Friday, November 16, 2012

Math and Science

I began following math babe (Cathy O'Neil) because she often appears on Yves Smith site that aggregates an eclectic collection of information generally related to financial matters in all their various aspects.  Money is the glue that puts everything together so that covers a big territory.  I never know what I will find at her site but the probability is high that it will always be interesting and lead me via links down paths that I could follow all morning.  It often goes totally out of anything related to finance which I guess is the point of her "Antidote DeJour" pictures.

Yves (Susan Webber) also expresses her opinion on her site and I find that I value highly what she has to say.  Known by the kind of people she associates with.

Mathbabe is a very interesting person.  Active in OWS.  Evidently a brighter bulb in the math world but I don't know much about that universe.  She seems smart.  I can follow what she says but the math used to express it is beyond me.  Maybe not beyond you.  You might find her blog interesting  also, at least some of her entries depending on floats your boat in the math world.  That is why I send you this email.

Mathbabe here.

Proof is fundamental concept and this morning I read what mathbabe had to say about it here.

I have been thinking about logic and proof since reading this a couple of days ago.  Robert Harper's site also interests me.  It bridges or connects or mirrors, (take your choice, one or all) computational science application into a higher realm of being.  Thinking about being is philosophy.  Or is it thinking about thinking?  I'll think about that.

Just thought you might also be interested in these sites.  The joy in retirement or semi-retirement is the time to look at stuff like this and think about it on the bike or wherever I multi-task my doing and thinking.

My focus of thought over the last couple of years has been alternative monetary and financial banking systems.  The ones we have now not only don't work but are crazy in their conceptual structure design.  Not so crazy depending on design objective.  Works beautiful (pays big time) for those that designed it and control it.  Analyzing the system takes me down to (actually up to since it is a bottom up assembly process, not top down breakdown) a square one, start all over point which is close to  the trinity of Logic, Languages and Categories.  Basic thinking stuff like Proof too.  Our Banking System needs to be re-designed by scientists like mathbabe (Logic).  People like Robert Harper to program it (Language) and people with problem domain specific knowledge like Yves to assemble the structure (Categories).  Each and all with a clear design purpose of the common good founded on fundamental truths like the ones we declared to be self evident if we can't find any better proof of being.  Maybe that is the best proof.  No argument. With a crowd like this it could be a "Crowd Sourced" and  "Open Source" project. 

If I could do college all over again I would study all things related to this.  Too late now but I find it all fascinating and not too late to learn something about it all.

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