Monday, November 12, 2012


I woke up this morning at 2 am, as I often do when intuition knocks hard at my door of sleep and says "Wake up and let me in".

I opened the door and intuition said that I have the conceptual structure of my dreamed up money system right, stop dreaming about it, writing about it that structure and bring it into existence.  Give birth to it.  I focus on expressing the conceptual structure through this blog so that I can understand it and that has become a concern to go to greater lengths to express it so others can understand it.  The recent flurry on hits on the blog made me think about that.  Few have ever looked at anything I have written.  Maybe just random searches that returned to them something they were not looking for anyhow.

But I divert.

When we talked at 2 am intuition told me that I should get on with the idea by presenting it as an academic vehicle, and experimentation.  Say that it exists, hypothetically in existence and operating.  If nobody reads my blog posts then I do not need to continuously try to sell them on the idea of the inner workings.  I have sold myself enough.  Confirmed enough of my own intuitions resting on object oriented structural concepts applied to the problem domain of money.

Now I should apply the conceptual structure model as if it existed.  I should apply it in such a way as to facilitate its comprehension in the real world of application.  One of the best ways of doing that is to present it as a thing that is new but is really just like or more or mostly like this thing that we all know.  My new concept conceptually equals (more or less within a tight range of variance) this old conceptual structure that we all know and love.

To a degree, current conceptual structures of money and economics exist in the faith based problem domain of ideology.  Money, what it is and what it does is purely a problem domain founded on science but related in many ways to faith based structures.  The environment in which they both operate must be one of separation of the right to believe and practice faith based concepts as faith dictates consistent with with the requirements to form a social union for the common good.  In that environment there is no forced reconciliation between the freedom and individual right to believe anything you wish to believe on faith without any compromise with facts or other faiths to the extent that those beliefs and practices are not detrimental to those of your neighbor.  We all get along.

Believe what you want but do no harm.

Ah ha!  What is the definition of harm?  Violation of fair and equal by mutual consent?  Fair trade and exchange in our real world affairs.  Do unto others.......

What money is and what it does should do no harm.  But it does.  The best we can do is devise the best possible system in which, systemically, harm is minimized, benefit to the common good of all that use it is maximized.  Money is a means to allocate resources, our decision making tool that our freedom of choice employs to obtain and expend as a medium of exchange for what we have to offer and what we wish to obtain in exchange as well as a means to price establishment in the market place in terms of the medium of exchange.

I have brought a conceptual system out of my intuition which seems to operate best in the Object Oriented domain of thinking.  It is a Money System based on unique identification of each unit of money (Digital Dollar) in a digital information domain employed as a tool to make decisions to buy and sell goods and services. The buying/selling price is based on an aggregate sum of individual unique units of Digital Dollars uniting a buyer and seller in a transaction having an aggregate sum amount called total price where the trade of goods and services is implemented not by increase/decrease at the  account level but the lowest possible granular level of money itself:  By a change of ownership of each unique Digital Dollars equal to the sum of the transaction amount.

Which comes first?  The chicken or the egg?

The increase/decrease at the account level based on the total price of the exchange of money.  Then the change of ownership to the unit level of each individual dollar?


The change of ownership to the unit level of each individual dollar involved in the transaction.  Then posting the total of each dollar involved to increase/decrease the accounts of the seller/buyer.

Real Time solves this old question.

They happen simultaneously.  If they do not then there is a system fault.

Account is a system user view of the Money System that serves their need

Individual Digital dollar ownership is the system view of the Money System.  The unit basis on which the system is built to serve the end user need.  The unit level with which the user does not have to be aware of but can know and view if they wish a print out or screen display of every single serialized digital dollar in the total system with their identity name on it.

Looking at things that are mine, my view, the view I choose, as the sum total conceptual expression of the results of my work expressed as a total amount of the individual units in an account is most convenient to me and serves me best.

The individual words in this post in my blog sum up in aggregate to the one word total equal to the sum of the words.  All these words equal "Intuition"  The words were used to create the structure of the single thing that they were intended to explain.  I stated the single word at the beginning then did a top down break down to its supporting structure in a rather narrow problem domain of money.

I can read all the words, so can anyone else that cares to read them, and do a bottom up assembly leading to the top word: Intuition.  The subject I chose to talk about.  Money was merely my chosen problem domain of Object Relationship between Intuition and Money.

Intuition as an Object has its own problem domain worth understanding.  That is why I stray from the strictly direct line of applying Intuition to the problem of money and go back to or jump in the middle of a thought from analysis of money problems to analysis of Intuition as a problem domain for me to investigate and analyze it, learn more about what it is and what it does even as I use it as a tool to solve the more immediate problem domain of money.

There is not end to learning.

However, if learning at the fundamental level is never applied to the  real world then what good is it.

I have to apply it to my objective:  A better Monetary System.

This likewise is a which came first the chicken or the egg situation.  The total sum amount of money posting to the buyer/seller account then changing ownership of the related unique units? Or:  Making unit level changes to sum up to plus/minus changes in the account?

Macro and micro happen in real time.  If we want to follow how it all happened in real time them we can go step by step starting at the top or starting at the bottom and take all the time in the world to step through a bottom up assembly or a top down breakdown of how it was all done in real time.

Top down or bottom up the choice is the end both approaches integrate and the test is can you repeatedly get from the same start point to the same end point regardless of which one you start from.  (with a check sum!)

Intuition is the real time happening of our pattern of thought.

Money going to the account of each and then "exploded" using an "exploder program" to apply that sum total to all of the individual units of serialized digital dollars with the buyers ownership identification necessary to equal the total sum and change the ownership of each dollar at the account level is the way the Money System itself should operate. Users can perceive its operation in whatever view they wish to use even if they want to get down to the octal level of the logic system and the nano level of the physical machines that it operates on.

Most would not even wish to start that journey but they or anyone could.  The beauty of our Technological age is that someone, some small number of people have collectively taken that journey a to the bottom of logic and real things an made something beautiful for us to use to do wonderful things even if we do not know how it works.

The ultimate beauty is that I really believe as a matter of faith that each of us could take that same journey that those few have taken to the edge of logic and physics.  Fortunately, we don't have to but we could.  They have been there.  It is real, it is true. The existence of what was built starting from where the few have gone to discover and apply the building blocks of logic and physics is proved by what that journey has created and brought back to us.

Like Columbus going around the world to prove it was round.  We could do it, anyone could do it today first class travel in less than 80 days.

If religion was so easy to prove it would be science.

Maybe it will be someday?  The name would probably have to be changed to Spirituality.  The formula for that would be?

 Religion minus ???? = Spirituality. 

????= Not True.  Not True = Intuition X Domain Specific Ability

I made a round trip even if nobody else ever reading it might take the same round trip

Back where I started but that of course is bottom up assembly of the subject that was the object of a top down break down to a whole lot of words the preceded and end with this period.


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