Thursday, December 24, 2015

Larry Wilkerson is an Honorable Man

Added 7 Nov. 2017:
I salute you!

I admire Larry and salute him as a fellow officer that holds himself to a higher standard.  A standard that he once failed to meet but has not only admitted his fault but understands its cause in which he played a part.

I have followed Larry's public progress since he was Powell's Chief of Staff.  He has risen from that tragic mistake with restitution.  Subsequent to his retirement I had hoped that Colin would also.  He is a tragic man that failed and quit.

This video testifies to his clarity of vision and dedication to the higher standard to which he once took an official oath to uphold but courageously continues to do so with honor.

What was Larry's deciding factor?

Torture.  He could no longer remain silent.  His prior silence was a fault.  Silence in the face of something wrong is always a fault.  There is no redemption for those that continue to remain silent.  While I fault him for his silence I admire him for his post silence honorable words and actions expressing the truth.

His final comment:  "Empire never has enough."  The USA is a plutocratic Empire.

His solution:  A powerful minority is the only force to stand against the powerful minority that created and perpetuates the Empire.  The only alternative is a powerful majority.

I see little chance of a powerful majority changing the dominance of Empire and its sources of power short of revolution.  The same conclusion that I think Larry expressed in his closing remarks.

The best hope is a powerful minority vs a powerful minority.  When the minority that has established Empire USA  Has all the financial, political, media and military power what power tools does a challenging powerful minority have at its disposal in the battle?

Not much more than the truth.

Larry is a powerful pointy end of the spear of truth. 

There are not enough in the army he leads.

We will be in Afghanistan for another 50 years..............

What will the revolution look like?

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