The body of knowledge is every post entry in this blog since the first one. If it was not going anywhere then I would give it eternal peace with a press of the delete key, which I contemplate from time to time. This is a google site and google sent me an email the other day raising the fear that the entire site could be lost for some reason other than me pressing the delete key. For every fear raised by marketing there is a product to reduce fear.
Wow, I have to throw in a new paragraph here just to digress on the thought that fear is a negative debt based idea where the focus is on the thing that was made a thing as a function of its absence of another thing that has existence as a presence! Fear is to security as debt is to asset. Money is a debt based thing. The absence of money. Money is debt. The establishment of debt creates money. Fear is an absence based thing. The establishment of fear creates security?????
Peddle fear. Sell security.
But I divert to something to look at later. Seems to be relevant.
Back to the Same Old Thing:
Covering ground is action movement progress. The joy of movement from point A to Point B. Actually walking, biking or driving from Point A to Point B is a joy of my life. I have done much of that and I call them adventures.
After several of my adventures I have written that they are not over when they are over. Over being when Point B is reached. The journey continues and that journey is to find the meaning of the journey not in all the foot steps taken between Point A and B but how it conceptually changed where I was at Point A to where I was at Point B. I know my geographic Point A start and could go back there to do the trip over again but I can never go back to the place I once stood conceptually at geographic Point A. Or, as the saying goes: Can't put your hand in the same river twice.
Heraclitus was a sad man! Says Diogenes: "Finally, he became a hater of his kind (misanthrope) and wandered the mountains ... making his diet of grass and herbs." Diogenes states that Heraclitus' work was "a continuous treatise On Nature, but was divided into three discourses, one on the universe, another on politics, and a third on theology." According to Diogenes Laërtius,[5] who had just explained that Heraclitus wrote his book "rather unclearly" (asaphesteron) so that only the "capable" should attempt it.
Maybe our writing has something in common!
Writing maybe but not where it goes.
What I need to do is to have some repository of central ideas that I go to and refine as I travel step by step with post entries to this blog. That means I have to start investing and continue to refine ideas in my personal Wiki. The wiki is a living body of knowlege.
There are two types of triathletes: Those that have done the same Kona Ironman X times the same way, those that have done a Kona Ironman X times a different way. Some only want to finish again. Some only want to finish better.
Same old thing if all I want to do is finish each post and not finish better and refine the prior concept of finishing.
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