Sunday, November 15, 2015

Currency, Finance and Money. Sorting out the Apples and the Oranges in a Spaghetti Pie

My previous blog entry looked at Banks and the rise of "Financial Aggregators":

If "Money" is the big problem domain pie to be sorted out then it is a very mixed bag of apples and oranges, spaghetti string connections  and confusing Parent/Child relationships defying any explanation as to Who Is On First. 

The reason "Money" is like that?

It was designed to be like that!  Designed in a frame of logic and reason but a framework of logic and reason defined by and then designed by the creators of the Money System.  When all things can be expressed by or reduced to a money value as they are in Finance and Accounting then it is difficult to determine exactly what money is when "Money Like" financial instruments are created.  Money has lost its meaning by application of ambiguity to the meaning of the term.

Money Management is a broad term!  Help me with your definition, Wikipedia!

Money is a big Marshmallow but this blog is all about what Money "Is". 

What I say it is because I say it as the frame of my System: 

Money is Currency.  Each single unit dollar of digital currency with a value of one each having its own unique identifier.  Aggregated unit dollars related to ownership of those dollars are expressed in the currency account of the owner of those dollars.  This frame creates an entirely new independent entity in a digital conceptual record form that did not previously exist.  It is created by extracting the concept of Currency from an mathematical expression of Total On Hand Value of digital dollars in an Account and applying it as a granular unit single dollar to a new system record called "Currency" where the gross total of all Currency always equals the total of value of all Money called currency Appearing in Owner (Currency User) Accounts managed by an Accounting agent of the User's choice.

In the current Money System everything is confused.  It is a Banking and Finance System.  There are, however, a large number of educational explanations of the system.  Good luck in knowing which way is up after reading all of them.  They all explain what money does in a Banking System.  Not so much what Money is.

One way the current Banking and Finance System is explained is Retail and Wholesale levels.  A little end user level is Retail level in a "Consumer: frame of business reference.  A big end user Wholesale level in the same hard goods frame of business reference.  Logical to the extent that the Wholesale banking customer user is doing big business with some product to sell to the Retail level user and requires big money as a raw material wholesale level product of a Bank System to do it. that I commented about in the previous blog entry is in the Retail level business of Money that is related to the Currency nature of Money as it exists in the Retail end user level of the Account services provided by a Bank. 

That entry by Financial Aggregators like begs the question:  Who might be the Financial Aggregators for the Wholesale level banking business? 

Good question.  Maybe that is the aspiration of the Dark Money, Dark Banking System?  Interesting to speculate about that but I will leave it in the question realm for now.

As an aside observation:  The traditional concepts of Retail and Wholesale level business do not exist any longer in a digital information age.  eBay?  There is direct connection at the most granular peer to peer level.  Going granular is a business model.

Yippee Skipee!  Once more my day is made by saying something with a word phrase that has never been indexed before in quotes by Google!  I own this claim to fame by being the first one to say it and have it appear as the only hit in a Google search result on the phrase:  "going granular is a business model".  Check it out using the link!  Score one for my bragging rights claim to fame!  The concept is not a new one as shown by Googling the phrase: granular business model.  Lesser point for not creating the concept.

In some regards, Outsourcing is going granular?  Interesting idea.  Googling the phrase; outsourcing is going granular does not win me any bragging rights it is a conceptual idea expressed before thought of it.  However "outsourcing is going granular" in quotes does get me a small point for never having been indexed by Google. gets the point:  Go granular, steal the business from under the "ownership" of a big business that due to the Information Age now has a legacy system that they used to exclusively own.  It is the same situation as telephone numbers that once were a fixed association to Ma Bell that became portable.

The concept of Granularity is relative when it comes to the ability as well as the expense and reward of going more granular in the basic building blocks of a system.  Physicists and micro biologists go exceedingly granular.  Facebook goes granular.  How much more granular can it go at the user person level.  There is vertical and horizontal granularity opportunity.  Vertical opportunity looking toward upper level that were structured on a legacy level of granularity that has become undermined by a lower level of granularity making old legacy structures vulnerable to restructuring.  Associated horizontal levels of legacy systems equally vulnerable.

Looks like termites eating from the bottom up until the whole house takes on a new look for new occupants!

That is what might be the business progression of  Others that take the same business model approach?

It is my business model by going granular in a Currency System structured on an independent virtual digital dollar each with a value of one existing in a Currency Record of a universe of all Currency Dollars as an independent but related entity to the universe of all Accounts that each have total value numbers expressing the aggregate amount of unit dollars of Currency owned by the Account User and available to that user to use in a Currency transaction as a medium of buy/sell exchange. and Financial Account Aggregation is a slick idea.  Pregnant with growth upward and outward to higher level and broader lateral relationship magnitude as it restructures legacy systems and procedures.

Looks like a Power to the People thing.

Restructuring our Currency system is returning Power to the People that was theirs in the first place until the sovereign right of the nation to its own Currency System was given to the Banks and their Debt Money System.

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