Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Person as a Thing On The Internet of Things (IoT)

This video presents the state of the art in surveillance.  It is big bucks!

Note the portion that deals with a police person as a connected thing on the IoT.  Looks like something out of science fiction but it is science fact.

The video covers pre-crime prediction as well.

There should be a metric, and I am sure that it is being measured somewhere, describing the degree to which a person is a Thing on the IoT.  To what degree are they hardwired or softwired into the system.

Some people today are more wired into the system than others.  Certainly the police person in the video is close to being Robocop.  What profession or group is most wired into the IoT today.  Under surveillance and monitored at the individual level?  What about consumers?

Any metric measuring the degree to which any individual is a Thing on the IoT would probably require an ultimate nth degree benchmark.  Some kind of total information all the time measure.  Perhaps in two different measurement methods which are used in sensing technology: Active sensing and passive sensing.  There must also be some consideration to the exactness degree of accuracy of the identity of the person as the thing on the Iot.

Maybe a doomsday clock would be a display tool?

What would be midnight on the clock?  The all seeing and knowing point.  Past, present an future.

What would progress toward the ultimate point look like over time?  The past 100 years for example?

Where would the hands of the clock be today for the general population?  6pm?  9pm? Where would they be for any given person?

Wouldn't we like to know what our own personal IoT measurement is?

There are known knows.............

Who "owns" the knowns.

Who has the right to know?

How much do they know?

Shoot first, think later.  When a person is totally monitored as a thing on the IoT then there is a great amount of information available to post judge their actions as well as predict them!

If Robocop is a totally sensing thing on the IoT then it is also Totally Sensed.

Judgment always will be a difficult thing to judge no matter how many sensing monitors will be applied to a person's action.  Those monitors will however establish real facts.

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