Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Merry Christmas is a Block Chain Concept Implementation

The subject line thought emerged somewhere near the completion of the prior blog entry.

One good thought is the stepping stone to another.

Yes, a geek would see it!

Merry Christmas is a Block Chain thing!

There is this rather amusing but so old school thing that the NORAD does every year tracking Santa's progress from the North Pole.  He departs and in a single evening on 25 December visits everyone, especially boys and girls (aren't we all).

This is the Information Age!  Time for a geek uptake and version 2.0 update!

The first Merry Christmas token in the block chain originates from the North Pole.  We are all minters that create more new Merry Christmas bits as a reward for validating and adding to the chain tracing back to the first Merry Christmas created out of Goodwill to All at the North Pole. 

This is so much better than Buying the World a Coke!

I hereby officially claim all bragging rights associated with and/or derived from the first entry into the searchable Google data base as of this date/time of the following conceptual expression in quotations:

"Merry Christmas is a BlockChain Concept Application"

"Merry Christmas is a BlockChain Concept Implementation" 

I can't even find any riffs on these specific expression of  the foundational concept.

I hereby give credit where credit is due to the anonymous (like satoshi) source of this thought to which I claim "first expressed" bragging rights fame:

NORAD tracking is old school.  Santa is so slow.

The "Merry Christmas - Peace on Earth" (Yo Ho Ho!) blockchain could be tracked in real time as it spreads around the world beginning with the first nano second of 25 December at the International Date Line where world's new day begins.  The graphic real time representation of the spreading promulgation of the greeting and sharing among People of Goodwill around the world is something yet to be developed but has fascinating potential!

Perhaps an ecumenical "Peace on Earth" would be more appropriate.  The fact that this event takes place on a christian celebration date is really secondary to the the conceptual nature of the idea.  Some say that the idea predates the birth.  Perhaps more in line with the new beginning of the solstice?

"Text Me Merry Christmas"  has the concept of using the WWW to spread the spirit.   The deep packet payload of a blockchain mode application only needs to contain "Peace On Earth".

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