Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Going Granular - The Granular level of things in daily life.

This is a complex blog entry.  It was generated by the following link:


That link has a reference to this poem in its contents that I have extracted as a segue to my comments of the link.

What the Living Do ---by Marie Howe

Johnny, the kitchen sink has been clogged for days, some utensil probably fell down there.
And the Drano won't work but smells dangerous, and the crusty dishes have piled up

waiting for the plumber I still haven't called. This is the everyday we spoke of.
It's winter again: the sky's a deep, headstrong blue, and the sunlight pours through

the open living-room windows because the heat's on too high in here and I can't turn it off.
For weeks now, driving, or dropping a bag of groceries in the street, the bag breaking,

I've been thinking: This is what the living do. And yesterday, hurrying along those
wobbly bricks in the Cambridge sidewalk, spilling my coffee down my wrist and sleeve,

I thought it again, and again later, when buying a hairbrush: This is it.
Parking. Slamming the car door shut in the cold. What you called that yearning.

What you finally gave up. We want the spring to come and the winter to pass. We want
whoever to call or not call, a letter, a kiss--we want more and more and then more of it.

But there are moments, walking, when I catch a glimpse of myself in the window glass,
say, the window of the corner video store, and I'm gripped by a cherishing so deep

for my own blowing hair, chapped face, and unbuttoned coat that I'm speechless:
I am living. I remember you. 
My first comment on the link is the unfortunate inter-changeable use of 
Internet and World Wide Web when Internet physical system is used to 
express what is the application of that hardware system to its software 
creation:WWW.  Just for clarity and expression of my pet peeve. 

What the living do are the poetically expressed granular level of life experiences relating Us to
our lives. 
The link..... 

How the Internet’s most earnest evangelist became its fiercest critic

 ......tells of Johnathan Harris

Fascinating to me because he works conceptually at a granular level.  "Works" by choosing granular level actions and relating them to the objects of life.

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