Monday, December 10, 2012

China And The Cure For Cancer

What if China discovers the cure for cancer and also the secret of unlimited energy from cold fusion process or 100% efficiency in the conversion of solar power.

China could do that.  It is possible.

What if they did it?

Then what if the Chinese leadership said that they are a People's government.  Their economy and the products of their nation are for the people.  They are not an extractive economy that would seek to extract what the market for these discoveries would bring to the highest bidder and control of  monopoly on the things for well being and the benefit of all.

They would give their discovery to the people of the world with the caveat that there would be no excessive extraction of profit, only the covering of the cost to produce and a reasonable return on investment.

What if the USA discovers these things?

It might make an interesting movie scenario.

Two different movies.

Maybe science fiction set in a future time or planet.

I see more hope in China discovering these things.

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