Friday, December 18, 2015

Apple Pay - Apple's Foot in the Monetary System Restructuring Door

"News just broke that Apple and China's state-owned credit card processor announced plans Friday to launch Apple Pay in China. The payment system extended to Apple will allow cardholders to make payments via Apple iPhones, Apple Watches and iPads. (Source: AP)."

Apple's foot in a Chinese door because the American door is too hard to crack. Entities even bigger than Apple have a lock on the American door.  Maybe a billion Chinese can't be wrong.  China is a People's Republic and what the billion there do establish the system.  Conversely, what a few, starting with the Fed in the USA do determine what millions in the USA must do.

The power of the masses of people in a People's Republic offsets the leverage of the power of a few.  The few there are not the financial few that own a political few  we have here.  They are a political few in China  Those political few have a greater fear of the people than ours have, which is little to none.  What can't be done in the USA could be done in China.  When it is done there then how can the USA continue with a legacy system when the writing is on the wall that China is doing it with great success that the rest of the world will (and some are currently following in different monetary system development) follow.

The USA would eventually be the last nation standing with its extractive financial system killing its host as it sucks the last drop of blood.

Apple Pay is just the beginning of a systemic logical progression from the bottom up to restructure the monetary system.  The logical end?  To fence off the medium of exchange from suffering at the mercy of the world of Finance by establishing a positive money system related to but distinct from a debt money balance sheet finance system.  Related to the extent that debt is an application of the positive money system not the Operating System in which a revolving fund of debt based money exists as an application of the debt based operating system. 

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