Friday, November 6, 2015

China's Internet Plus is our Internet of Things

 China's Internet Plus

Is China keeping up with the Jones or are we keeping up with the Zhangs?  Zhang meaning anyone or everyone in the Chinese language with that most common popular name.  Interesting meaning.

It is the same Internet/WWW.  How it is applied is the difference.  By nature the Internet/WWW structure is universal.  Like the monetary system which is so much more rational and tightly structured.  The Financial System?  It is anything we create to serve us by design.   Or designed with an intent to serve the benefit of few at the expense of many?

The new arms race is to develop a better bigger integrated single force to dominate.  We are so physical weapon domination oriented.  We had nation founding conceptual design for the framework of a future society for the common good.  Until weapons of war and authoritarianism tipped the controlling balance of power.

China is in a much better position with single party power control that has a 5 year plan for the people.  The US has a two party system that is really just one that has a 4 year plan for itself that extracts from the people.  It is a financial power plan.

The new kid in town is the Internet/WWW.  It is a showdown covered by my recent blog entry.  Big Tech vs Big Finance.

In the US Big Finance (FIRE) has the power to dictate to government.  Overtly and covertly.  Tech is a big power but up against a big adversary they are as much in bed with as against.

In China the government chooses a more People's Republic oriented approach.  Sure, there are the big Financial Players there but they are individuals that China could depose on a whim.  Maybe the flight of those top level individuals and their capital to anywhere out of China is a Kinder/Gentler form of execution called exile?  Following all their money which has moved abroad would not hurt the Chinese economy.  Good riddance at a small price to those that might oppose any government restructuring of the monetary/finance system that benefitted them too well.

Not so easy in the USA!

I have always thought that when fundamental monetary/financial restructuring comes it will not be the USA that leads but the USA that will follow.  The probability of China taking the lead in change is great.  Perhaps that is why the USA is seeking the coalition of TPP, TPIP and all the other barriers that benefit corporatism at the expense of national sovereignty and the people.

The USA is giving up National Sovereignty to Corporate Globalism.  Our government must be deluded if it thinks it can ride that scorpion across the river.  The rest of the story will be that the scorpion was riding on the backs of the people which are the river it is crossing.

One thing China has is a whole lot of people!  It proclaims to be a "Peoples Republic"  Its bank is called the "Peoples Bank of China".  Good PR marketing by calling a thing by a name that it is not?  NO that is an American Politics model.

This is from the first line link of this blog entry:  Internet Plus

"Outside the Great Hall of the People, it is easy to see the impact of internet-related business on the nation's economy.
Interest in China's homegrown internet industry leaders, including Pony Ma Huateng of Tencent, one of the mainland's leading portals, and Robin Li Yanhong of Baidu, known as the "Google of China", far exceeds interest in the bosses of China's Big Four state-owned banks.
Last week in Beijing, when Ma, an NPC delegate, tried to organise a small media briefing, about 200 reporters rushed to meet him, asking questions about everything from his own business to national economic development.
In comparison, Zhang Jianguo, chief of China Construction Bank, one of the Big Four, joked in front of Premier Li last week that big banks had become a "weak force" and less popular, suggesting a lack of government policy support."

It seems that the Big Bank players serve at the pleasure of the government.  The big Four are state owned.  There is shadow banking but the head of that could be cut off at the pleasure of the government as well?  Power struggles.  The Chinese Revolution came down on the side of the People.  It is in more recent memory of its people than our Revolution.

"Ma is clearly a big fan of Internet Plus. "The internet has opened new frontiers including internet finance, medical services and education that didn't exist before. It should also be extended to traditional industries like manufacturing, energy and agriculture," he said. "

The comment at the link is prescient:

"We all know the key thing about the internet is freedom. If Beijing misses the point and continues to censor access to information, Premier Li's new Internet Plus strategy will probably just get more Chinese to shop online rather than have any significant and long-term impact on the country's long-awaited economic transformation."

China did what it had to do to feed its people.  It was necessary, now things have changed and so has the child birth policy.  It restricted freedom, an expedient necessary price to pay?  Now things have changed.  

Are the winds of freedom blowing in China on the back of the Internet Plus.  Is that the vehicle to bring power to the People or domination of them.  It can cut both ways.

It appears to be cutting against the people here for profit and just might cut for the people in China for a higher purpose.

The "Internet Plus"

Plus what?  You ask?

Aha, those Chinese are so inscrutable.

We will find out when we open the fortune cookie at the end of the meal and discover that it says the meal was us.

We have the Internet of Things.

They have the Internet Plus.

Sun Tzu says:  Play your cards close to the vest.

It is the Art of War.

The science of war is to skin the cat in an excruciatingly bloody manner, and all its kittens as collateral damage.  Overkill is good.

The Art of War is to induce the cat to skin itself by jumping out of its own skin.

How is that done?

Inducing an opponent to lose the game by virtue its own narrow focus on winning the short term goal for short term gain is an elegant way to skin it.  That is something that is a critque of our business/financial planning.  That is what we set up our Finance system to do.

So we sail by the Chinese artificial islands in our destroyer.....

Something very subtle written on the Chinese Wall here.

And the Chinese were very cordial about it.

Welcome said the spider to the fly.

Google: China "Internet Plus"

The fear is here:  The Wall Street Journal.  

Creating the meme that China intends to control the Internet to totally control its people in some kind of feared Orwellian system rather than a means to advance the general welfare.

Evil.  Evil intent.  Evil Empire.

Fear it America!

While we try to rewrite the rules of Commerce.  An money oriented application of the Internet/WWW.  Our short game application of the long game system of the Internet/WWW and all the good it can do beyond the Finance distribution of money to those in global corporate power and their stooge cronies at the top.  The USA government is second string support in that game.  Big Business is on the field.

We should remember the words of FDR:

"So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is...fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance. In every dark hour of our national life a leadership of frankness and of vigor has met with that understanding and support of the people themselves which is essential to victory. And I am convinced that you will again give that support to leadership in these critical days."

There are those that would have us forget this as well as the other monuments to his Presidency.  Our fear serves them.

Fear is a two edge sword.    Government fearing its people is a good thing?

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