Thursday, November 22, 2012

Defeat By Demotion

The kingpin of the banking system structure is the Account, not Money and the adverse functional results of this conceptual object called "Account" can be resolved and defeated by demoting it to a lower level of the M2 Money Supply Monetary System Domain.  The M2 money supply segment of the financial system domain is exclusively at the highest abstract level all about money as a medium of exchange, not about accounts in which money resides as a function of the account.

Bankers devised the conceptual object "Account" to rule the conceptual design and implementation structure of the M2 money supply.  M2 Money itself is the proper ruling conceptual object that must be elevated to a primary conceptual object determining the structure of the M2 money supply.

M2 money supply must not be under the domain (a child of) the parent "Account" and associated rules dictated by Balance Sheet accounting.  Money must have ownership of its own  attributes which determine the nature and structure of the conceptual system in which it operates as a medium of exchange and those attributes are now owned by the conceptual object called "Account."

In my opinion and viewpoint attributes that are logically "owned" by the conceptual object Money were in effect stolen by the conceptual object Account.  The use of the word "stolen" is entirely intentional meaning that at one time money did in fact own these attributes.  They were covertly stolen and must be returned to money as  matter of restorative justice.

There! I think I'm getting someplace by blowing a big hole in the barrier wall that has stopped me.  The Berlin Wall went down fast and nobody saw that coming either!

Now I am coming to grips with the enemy and understand its weapon of choice and strategy for use.

Exactly what attributes properly belonging to the conceptual object "Money" were stolen by conceptual object "Account"?

First and foremost is Identity.  Unique Identity at the most basic granular unit level of money.  That is exactly what I intend to restore to M2 Money to put it in its proper relationship to Account.

Wikipedia defines identity in object oriented system terms this way:

An identity in object-oriented programming, object-oriented design and object-oriented analysis describes the property of objects that distinguishes them from other objects. This is closely related to the philosophical concept of identity.

Read more about identity at the Wikipedia link.

What we have here is an Identity Crises!

Wheee...!  Am I cruisin' or what?  This is a blitzkreig of thought!  This is the emancipation of Money!  What was it that slaves did not have?  A unique identity as an individual!  What did our male dominated society impose as a social structure on the female population? An absence of equal identity.  A ritual stripping of identity called changing surname but in reality the imposition of a dominating and subservient status.  Women in Burkas have no evident identity.  However, keep in mind as my sister said to me, that identity freely given up or released as a freedom of choice is not stolen. 

Wow.  This is on the way to becoming a 99% rainbow coalition idea.  The Attribute of identity owned by Money was stolen by Account that means it was stolen from Our Money.  Almost all of us!

A Grand Theft Of Identity!  We want the identity of our M2 money supply returned to it.  It was stolen and the domination and use of that identity gained by theft  and assumed by "Account" has been fraudulently been used against us by Banksters.

In our three part government we have an impartial third party justice system that objectively administers justice.  War is forward looking justice war waged unilaterally by those who seek restorative justice and have no other means to obtain it.  That means direct conflict between two parties initiated by those that seek justice with no other recourse available.  A just war.

The two opposing forces:  The People's Open Source arsenal, war machine and strategy against the Bankster's arsenal, war machine and strategy as well as its allies. 

When the line is drawn in the sand on the issue of the M2 Money Supply Identity Theft and all those involved are demanded to take one side or the other which side which will the government choose.  A very strange situation since the creation of money and regulation there of is a sovereign right of our government.

Finally said as clearly (more or less) as I can say it and exactly what I want to say.  About time!  I think it was worth the effort to draw the battle lines and exactly what I am going to fight over.

Retired navy.  Still mission oriented!  This is a just war.  My final war reparations for fighting an unjust one.

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