Tuesday, November 13, 2012

If All Money Was Positive

If all money was positive serialized and digitized dollars then all we have to do to balance the books is to sync  the current owner account file sum total of money owned (account balance) and the central record of each and all individual Digital Dollar  owners.

The bottom line balance validates the integrity of the system micro to macro level.

There is no offsetting negative to balance against when all money is positive.

There is no National Debt to balance the money supply against.

The National Debt became our National Asset composed of all Digital Dollars in the system.  The National Asset would be a savings account composed of dollars used as a medium of exchange and a store of value.  It would continue to be primarily a store of value to those who previously held a portion of the National Debt as their asset.  Their asset as the National Debt would be their asset as the National Asset and they would join the rest of us that use our portion of the total National Asset more as a medium of exchange with minimum savings as a store of value.

There would not longer be a negative balance side to the existence of base money.  That base money however could be used for anything that anyone desired it to be used for including loans and finance in which debt and associated balancing negatives in double entry accounting are applied.

Base money is not a double entry bookkeeping domain.

Base money exists independently of debt and only has to be balanced to itself by syncing its units and holders at the lowest and highest levels. Just like a big cloud of iTunes.

Are you listening Apple?  Oracle?  Google?  Why provide services to others to manage a medium of exchange?  Get in on the business and take market share from the bankers!  They don't want this mundane thing anyhow, they just want it to pay off their lost bets on funny money with our real money.  It will be a different story when they are not the creators of money anymore.

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