evolutionary changes that it dictates.

Seems like a good idea to me.  Maybe I did more draining of the swamp than fighting alligators with this entry.

The alligator I intended to battle was "Why Drown Government"  the answer is that moving the simply monetary clearing records (money and account) up from both Bank level (big money, fewer transactions) and Credit Card Company level (small amounts, big volume transactions) means putting at the level of the Public Common.  Our government.

The best weapon that opponents of this idea have is to discredit government with the meme that it can't do anything right, whatever it does is wrong, it is incompetent, it is never really here to help us (most feared words).

How to make government look totally incompetent?  Put a totally incompetent stuffed suit, coiffured airhead or empty headed 10 gallon hat in the top spot.  It is a win, win for those that want to drown the government in a bathtub that are the ones that want to pull all the strings of our society. 

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