Monday, December 28, 2015

Monetary System Paradigm Shift - Shadows On The Wall With Background Music

Money should be simple.  It is not.

Or am I just to simple minded to figure it out.  To see it for what it is, not for what it does?  I just keep banging away with an object orientation that is my frame in which money exists as a uniquely identified digital dollar existing as a granular instance of the aggregate class of Money.  Money distinct and independent of the sole identity of a numerical identity number that appears in an Account.  An attribute of balance sheet Account with the same numerically exact and equal value number exists as a negative and positive value that is one or the other in nature, debit or credit depending on who claims ownership.

That seems a simple conceptual structure architecture to me.

However, I have the feeling that even at this simplistic level there is something big and bold just below the surface that I am missing.  That everyone is missing.  I is like that shark music building in Jaws.  Something big is impending that rides in on the back of Monetary System Problem Domain.  I can "hear" it ominously coming but I just can't quite see it.

Whatever it is, this is what I think will be its frame.  It, whatever it is, will be a paradigm shift.  An immediate change as one conceptual structure morphs into another frame of reference.  The stage is set by the Information Age that increasingly detaches (by abstraction) the logical conceptual nature of a thing from its prior physical association representation.  It makes it easy to change the abstracted concept because it is no longer bound to a physical characteristic that by the nature of a physical association makes it hard to change.

Ideas can change faster than physical things they are attached to.  That perhaps is the foundation of creativity.  Prior to conception of a thought in the mind an idea did not exist.  As a thought spawned in the mind it has no physical link association.  The thought then may become invested in a physical object.  Every object created by a human being was at one time only a thought.  A thought that could change as quickly as conceiving a table or a chair.  Once the manifestation of the thought as a real world object began it was increasingly difficult to change the nature of the object from a table to a chair.  Conceptually I can change a table to a chair by manipulating it on a computer screen.

Money is a conceptual thing object that can change with the speed of a paradigm shift.  Maybe all that is necessary is to cut the umbilical cord that physically attaches it to what it was and make it a totally independent conceptual object from the physical nature what gave it birth.

The last vestige of  currency is physical cash.

This is simply an example of a rapidly accelerating  trend toward physical extinction that is in the last mile of a long journey.

We see it in credit cards, Apple Pay, blockchain digital currency.  One day, just like going off the gold standard, we will go off physical cash.  It will be a paradigm shift at a point in time like the stroke of  the hands of a clock when it reaches midnight, or noon.  Actually it must be exactly that.  A single instant in time when physical currency is no longer the medium of exchange.  It is like when I was in Vietnam and a change from one form of physical currency was announced one day and by a specific time the old currency was worthless and replaced by the new currency.  Everyone military member was given an opportunity to change  currency, one for one.  The Vietnamese that had accepted and adopted the old issue MPC did not have that opportunity.  We screwed them on more ways than one.

War in its classic death and destruction nature is a good example of the locking together a concept and its physical manifestation.  Blow things up.  Rape pillage and burn.  It is extremely physical.

"However, as Locke noted, the pax victoris need mean no more than the end of actual fighting; in other respects, it still is war by another name."  Another named conceptual object that shed the physical binding to objects and their employment in classic legacy warfare.  The change was a paradigm shift at a point in time like the 11th hour  of the 11th day of November, 1916.  Celebrated later as "Remembrance Day".   A day when a physical reality became a purely abstract memory in a paradigm shift.  

There was a physical mess to be cleaned up.  A conceptual mess too.  However, when there is no physical binding involved in a paradigm shift, only a conceptual binding then what is the the conclusion?  It makes it easy, especially easy because the negative legacy conceptual bindings can be planned for.  It is all conceptual.  

There is no physical manifestation of a conceptual paradigm shift when people can be manipulated to embrace it.

Maybe that is the ominous music I here building in the background.  People were manipulated to embrace the Federal Resrve (after the fact).  The more elegant design would have people embracing the paradigm shift before the fact.

Aha! The elegant concept of skinning a cat by inducing it to jump out of its on skin.  It takes great cleverness and skill of a magician to do that.  They are already skilled at pulling rabbits out of a hat and making us wonder in amazement:  How did they do that?

When there is a paradigm shift in the Monetary System we are going to say the same thing.  When the good guys make the shift we will know the answer and see the picture.  When the bad guys make the sift we will be wondering in amazement:  How did they do that?

I hear it coming but as plain as the writing is on the wall I cannot read clearly the shadows dancing on the wall or the ones that are casting them.  I hope it is the good guys.

"Be calm everyone, no need for fear, we will protect you.  It is safe to go into the water, move along..."

"Yes, but who are you and who do you work for?"

"If I told you I would have to shoot you".  (the truth)  Try it you'll like it.  (lie)


Hey, I'm standing in the water working for your common good.  (the truth)  Try it you'll like it. (truth)

A conceptual paradigm shift can just as easily go one way or the other.

What is it that guides the course of destiny? 

What will the monetary system be that weaves everything together for this abstract conceptual city where paradigm shifts can be implemented in a conceptual universe "reality" with the click of a clicker?  It is, after all, a business test.  What conceptual attributes, methods and messaging capabilities will the conceptual population that inhabit this conceptual city have?  Those that they are designed to have?

Who will be the good guys in this conceptual city?  The bad guys?  Will there be crooks in the city?  Will they be eliminated by total surveillance all the time?  What money will they steal?  Will there be a 1%.  Will they be the crooks that design the city?  Not if it is Open Source?  Not if the inhabitants went to a school that conveyed intelligence to the population.

A billion bucks could build a pretty good city.  The Chinese did it with brick and mortar.  We can do it with concepts.  Whatever concepts are chosen.  

This is an interesting thing to watch develop.  

From the link:

"Without a human population to worry about, the possibilities are endless."

Without a physical manifestation those possibilities are called dreams.

Business models are schemes.  They have a real world application of an operating system. 

Does this abstract  CITE city put the writing on the wall?  I think that once the city has been designed then the population to fill it will be a function of design.  It might be designed as a model of efficiency but this is a business model and what is the pay off of efficiency for business?  The purpose?

Read it and weep! 

No weeping if the population is not educated to read.

There are both bugs and features in conceptual system design.  Which is which depends on the designer. 

One of 6 images on the CITE City welcoming web page: go to the link to see it.

See the writing on the sky?  Partially obscure but the keen minds eye can read "1600 Pennsy.......

I don't think that this is going to be an open source based city.  It is, after all, a .com site.

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