Monday, November 9, 2015

TPP - Tyranny and Treason

I could have added this link as a foot note reference in my last blog entry on TPP.

It deserves a blog entry of its own to highlight it.  TPP is center stage actor in the current tyranny.  However it is a single actor in a bigger tyranny described by Off The Grid in Minneapolis.

"A healthier model would be that of South Africa and Apartheid: reconciliation. Not just about TPP, but about an economic model that has become parasitic and cannibalistic, in its growth imperative and expectations of consumption, and what it will do to sustain that, something like a death cult. But not just about TPP or economics, but about this privatized War of Terror, the surveillance infrastructure of total tyranny, and 9/11. America never had a fair, open and honest hearing about 9/11, and has yet to heal from that wound. The horrors that have been unleashed since, need to be reconciled, not by more bloodshed, but by shining light."

The above quote is the penultimate paragraph.  Off the Grid is an optimist and follows it with the closing sentence:

"That is the true opportunity of TPP. That is good news to share."

Thanks for sharing some excellent analysis and thinking!

Pay it forward.

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