Friday, November 2, 2012

Keeping My Eye On The Ball

It is my intent to keep my eye on the ball and the game in which it is an object of play in my proposed system of debt free digitized, serialized dollars where the dollar is a fixed central record on which the the owner relationship changes from old owner to new owner as a product an trade exchange.

However, it is like the situation where I must keep my focus on the primary objective of draining the swamp while fighting the alligators.

From time to time I have to divert to fighting the alligators.  Each one defeated is necessary and contributes in some way (however mysterious) to draining the swamp.  Contributes even if it reminds me of the ultimate reason I want to drain the swamp. 

The reason I want to drain the swamp is that I do not want to be bitten in the ass by the alligators.

I must divert to wrestling alligators occasionally as much as I want to go in a narrowly focused straight line from blog entry to the next blog entry in progress toward my ultimate conceptual objective with every subsequent tightly focused post in this blog.

Computer programs are written in a tightly controlled format that allow contributory diversion when necessary from the main line of object/process logic but return to that line when the diversion is complete.  The diversion is necessary to the program objective.

That thinking is applied here in where my blog goes from this turning point several entries ago.

Sometimes I must divert to related matters like a sub-set object or its sub-routine to deal with problem domains at that level or at least develop understanding of them for later resolution.

The nest blog is one of those diversions.  To indicate it is a diversion from draining the swamp to fighting an alligator, and remind myself that it is a diversion from which I will return to the main objective I will try to format the blog entry by coding it as a diversion (Fighting Alligators- FA) or an entry on the main mission line (Draining the Swamp- DS)

The next blog entry is one of those diversions but it is one that I woke up thinking about this morning.  Exploration of the idea may put National Debt in a new perspective relationship in regard to its nature as a Debt or an Asset.

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