Sunday, November 8, 2015

Going Granular in the Media

My thinking is that going granular to choose the lowest level physical or conceptual building block on which to structure a system of things and actions to achieve an objective is the the most effective planning model to make anything.

Nature, the natural world is a model of that idea.

Abstraction representations of nature and the natural world existing in our minds is the model upon which we build our human conceptual structures that don't exist in the natural world but use the natural world as leverage into flights of fancy into the conceptual world.

Take Natural Language for example.  The kind we speak.  Physically creating sounds with our bodies.  Making symbols with tools of some kind that represent the sound, symbols going to a higher level of abstraction.  Far out in the never, never land (because there is not end to it, we abstract to a level beyond the physical world) of abstraction we have computers and the Information Age.

There is a book that tells the story of humans abstracting themselves out of the physical universe to a higher level of abstraction.  They leave their clothes behind in one version of the story.  I don't go wherever they went.  Beyond my level of abstract comprehension other than thinking they "really" believe in it.

However if we can take the abstract thought of non-being and make a less abstract concept out of it by saying that the non-existent state of being called "nothing there" in fact means something by its non-presence then we have dragged that purely conceptual thought down to an incarnation in the real world.

It is a mystery but we do it with logic.   Maybe the granular level of logic is pulling a rabbit out of a hat that had no rabbit in it?

Neat trick!

Its just magic.

With that prelude diving into deeper thought I will come back up to the surface to breath in some air and say what I want to say with this linear string of symbolic characters.

What kicked of my desire to say something about going granular and the media was this:
Comcast Orders MSNBC To Remove Anti-TPP Hosts 

Comcast is Big Media.  Big enough to bully.  Call it Big Bully.

Media granular level real and conceptual building block of the Media System is where the message gets delivered.   Big Media delivers the message with media stars.  That is where Big Media rubber at its granular level of vehicle delivery meets the road.

The "Road" it meets at the granular interface level?  That in mass media is us.  The target audience that mass media aims at.  Sounds like warfare.  It is stealth delivery of the most elegant design.  Mass media delivers what we want.  Riding on the back of what we want is what mass media wants beyond satisfying market demand.  Or should I day satisfying demand of a different market in a different market place at the backdoor of the back office business of mass media.  

Advertisers.  The ones that sell us something.  The ones that put a tax on what is delivered to us and make us pay the tax at specific intervals.  The business plan is so elegant that we pay the tax (cable tv) up front in bucks to have the privilege of paying the the tax in the form of watching commercials.

Advertisers are anyone that has something to sell for their profit.  Comcast has something to sell that profits them as their own best customer in the market of selling more of their product at a greater price or market dominance advantage.  

Comcast has a vested interest in TPP.  Its granular level of media delivery is the "Show" its even more granular level of delivery is the star of the show and maybe a supporting cast of characters.  Stars command a following.  Have influence.   

Look and listen to the link, Comcast and TPP.

Maybe this is meta structure information level but the link is to YouTube.  Comcast has tight control over its media empire.  YouTube is more like an open system soap box upon which anyone can take a stand.  It is up there on an equal level on the bottom of my new big 65" screen UHD 4k TV next to Netflix and Hulu and as many other apps that I want to add next to them as my personally chosen  range of specifically desired apps that I like to watch.  

Ring of Fire is the show delivered by YouTube.  Pap is the star.   YouTube is free but they get money from somewhere and some entity other than a bank that makes money from nothing but YouTube has an equally mysterious business model:  Its product is free and they make money on it.  The business model of the Information Age.  How to give something for nothing and make money on it...........

Not exactly a new business model.  Banks created it long ago.

YouTube gets its money from somewhere.  The point is that it gets it from somewhere (I could find out where if I cared and how much) but it does not get it from somewhere at the expense of my bread and butter.

Comcast and even more and Bigger Business players will get a lot of our bread and butter from TPP.  Obviously, even a kernel of truth or a whole boat load of it that is contrary to Comcast business objectives is not to be allowed.  Self interest is the dominating rule and Comcast will not do anything contrary to their own self interest unlike lower economic level Republican voters.  That however is another target of Comcast self interest.

YouTube has a lesser profit ax to grind.  In doing that it leaves, can afford to leave, a little truth on the table for its players in the game.  Used to be that the gentleman's game of big money was generous enough to leave a little on the table to keep the source of revenue playing.  However when it becomes the only game in town it makes all the rules and the best rule is winner takes all.  

Pap makes a point:  Used to be hundreds of media players.  Now there are 4 thanks to Clinton.  The same Clinton that negated Glass-Steagall.  

President Bill Clinton publicly declared "the Glass–Steagall law is no longer appropriate."[8]

And we have the opportunity to elect another Clinton to give away the store?  And she will certainly do so if TPP goes into the next administration.  The result will be the same for a Republican administration.  Funny that she will campaign against it the Republican for it.

Obama said he would close down Guantanamo. First thing in office as I recall.  Where did that get ya?

YouTube is a different path to go to the granular level where the rubber meets the road.  The intersection of mass media and us.  It is a different path and business model that does not have so much noise and static content intentionally introduced by YouTube.  (format gone wrong here....who is introducing that noise to my entry??!!)  The contributors to YouTube introduce their own more direct noise and static.  Fortunately we can choose our own drug of choice.  That is another business model that is becoming increasingly effective at the granular level but that another thing to smoke.

There are those among us that not only see the truth but seek it.  Some more than others.  Won't find it on Comcast because it is manipulated or eliminated there.  Best to manipulate it and keep viewers.  Eliminate it and that in a crude manner obvious even to Republican voters that still have some degree of self interest in how world affairs relate to their bread, butter and 6 packs and Comcast market share declines.  YouTube share increases and Jon Stewart signs with HBO.  

Is HBO owned by Comcast?  No, it is owned by Time Warner.

YouTube is owned by.........YouTube! It has content of Big Media as well as content of anyone.  It is equal opportunity media.

Maybe it is the difference between push media and pull media.  

Big Business Media has/had a big "Push" business model by default.  It was the only game in town.  In the 50's there was only one TV station in my capitol city town.  It started broadcast at 3:00 PM.  Little choice for watchers to Pull when it Pushes the same old soap opera but with different labels and its the only game in town.  Now there are hundreds of channels on TV but it is the same old Walled Garden until.......YouTube.

Secret of YouTube?  No big secret. It went to a granular level creating not only the ability of viewer to pull whatever they wanted to pull but also push from the granular level whatever they wanted to push into it as a universe from which anyone could pull whatever they wanted when they wanted.

At least the truth is out there to be had for those that seek it.  Some of us are compulsive truth seekers.  Like the X-Files.

While generally we are not as compulsive as Mulder, the story line of seeking the truth became compulsive to the granular viewer.  What was the story line?  In the complexity of the scenario there was unfailing faith that truth was out there and could be discovered regardless of the intent of mysterious entities to hide it, twist it if it could not be hidden to make it look like the truth, eliminate it if it could not be hidden.

"You Can't Handle the Truth!"  But that is another show.

"Know the Truth" That is a Wikipedia link.  Wikipedia is an excellent example of "Going Granular".

"Going Granular" is "owning" something at the lowest level of ownership.

Owning is conceptual.  At the most granular level we own our own lives.  That is a given truth that is declared to be self evident.  It does not derive from nothing or as a state of being contrasted as a real world incarnation of its non-existent state.  

At the lowest granular level as citizens and ownership by right we own our own vote.  One man one vote is enshrined in the constitution as what we endow ourselves with.  Like the king put his own crown upon his head.  Where that crown came from conceptually is an open ended freedom of choice in the "Truth" of belief.  Implementation of that truth in the real world has been a trail of pushing back against a belief to approach the ultimate truth.  

First it was all White Men then it was All Men, then it was all Men and Women.  The ideal is now all citizens but that excludes the segment that is resident but not citizens.  Always working into the more granular levels of national identity and entry to a Walled Garden.

Going granular at the foundation level has always been the check and balance of the coalescence of power at the aggregate level.  Expressed as this: 

"In political philosophy, the phrase consent of the governed refers to the idea that a government's legitimacy and moral right to use state power is only justified and legal when consented to by the people or society over which that political power is exercised. This theory of consent is historically contrasted to the divine right of kings and has often been invoked against the legitimacy of colonialism. Article 21 of the United Nation's 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that "The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government". "

TPP elevates governance above Political philosophy to Corporate philosophy by creating a structure and system to shape traditional Political philosophy founded on consent of the governed.

That is the problem.

All "Problem Domains" are solved by going to the the granular lowest level of foundational physical or conceptual truth.  That is found conceptually at our sovereignty as a nation and the truth we hold to be self evident.  Initially expressed as truth by those with the sight to see it, as clearly in concept as they could.  Bless them.  Continued to be defended by those pledged to defend it.  Bless them on this November 11th.  Defended by all of us actually by our responsibilities as citizens, to the extent that we choose to accept them in a free society, or not.  When the majority does not then we are no longer really free.  

The conclusion:

The minority at a higher conceptual level like Comcast or its higher level of Corporatism then is the granular level of significance in determining our affairs and where they will go to serve us or them.

Fascism is a word that is getting greater scrutiny.  I find that Fascism is one of the hardest things to pin down in my mind to understand.  It seems to be so elusive even after technical definition.

Socialism is getting a lot of play.  Democratic Socialism.  Not so hard to understand.

Each has its chosen level granular entity on which it is conceptually structured.

TPP draws a line in the sand.  

The problem is that our "own" (owned) government is lining up on the Corporate side of the line.

The truth is known by where the grains fall on either side of the line in the sand.

The granular things called people are on one side.

Our higher level conceptual granular entities that we create are either on our side, for our best interest or on the other side for their higher level self serving self interest.  

Media is a tool in the conflict.  Like money it is a neutral medium of exchange, they are looking more alike in their fundamental nature as well as who fundamentally controls them as an operating system and their applications.

Things that look alike are in the same Problem Domain.  

Big Business and Big Politics.  Big Media that connects them both to the masses of grains called people but are run by a small fraction of the universe of people.  

Power derives from the consent of the governed.  

It seems that our society is increasingly becoming more increasingly dominated by the requirement stated by "Do you accept these terms and conditions?".  Check "No" and there is no entry to a Walled Garden.  Big problem when the system is structured so that "There Is No Alternative" TINA or that we are lead to believe TINA.

Truth says there always is.  To believe otherwise puts us in a cell of our own design.

It is all about the Money.  The alternative is a universal Currency system medium of exchange independent of the business commerce of exchanging it.  A Currency system that we not only use to conduct commerce but gives us, all of us, clear concise information on how well the currency system is functioning or being applied to serve us and our endeavors.  Currency with a solid conceptual entity identity that is independent but related to its application, not a sub-system component created by a Private Enterprise Banking System to serve itself as well as Big Business and Bigger Business beyond national sovereign while pretending to serve those that it is extracting money from.

Trench warfare evolved from fighting from holes dug in the earth with crude weapons to weapons both large and small with global reach.  That has been the evolution of modern weapons as a medium of exchange.  One side with bigger and badder with more reach winning.  Or, in an equal match can win by attrition.

Trench warfare was physical.  The conceptual warfare of ideas followed a similar evolution in magnitude of delivering the goods as well as global reach.  Bigger and badder conceptual tools to deliver the goods faster.  Conceptually however the basic bullet is not exceeded by bigger bullets with farther range.  The conceptual granular bullet is still the element of truth to fight the enemy.

In economic warfare the most effective conceptual granular bullet is a unit of value.  Each one has to have its own discrete and persistent unit identity to define what it is, other than something from nothing only existing by virtue of its relationship to a debt account, to know what it is as well as what it does and how effectively it does it.

Comcast is evil!  But they do evil so elegantly that the cat does  not even know it is skinned.

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