Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Money is the Elephant

Money is the elephant in the room that cannot be talked about in terms of it being a god. 

It is a manifestation of god, a tool that is the conceptual product of mind that we were given and the power of that mind to create things we call conceptual tools to build conceptual systems.

Use the word money in even the vaguest relationship to concepts of god and the capacity to do good, an eternal nature, etc is skating on thin ice that cracks when anyone we wish to discuss the idea with puts it in the frame:  So money is your God?........

Funny that the first to put money in that frame might be those that seek it the most?

That is the power of framing!

Vote against taxing the rich!  Vote for it even if you are not rich and there is nothing in it for you.  Money is not a God, it is God's way of recognizing his best and most deserving chosen children that earned his love the most by doing good things with it that will trickle down to you.  You believe in God don't you?  That he rewards those that do his work (on Wall Street).

What if we start talking about money in terms of a Creator and what He intended in giving us the power to create for ourselves.  To create money as a power invested in the rights of the people.  A power that was endowed upon us, not banks any more than the rights to control what is ours was invested in a monarchy?

We used to have monarchies we still have financial system and an organized religious system that claims rights over money and religious concepts.  It will take a long time for organized religion to change but if we change the financial system to claim what is ours to create by right and reason and enlightenment, the creators of organized religion, the oldest social institution with claims to ownership of a concept, may have reason to fear they are next.  Maybe they will be.  Maybe in anticipation organized religion must either adapt by changing to support a new financial structure in terms of its conceptual philosophy or become extinct like the creators of money which is merely another form of social control in the hands of the few to dictate the behavior of the many.

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