Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Sir Santa Claus---Tim Berners Lee -- Merry Christmas!

I wrote the following as a preface to the prior blog entry of the previous day.

However, it deserves a blog post that stands alone.

This is that post.

In honor of Sir Tim Berners-Lee I post this link:  

The World Wide Web (WWW) is our user interface to the Information Age.  The Internet is a back office function that we interface with when we pay our bill to the service provider.  To call our WWW user interface the "Internet" is an injustice to the open source gift given to us by Sir Tim.  This is a season where we remember a gift given to redeem the world (some believe) and in that spirit we give gifts to others (if that is the causal factor) and receive them from Santa (I believe!)  This is what I want to say:  Sir Tim has given the world a gift that will keep on giving as it brings the world closer together.  Symbolically has had given us the framework structure by which we can all symbolically join hands in unity.

Describing the gift given us by Sir Tim as the "Internet" instead of the WWW is analogous to describing Santa's sleigh that he rode in on as the Spirit of Christmas.   "Internet" describes our machines.  That too is a gift of many technicians working in the back office like the reindeer pulling the sleigh.  We give them credit too.  All geeks should be honored with a red nose and at least one song as they guide our sleigh tonight.

Sir Tim is an extremely modest Santa that does not seek fame nor great profit.  Maybe that is why we choose Santa as a role model figure of gift among ourselves or bestowing lumps where appropriate.  Our ability to do that is gift called the WWW given to us by Sir Santa Tim!

Giving credit where credit is due is a "Thank you" gift.  Maybe as I seek to find what money is, not what it does perhaps "Thank you" is our best Medium of Exchange involving credit and credit due. 

How can I apply the Block Chain to "Thank you". 

Pay it forward.  Block Chain it all back to the source from which it sprang.

Merry Christmas!

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