Sunday, December 2, 2012

Design and Default - China and USA

I see China progressing by design.

I see the USA failing (falling, or just falling behind) by default.

Design is deliberate intention to apply Logic using Language to create Structure.

Default is falling back to the established structure of things when faced with a lack of some change to something better in the design.  Default is a decision making design pattern.

It might be contended that that this metaphor applies to China's ability:  Apple designs and China only assembles bits and pieces.  All the primary Logic and Language as well as technical design Structure being done in the mighty USA to have menial low paid labor put pieces together in China.  So who designed the plants and machines to do all that assembly of piece parts?  Robots are now emerging as the means to assemble in China.  Is China buying them or the technology from the USA?

Li Keqiang has a Phd in economics.  Here he is called"The Man With a Plan to Revive Chinese Growth"

Xi Jinping is the new President-elect.  He is an engineer, he studied chemical engineering.

Zhou Xiaochuan is governor of the People's Bank of China (PBOC). Zhou graduated from the Beijing Chemical Engineering Institute in 1975. His first job was with the Beijing Institute of Automation from 1975 to 1985. He graduated from Qinghua University that year with a doctorate in systems engineering.

Is there some indication that Chinese leadership has a Design orientation?  They did not come to leadership putting parts together to assemble iPads.

I think China has some designs on something.

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