Sunday, December 9, 2012

Monetary System Conceptual Restructure

In the 20th century we built a progression of awesome real things from the beginning to the end of the century.  Planes, trains, automobiles, war machines, movies, road systems, cities, telecommunications, medicine.  With the progress of developing all these things came associated conceptual structure frameworks in which to manage them.  Conceptual framework structures emerging just as fast as all the new physical things.

At the beginning of the 21st century most of all the major physical things that we will have and live with are fairly well established.  It is the conceptual systems in which these things will all operate and operate together that will be what continues to progress in the Information Age.

At the beginning of the 20th century there were established conceptual systems that were relatively unrelated to the physical material industrial progress and their products we experienced during the course of the century.

Conceptual systems like politics, religion, money, etc.  The social systems.  The conceptual systems that were the products of history.  Things of the Industrial Revolution and the Information Age work to serve us because they are built on conceptual structures that created hand in hand with the physical things we created make them work, conceptual structures designed and designed well to make them work. 

We became better at making cars and stuff but we are becoming very much better now at making everything work well together in an integrated world of conceptual structure..or not work better.

It seems that our learned ability to make conceptual structures related to the new physical things we created during the 20th century is going to challenge the very foundation of some established social conceptual structures that existed at the beginning of the 20th century and that went through the past 100 years relatively unchanged.

Information is a science.  We learned how to use it apply it, manage it at a rapidly growing rate of efficiency and accuracy for 100 years.  We have a tremendous ability to create purely conceptual structures that are becoming the driving force of the systems that serve us in this century rather than the "catch up" nature it had to the manage the physical things we created in the previous century.

The challenge of this century is to re-engineer our basic major social conceptual systems using the general knowledge and capability we have created to design and implement any conceptual system.

It will take another hundred years to start to redesign conceptual structures of religion, maybe not that long to begin working on the political conceptual system.  The monetary conceptual system is the immediate one that is so out of wack with logic that it is becoming non-functional.

The Platinum Coin idea is a legal vehicle to prevent a cliff.

As I see it, it is the rock upon which to build an entire restructure of the monetary system that is sneaking in the back door as an immediate solution to the immediate problem but scales well to solve the entire Problem Domain on Money.

A google search on "information scaling" gives results that demonstrate the power of a conceptual system that applies to a problem solution at a lower level applying to the broader system problem solution.

China is taking an interesting step in permitting the development of some fundamentally different monetary system concepts at local levels that would be experiments in finding solutions that would scale to the national level.

We could not do that in the USA simply because we would find a solution at the local level or a solution to one aspect of the total problem that would scale to the solution of the problem at the broadest level.  There is too much to be lost by those that so heavily invested in continuing the benefits derived from perpetuating a poorly designed system.

Information science and knowledge management related to conceptual system design and implementation will eventually force revision of the monetary system.

It is easier to simply design and implement a better conceptual system based on new conceptual foundation and let it scale up and replace the old system as the those clinging to the old conceptual ideological foundation die of natural causes and fail to perpetuate because most people either don't care for the old concepts or they never really understood them in the first place

In the case of money I am inclined to think that a more clearly understood foundational concept will win out simply because most people just did not have any understanding of the old concept that caused to many problems and why it caused them.

The old system will be re-designed because nobody could understand it except the few that used it to their advantage.  All that is needed is to present a clear idea of the new foundational concept.

Like a Platinum Coin.

One of the first things I can remember playing with besides the 2 X 4 scrap wooden pieces from whatever dad was working on were coins.  Understanding those was child's play.

Platinum Coin:  A grown up toy for us to play with.

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