Thursday, November 5, 2015

Nervousnet is Granular

Fascinating find this morning.  Found on my best info aggregator that delivers the best stuff.  Thanks again to Yves.  I should donate more for what I get!

This is the link to Neverousnet.

Going to the granular lowest level of anything is method of discovery as well as the basis for construction.  Works in the physical or conceptual world. 

Maybe the difference is that in the physical world there is a solid structure built from the bottom up.  The system is valid and self correcting.  Almost perfect and perfect mechanisms to keep it that way.

In the our conceptual world, a mix of total detachment from the physical world as well a direct reflection of it in our concept constructions we can chose between direct or detached and always do.  Some of our detached constructions are naturally invalid, or would be in the natural world simply because we did not go down to a lower granular level of being or thought. 

Sometimes the lowest level foundation of an idea is way up toward the top of the structural concept not at the very bottom.   Result:  Dysfunction.  Could be a bug that nature would otherwise take care of, could be a feature that benefits the concept creator and endows it with the power to resist would would otherwise be a reflection of natural process structure and function.

We can get away with building faulty structures in the conceptual world that we could not build in the natural world simply because of failure to go to the appropriate granular level.  At a solid granular level there is less risk of failure. 

Nervousnet goes to the granular level in an elegant way.  Facebook and Information Age Media go to that level also but build a skewed self serving structure on top of it.  Tim Berners-Lee went to that granular level also with the WWW but had no interest in self service.  It was an open source gift.

Granular is Great.  From the smallest of things come the greatest of things as they assemble themselves naturally.

Much more on this to follow. 

Nervousnet seems to be a fundamental model with a purity to build on!

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