Nancy Blankenship
Deschutes County Clerk
I see that the next Oregon Association of County Clerks meeting will be in Bend this February.
May I have your comments on this proposal?
I studied the two alternative methods of filling a county office position by either election appointment.
2017 ORS 204.005¹
Election or appointment of county officers
Evidently there is an opportunity for a county to choose between election or appointment methods
Voters had the choice to make the elected assessor, county clerk and county surveyor positions into appointed staff positions in a 2011 election, but rejected all three measures.
It may depend on what method options are written into the county ordinance?
The framing of the "No Confidence" vote is that voters can make the choice of method on their ballot at the time they vote not by voting on a prior measure providing:
a. The candidate is non-partisan
b. The only candidate running for the position
Fundamentally the candidate is running against a No Confidence vote.
If the "No Confidence" votes wins majority then the position is filled by Appointment in accordance with established procedures.
The choice of a more timely and efficient method, Election or Appointment, is therefore concurrent with and a function of the majority vote in the current election. Not a separate preliminary vote on a measure to choose one method or the other for the next election.
In the case of a non-partisan election with a single candidate on the ballot the candidate is often the incumbent. By informal survey and voting results voters are ambiguous about the meaning of voting for a single candidate.
There is little incentive for a single candidate to campaign on better qualifications or promises of better performance in office with no opponent. "No Confidence" majority vote against the candidate automatically defaults to an Appointment method.
Appointment to the position fills it with an occupant that has opportunity and incentive to perform better than the previous one and win a majority vote in the next election if they choose.
Voting ballots would require a No Confidence box for voter selection and automatic tabulation in addition to a Write In line
Tim Lester
2098 NW Trenton
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
Oregon Life Line
copied and backed up securely
Telephone Assistance Programs
Oregon Lifeline - Oregon Telephone Assistance Program (OTAP)
How often I have found where I should be going by setting out for somewhere else.!!
Telephone Assistance Programs
Oregon Lifeline - Oregon Telephone Assistance Program (OTAP)
How often I have found where I should be going by setting out for somewhere else.!!
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
Oregon Life Line
When I retired in 1986 I summed up that happy point of my life ending a career path in my life that took me many places to see the world both physically and conceptually.
I joined the Navy in 1961 to see the world. A travel adventure over the face of the earth but also a life adventure over the face of my perception of the world. Both adventures were experienced a step at a time. Navy adventure officially ended May 30th 1986. Seeing the world adventure continued.
What does that link to Oregon Lifeline?
Strange where following links takes me! Looking back at links behind me like looking in the bicycle mirror I have always used for a hundred thousand miles to be aware of what is behind me. Not so much to see where I have been. Memory sees that like waypoints. I look back to see what is coming up from behind so I can keep going safely ahead. In other places and situations I would call the it the "Street Smarts" App.
Some sense of direction is a good thing. Some inner voice that speaks that sense says I can't get to where I am going if I don't know where I am at. My niece liked how Buffalo Banzaei put it. Where you are is where you're at. The navigator on the ship had a response to the question "Where are we at": Steaming between boredom and tedium. It is a sailor thing since seafairers first went to sea. Then he went on to give the full standard reply.
What does that have to do with Oregon Life Line?
It is another adventure. Lewis and Clark choose sailors for their expedition because the found that those that endured the extreme hardship and dangers of sailing before the mast at sea to a destination called it an adventure. At sea there is no option to quit until the end of the voyage is reached except jumping off.
Out of 8 Ironman races there was only one I did not finish. DNF. I made an attempt to continue with one eye closed because concussion had me seeing two different images.
The broken ribs only hurt. I went down again and the ambulance took me to the finish.
What does that have to do with Oregon Life Line?
I didn't know when I started out adding the links below and stopped. I stopped because a different branch in the blog entry of links said look back in the mirror some thing is behind you that is important to where you are going.
The past came steaming up behind me like Vietnam recently did.
The SS Euragenies burned at sea with my parents aboard. In the launching of their life boat at midnight all aboard were washed out by a wave except my father. In anguish dad called out my my mothers name. Realizing that he could do no more to save here he cried "Whats the use?". Then a rope tossed down to him by a deck hand hit him. He did not take it. But then he did.
In the Navy we do not handle ropes. We handle lines. Dad was hauled onto the deck of a burning ship tossed by waves and abandoned ship with captain and crew in the other life boat. They were rescued the following morning. Later that day the Captain of my ship called me to his cabin. 3,000 miles away from my father shipmates threw a lifeline to me.
Sometimes we are thrown Life Lines. Sometimes they are thrown to us. It is always a choice to throw or grasp in either case. Some do neither. Some do both.
Steve thinks I threw a lifeline to him. I explained that he threw one to me. Then we talked about the Singer and the Song and distance as far as going to the East and the West. Two dimensions of travel. Then he linked that to going to the apposite side of the earth from Bend and where we would come out. I replied that there was an App for that. Then we talked about time travel and pyramids. I used the illustration of two points on q piece of paper joined by a linear line and folded the paper to to bring them together. Steve took another piece of paper and folded it into a pyramid.
He placed the folded pyramid on the counter pressed his finger down on the tip until it popped into an inverted pyramid. Then we talked about paradigm shifts.
A week ago I met Steve at the Deschutes County Building. We talked. A chance meeting but one driven by my inclination to talk with what some people call others as homeless. Home is where the heart is. His home was many miles out Alfalfa road and he needed water to survive out there. We got 9 gallons and I took him out to his home We went out to his camp deep in the juniper trees out Alfalfa Market Rd. He had made a pyramid tent structure and had survived winters there.
He might have survived this one too but maybe not.
What does that have to do with Oregon Life Line?
Steve is my roommate now and will move to a nearby apartment on Monday. Since I met him we have resolved many of his challenges including a lost benefit debit card and failure to receive a free phone. Also did clothes washing and clothes buying. He is now wearing a new winter jacket that came from Hawaii but that is another story linkage to a homeless person.
I had an old iPhone that I set up for Steve. Now I can find my friend with the App and he can find me. After taking care of more important things we found out what happened to his free phone. It was delivered but he did not get it. Same story for the replacement benefit debit card. The card was delivered to UPS not USPS General Delivery where he has a pseudo address he made up because everyone has to have an address. UPS obviously can't deliver to a pseudo address that is used for general delivery but looks like a real location address. He re-applied several times and was stuck in a "do loop". He got it before I even said a couple words to explain it.
Last week I joined Steve and his friends for Thanksgiving. Do Loops are broken after a certain number of repetitions that says the loop is going nowhere. That is an algorithmic function to get out of the loop.
Homeless is a Hopeless Do Loop.
Steve is an amazingly intelligent person as a function of wisdom. We talked about Presence/Absence theory and binary application of that theory to the hardware operation of computers. Giving meaning to the absence of a thing (nothing) makes it something in relationship to another thing. He got that too.
The absence of a Home or Hope has meaning in relation to Home and Hope.
Those that have the presence of Home and Hope in it Heart ...and recognize that the conceptual absence of Home and Hope has meaning. We are uniquely human by virtue of our intelligence that can create abstractions of meaning assigned to things that do not exist physically like a the concept of numerical Zero.
I would call Zero the Infinite Do Loop but that is a big leap in time and space..
I went with Steve to a Thanks giving meal with his friends to observe and process.
What I saw was a learning experience linking to deeper insight the more that what ai observed in reality structured itself conceptually. Call it a Darwin view of life. It is starting to look like Steve and I are more alike than we know.
I saw servers on food line that were serving something physical to those that needed it. Something conceptual as well to those on the receiving side that might break a loop of hopelessness. That is hope.
Hospital ships that my logistic ship went along side to replenish at sea off Vietnam were named Sanctuary and Hope. As we were alongside they continued to receive helicopters bearing those that needed Sanctuary and Hope. I watched that from the deck of my ship because I was Data Processing Division Officer and the responsibility of my Division was to receive message requests for supplies turn hard copy message information into punch cards then send them to another Division to pick and pack for delivery by alongside high line or by helicopter to outlaying ships.
My job was done for the hospital ship Hope I stood looking at then that gives my second flashback to Vietnam. The first one was in Kona after Ironman where I went back to corpsmen carrying watermelons on stretchers at down the back of a helicopter at Marble Mountain.
Hope and Home.....Present
Hope and Home ....Absent
Absolute and mutually exclusive binary states of being conceptually linked in a mysterious way until we discovered how to use presence/absence theory to create great things out of nothing.
Homeless and Hopeless are physical and conceptual shades of grey in-between where we throw lifeline to each other.
The lifeline?
I experience it as Inspiration. It is not confined to a linear one to one, hand to hand relationship on a two dimensional plane. Beyond one to one Inspiration is one to many and many to many in multi dimensional conceptual human space.
The best thing to give is what is passed on but does not diminish what is stored in where it came from. That is a Do Loop that goes somewhere instead of endless nowhere. Where is goes is beyond thinking to trust in feeling.
That is how I feel about it but verify by thinking about it.
Works for me.
How does this link to Oregon Life Line.
Trust that things are what they say they are but verify that they are in fact what they say they are by logic and reason and their functional results in an operating system.
Free phones? Look deeper into who benefits most from a free thing and the true nature of benefit. On one hand the benefit is a positive value we all admire. On the other hand it might not be but think it is. As it becomes easier to hide behind complexity it also become easier to find reduced to simplicity.
Let my little light shine.
Telephone Assistance Programs
One to Many search:
choose a branch
link down it like a block chain and return to some previous point thought or felt to be the better to extend.
Some day AI will do the the heavy lifting of logic and thinking for us and free us to focus on the more abstract relationships of feelings.
Oregon Lifeline - Oregon Telephone Assistance Program (OTAP)
I joined the Navy in 1961 to see the world. A travel adventure over the face of the earth but also a life adventure over the face of my perception of the world. Both adventures were experienced a step at a time. Navy adventure officially ended May 30th 1986. Seeing the world adventure continued.
What does that link to Oregon Lifeline?
Strange where following links takes me! Looking back at links behind me like looking in the bicycle mirror I have always used for a hundred thousand miles to be aware of what is behind me. Not so much to see where I have been. Memory sees that like waypoints. I look back to see what is coming up from behind so I can keep going safely ahead. In other places and situations I would call the it the "Street Smarts" App.
Some sense of direction is a good thing. Some inner voice that speaks that sense says I can't get to where I am going if I don't know where I am at. My niece liked how Buffalo Banzaei put it. Where you are is where you're at. The navigator on the ship had a response to the question "Where are we at": Steaming between boredom and tedium. It is a sailor thing since seafairers first went to sea. Then he went on to give the full standard reply.
What does that have to do with Oregon Life Line?
It is another adventure. Lewis and Clark choose sailors for their expedition because the found that those that endured the extreme hardship and dangers of sailing before the mast at sea to a destination called it an adventure. At sea there is no option to quit until the end of the voyage is reached except jumping off.
Out of 8 Ironman races there was only one I did not finish. DNF. I made an attempt to continue with one eye closed because concussion had me seeing two different images.
The broken ribs only hurt. I went down again and the ambulance took me to the finish.
What does that have to do with Oregon Life Line?
I didn't know when I started out adding the links below and stopped. I stopped because a different branch in the blog entry of links said look back in the mirror some thing is behind you that is important to where you are going.
The past came steaming up behind me like Vietnam recently did.
The SS Euragenies burned at sea with my parents aboard. In the launching of their life boat at midnight all aboard were washed out by a wave except my father. In anguish dad called out my my mothers name. Realizing that he could do no more to save here he cried "Whats the use?". Then a rope tossed down to him by a deck hand hit him. He did not take it. But then he did.
In the Navy we do not handle ropes. We handle lines. Dad was hauled onto the deck of a burning ship tossed by waves and abandoned ship with captain and crew in the other life boat. They were rescued the following morning. Later that day the Captain of my ship called me to his cabin. 3,000 miles away from my father shipmates threw a lifeline to me.
Sometimes we are thrown Life Lines. Sometimes they are thrown to us. It is always a choice to throw or grasp in either case. Some do neither. Some do both.
Steve thinks I threw a lifeline to him. I explained that he threw one to me. Then we talked about the Singer and the Song and distance as far as going to the East and the West. Two dimensions of travel. Then he linked that to going to the apposite side of the earth from Bend and where we would come out. I replied that there was an App for that. Then we talked about time travel and pyramids. I used the illustration of two points on q piece of paper joined by a linear line and folded the paper to to bring them together. Steve took another piece of paper and folded it into a pyramid.
He placed the folded pyramid on the counter pressed his finger down on the tip until it popped into an inverted pyramid. Then we talked about paradigm shifts.
A week ago I met Steve at the Deschutes County Building. We talked. A chance meeting but one driven by my inclination to talk with what some people call others as homeless. Home is where the heart is. His home was many miles out Alfalfa road and he needed water to survive out there. We got 9 gallons and I took him out to his home We went out to his camp deep in the juniper trees out Alfalfa Market Rd. He had made a pyramid tent structure and had survived winters there.
He might have survived this one too but maybe not.
What does that have to do with Oregon Life Line?
Steve is my roommate now and will move to a nearby apartment on Monday. Since I met him we have resolved many of his challenges including a lost benefit debit card and failure to receive a free phone. Also did clothes washing and clothes buying. He is now wearing a new winter jacket that came from Hawaii but that is another story linkage to a homeless person.
I had an old iPhone that I set up for Steve. Now I can find my friend with the App and he can find me. After taking care of more important things we found out what happened to his free phone. It was delivered but he did not get it. Same story for the replacement benefit debit card. The card was delivered to UPS not USPS General Delivery where he has a pseudo address he made up because everyone has to have an address. UPS obviously can't deliver to a pseudo address that is used for general delivery but looks like a real location address. He re-applied several times and was stuck in a "do loop". He got it before I even said a couple words to explain it.
Last week I joined Steve and his friends for Thanksgiving. Do Loops are broken after a certain number of repetitions that says the loop is going nowhere. That is an algorithmic function to get out of the loop.
Homeless is a Hopeless Do Loop.
Steve is an amazingly intelligent person as a function of wisdom. We talked about Presence/Absence theory and binary application of that theory to the hardware operation of computers. Giving meaning to the absence of a thing (nothing) makes it something in relationship to another thing. He got that too.
The absence of a Home or Hope has meaning in relation to Home and Hope.
Those that have the presence of Home and Hope in it Heart ...and recognize that the conceptual absence of Home and Hope has meaning. We are uniquely human by virtue of our intelligence that can create abstractions of meaning assigned to things that do not exist physically like a the concept of numerical Zero.
I would call Zero the Infinite Do Loop but that is a big leap in time and space..
I went with Steve to a Thanks giving meal with his friends to observe and process.
What I saw was a learning experience linking to deeper insight the more that what ai observed in reality structured itself conceptually. Call it a Darwin view of life. It is starting to look like Steve and I are more alike than we know.
I saw servers on food line that were serving something physical to those that needed it. Something conceptual as well to those on the receiving side that might break a loop of hopelessness. That is hope.
Hospital ships that my logistic ship went along side to replenish at sea off Vietnam were named Sanctuary and Hope. As we were alongside they continued to receive helicopters bearing those that needed Sanctuary and Hope. I watched that from the deck of my ship because I was Data Processing Division Officer and the responsibility of my Division was to receive message requests for supplies turn hard copy message information into punch cards then send them to another Division to pick and pack for delivery by alongside high line or by helicopter to outlaying ships.
My job was done for the hospital ship Hope I stood looking at then that gives my second flashback to Vietnam. The first one was in Kona after Ironman where I went back to corpsmen carrying watermelons on stretchers at down the back of a helicopter at Marble Mountain.
Hope and Home.....Present
Hope and Home ....Absent
Absolute and mutually exclusive binary states of being conceptually linked in a mysterious way until we discovered how to use presence/absence theory to create great things out of nothing.
Homeless and Hopeless are physical and conceptual shades of grey in-between where we throw lifeline to each other.
The lifeline?
I experience it as Inspiration. It is not confined to a linear one to one, hand to hand relationship on a two dimensional plane. Beyond one to one Inspiration is one to many and many to many in multi dimensional conceptual human space.
The best thing to give is what is passed on but does not diminish what is stored in where it came from. That is a Do Loop that goes somewhere instead of endless nowhere. Where is goes is beyond thinking to trust in feeling.
That is how I feel about it but verify by thinking about it.
Works for me.
How does this link to Oregon Life Line.
Trust that things are what they say they are but verify that they are in fact what they say they are by logic and reason and their functional results in an operating system.
Free phones? Look deeper into who benefits most from a free thing and the true nature of benefit. On one hand the benefit is a positive value we all admire. On the other hand it might not be but think it is. As it becomes easier to hide behind complexity it also become easier to find reduced to simplicity.
Let my little light shine.
Telephone Assistance Programs
One to Many search:
choose a branch
link down it like a block chain and return to some previous point thought or felt to be the better to extend.
Some day AI will do the the heavy lifting of logic and thinking for us and free us to focus on the more abstract relationships of feelings.
Oregon Lifeline - Oregon Telephone Assistance Program (OTAP)
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
ORS 308.212 Requirement for property owner to file address
1) Any person who owns real property located in any county shall notify the county assessor for the county where the property is located of that owner’s current address and, within 30 days of the change, shall notify the assessor of any change of address.
(2) A notice required under subsection (1) of this section does not meet the requirements of this section unless the notice is in writing and:
(a) For an individual, the notice contains the residence address of the person.
(b) For any other person, the notice contains the name and address of persons upon whom process may be served.
(3) The county assessor of each county shall maintain records showing the information required to be submitted to the assessor under this section. The assessor shall note any property owner’s change of address on the tax rolls.
(4) Subsection (1) of this section does not apply to any government body or government agency. [1981 c.153 §49]
Note: 308.212 (Requirement for property owner to file address) was enacted into law by the Legislative Assembly but was not added to or made a part of ORS chapter 308 or any series therein by legislative action. See Preface to Oregon Revised Statutes for further explanation.
My note:
It appears to simply be the owner of record. The owner that owns it. Simple.
1) Any person who owns real property located in any county shall notify the county assessor for the county where the property is located of that owner’s current address and, within 30 days of the change, shall notify the assessor of any change of address.
(2) A notice required under subsection (1) of this section does not meet the requirements of this section unless the notice is in writing and:
(a) For an individual, the notice contains the residence address of the person.
(b) For any other person, the notice contains the name and address of persons upon whom process may be served.
(3) The county assessor of each county shall maintain records showing the information required to be submitted to the assessor under this section. The assessor shall note any property owner’s change of address on the tax rolls.
(4) Subsection (1) of this section does not apply to any government body or government agency. [1981 c.153 §49]
Note: 308.212 (Requirement for property owner to file address) was enacted into law by the Legislative Assembly but was not added to or made a part of ORS chapter 308 or any series therein by legislative action. See Preface to Oregon Revised Statutes for further explanation.
My note:
It appears to simply be the owner of record. The owner that owns it. Simple.
Bank says customers can keep $100 bills mistakenly dispensed by ATM
Fun with conspiracy theory!
Funny Money!
It has been many years since I documented and wrote about the billions of dollars that went to Iraq on pallets and nobody knows where they went from there. They were all serialized and it took almost every one of them from the depository in New York leaving none behind.
That started my interest in tracing money. Unique Serial numbers but digital in a positive monetary system.
Recently I revisited $100 bills. They are new style and have embedded digital information. Traceable uniquely identifiable. Like human biometric identification links to a unique single person that is absolutely identified by something that cannot be counterfeited. The analogy being spiritual.
I read the link and recalled the experiment with serial numbered $100 bills conducted by the CDC because they model the dispersion of disease in time and distance of spread.
How much would it cost to conduct that same experiment today with the unique tracing embedded in $!00 bills?
Strange because several days ago I had one of those bills in my wallet and I decided on the verge of spending it to keep it and enclose it in my grandson's birthday card. I looked at I and wondered what markers might be in it, on it.
The first one I thought of was black light. I have one. Sure enough, zeros and ones appeared. What about the stripe? I should google the new bucks and see what else is in them besides value!
Was it an experiment? How many bills did it spit out? Initial reports said it was 20's but then corrected to 100's. If it was an experiment then some smart person may have said "we get the same results with 20's, let's use them and afterwards say they were 100's!
The cast of the experiment? 200 bills at 100 each? A thousand bills at 20 each? Maybe the machine spit out a range of denominations to a single recipient? That would be clever! There would have to be some control over how many each one received.
ATMs have a camera. Was the controlled experiment conducted at a place to entrap a selected group of people when the bills started phoning home at recording points? What sensors might have been embedded in those bill?
Near field IoT?
That is how to leverage money!
I wonder what data was derived and what is is being used for?
It is very clever surveillance by traceability?
It follows the model of "stolen" cell phones in the USA being distributed in other places but after being modified to phone home. Also payments to informers with anonymous debit cards. That solves the problem of linkage in an actual hand to hand pay off.
It is all so obvious! So easily done. An elegant way to skin the cat!
Fun with conspiracy theory!
Funny Money!
It has been many years since I documented and wrote about the billions of dollars that went to Iraq on pallets and nobody knows where they went from there. They were all serialized and it took almost every one of them from the depository in New York leaving none behind.
That started my interest in tracing money. Unique Serial numbers but digital in a positive monetary system.
Recently I revisited $100 bills. They are new style and have embedded digital information. Traceable uniquely identifiable. Like human biometric identification links to a unique single person that is absolutely identified by something that cannot be counterfeited. The analogy being spiritual.
I read the link and recalled the experiment with serial numbered $100 bills conducted by the CDC because they model the dispersion of disease in time and distance of spread.
How much would it cost to conduct that same experiment today with the unique tracing embedded in $!00 bills?
Strange because several days ago I had one of those bills in my wallet and I decided on the verge of spending it to keep it and enclose it in my grandson's birthday card. I looked at I and wondered what markers might be in it, on it.
The first one I thought of was black light. I have one. Sure enough, zeros and ones appeared. What about the stripe? I should google the new bucks and see what else is in them besides value!
Was it an experiment? How many bills did it spit out? Initial reports said it was 20's but then corrected to 100's. If it was an experiment then some smart person may have said "we get the same results with 20's, let's use them and afterwards say they were 100's!
The cast of the experiment? 200 bills at 100 each? A thousand bills at 20 each? Maybe the machine spit out a range of denominations to a single recipient? That would be clever! There would have to be some control over how many each one received.
ATMs have a camera. Was the controlled experiment conducted at a place to entrap a selected group of people when the bills started phoning home at recording points? What sensors might have been embedded in those bill?
Near field IoT?
That is how to leverage money!
I wonder what data was derived and what is is being used for?
It is very clever surveillance by traceability?
It follows the model of "stolen" cell phones in the USA being distributed in other places but after being modified to phone home. Also payments to informers with anonymous debit cards. That solves the problem of linkage in an actual hand to hand pay off.
It is all so obvious! So easily done. An elegant way to skin the cat!
Sunday, November 25, 2018
Deschutes County Clerk Search Page.
This looks new
Helion Software - 2018
A Digital Research Room?
What hove I found here?
It is often amazing when one link leads to another as a function of search on specific to general. It can go anywhere? I went from the last link to this site
How did I get there?
There was a missing link. That link was a search term that popped into me head. I started out this morning with the idea that every Oregon County Assessor property tax data base is a silo. I have investigated the Deschutes County data base and done a comparison of it to other county data systems
Helion is. data base software provider. Recently I discovered that Helion also is the provider of the Deschutes County Clerk system. In the prior' blog entry I did some County Clerk record searching on Assessor property records. They have linking data elements. First and foremost is property location data element. There are others as well. Name for example.
This opens up a new door/window!
Of course it was there all the time. I was in the Clerk's office recently and talked to Nancy about voting and the "No Confidence" vote.
Back to "How did I get there? above.
What was the missing link between the web link that connected
It was a link that popped into my head.
Why and how? I never really know. It came from the back office in my head.
The back office said to the front office:
Search on the term: " open source county property tax"
The intermediate link connecting it came out of my head.
When I woke up this morning the last dream like thought I had was to go back to my recent effort to take a look at all other County Assessors and look at how they did their County Assessments. They are a multitude of "Silos" that stick up across the landscape of a flat land like the grain elevators and water towers marking the small towns I passed on a 5,000 mile bike ride from west to east coast over an entire summer long ago.
In Europe the Silos were church steeples. At the top of those steeples were direction pointers for travelers. In Germany the best direction finders were signs closer to my bike level pointing to the next village. Knowing the direction I wanted to go in from the church steeple I then saw the sign with the name of the next village followed signs pointing to it until I got there.
County assessor Property tax systems Data sets are silos of data containing information that exist in every county in the country. They are public silos with public information.
I started out to learn more about the County Clerk data se and information but discovered the aggregation of nation wide county silo data sets.
I think I see a clever business model behind this. It is exactly the model I am using to obtain local property assessment data for a very focused purpose. That purpose
Helion Software - 2018
A Digital Research Room?
What hove I found here?
It is often amazing when one link leads to another as a function of search on specific to general. It can go anywhere? I went from the last link to this site
How did I get there?
There was a missing link. That link was a search term that popped into me head. I started out this morning with the idea that every Oregon County Assessor property tax data base is a silo. I have investigated the Deschutes County data base and done a comparison of it to other county data systems
Helion is. data base software provider. Recently I discovered that Helion also is the provider of the Deschutes County Clerk system. In the prior' blog entry I did some County Clerk record searching on Assessor property records. They have linking data elements. First and foremost is property location data element. There are others as well. Name for example.
This opens up a new door/window!
Of course it was there all the time. I was in the Clerk's office recently and talked to Nancy about voting and the "No Confidence" vote.
Back to "How did I get there? above.
What was the missing link between the web link that connected
It was a link that popped into my head.
Why and how? I never really know. It came from the back office in my head.
The back office said to the front office:
Search on the term: " open source county property tax"
The intermediate link connecting it came out of my head.
When I woke up this morning the last dream like thought I had was to go back to my recent effort to take a look at all other County Assessors and look at how they did their County Assessments. They are a multitude of "Silos" that stick up across the landscape of a flat land like the grain elevators and water towers marking the small towns I passed on a 5,000 mile bike ride from west to east coast over an entire summer long ago.
In Europe the Silos were church steeples. At the top of those steeples were direction pointers for travelers. In Germany the best direction finders were signs closer to my bike level pointing to the next village. Knowing the direction I wanted to go in from the church steeple I then saw the sign with the name of the next village followed signs pointing to it until I got there.
County assessor Property tax systems Data sets are silos of data containing information that exist in every county in the country. They are public silos with public information.
I started out to learn more about the County Clerk data se and information but discovered the aggregation of nation wide county silo data sets.
I think I see a clever business model behind this. It is exactly the model I am using to obtain local property assessment data for a very focused purpose. That purpose
Split 10 acre properties into 2 accounts
Argo Capital Group
Argo Capital Group
Saturday, November 24, 2018
Extending the Examination of Forestland Beyond Bend
There are several taxing districts that receive revenue from taxable properties in their district area.
Every taxable property in these districts pays tax that becomes revenue to required for their operation and voter approved bond payments.
Some owners properties in this taxing districts have an Eastern Oregon Forestland Special Assessment Classification that reduces their property tax. The intent is to protect owners of Forestland from encroachment of urban development. The special assessment is $79.38 per acre for the computation of Assessed Value.
The Eastern Oregon Forestland Special Assessment of $79.38 per acre is a benefit to Forestland property owners at the expense of decreasing revenue to special taxing districts. School District #1 is an example
Two property examples prove tax revenue disparity burden attributable to the $79.38 Eastern Oregon Special Assessment for Forestland.
Two examples: One without Eastern Oregon Forestland Special Assessment, the other with it. The facts of Eastern Oregon Special Assessment of $79.38 were presented in the analysis of 71 acres of Forestland within the city limits of Bend. The same facts apply to Forestland located anywhere in Eastern Oregon.
School District #1 taxlot
Example #1
Taxlot Account
Real Market Value: $1,156,320
Assessed Value: $520,050
Property Tax: $8,071
2018-19 Tax Statement Revenue Distribution:
C O C C 318.95
SCHOOL #1 BOND 2007 379.79
SCHOOL #1 BOND 2013 368.14
SCHOOL #1 BOND 2017 242.40
C O C C BOND 57.93
BONDS - OTHER TOTAL: $1,217.90
TOTAL $4,035.32
Example #2: Forestland Classification taxlot outside the City Limits of Bend but in the same School District #1
Total to Education: $26.54
are not paying their fair share of tax that is revenue goes to pay for schools.
Every taxable property in these districts pays tax that becomes revenue to required for their operation and voter approved bond payments.
Some owners properties in this taxing districts have an Eastern Oregon Forestland Special Assessment Classification that reduces their property tax. The intent is to protect owners of Forestland from encroachment of urban development. The special assessment is $79.38 per acre for the computation of Assessed Value.
The Eastern Oregon Forestland Special Assessment of $79.38 per acre is a benefit to Forestland property owners at the expense of decreasing revenue to special taxing districts. School District #1 is an example
Two property examples prove tax revenue disparity burden attributable to the $79.38 Eastern Oregon Special Assessment for Forestland.
Two examples: One without Eastern Oregon Forestland Special Assessment, the other with it. The facts of Eastern Oregon Special Assessment of $79.38 were presented in the analysis of 71 acres of Forestland within the city limits of Bend. The same facts apply to Forestland located anywhere in Eastern Oregon.
School District #1 taxlot
Example #1
Taxlot Account
Real Market Value: $1,156,320
Assessed Value: $520,050
Property Tax: $8,071
2018-19 Tax Statement Revenue Distribution:
C O C C 318.95
SCHOOL #1 BOND 2007 379.79
SCHOOL #1 BOND 2013 368.14
SCHOOL #1 BOND 2017 242.40
C O C C BOND 57.93
BONDS - OTHER TOTAL: $1,217.90
TOTAL $4,035.32
Example #2: Forestland Classification taxlot outside the City Limits of Bend but in the same School District #1
Forestland Classification $79.38 per acre
Taxlot Account:
School District #1 Map Overlay View
RMV: $1,099,500
AV: $3,468
Property Tax: $138.73
2018-19 Tax Statement Revenue Distribution
C O C C 2.15
SCHOOL #1 BOND 2007 2.53
SCHOOL #1 BOND 2013 2.45
SCHOOL #1 BOND 2017 1.62
C O C C BOND 0.39
Total to Education: $26.54
are not paying their fair share of tax that is revenue goes to pay for schools.
Friday, November 23, 2018
Jeanette Sullivan - Inspiration - Ironman Triathlete
Jeanette continues to be my inspiration to undertake Ironman level challenges.
Jeanette continues to be my inspiration to undertake Ironman level challenges.
Saturday, November 17, 2018
Helion Contract Deschutes County
Helion also provides services to the County Clerk
1. Supported Software and Maintenance
Supported Software: Unless stated othelWise, Helion will provide support for all software listed below:
Helion Start Menu Deployer
Account Manager Real Value Voucher Ratio Study
Real Land Schedules Real Sales
Trend Finder
Real Librarian
Real Value Indexes Real Value Recalc
MS Ledger Voucher Personal Vouchers
Utility Ledger Voucher Utility Values
Utility Input
Address Parser
Appraisal Maintenance Appraisal Reports
Assessor Reports
Name Parser
Lookup Table Maintenance Name Parser
Property Query
Web Property Query
Custom Query
Image Processing
ORCATS Integration Services File Service
Data Exchange
Interested Party
Lender Code Maintenance Tax Notation Maintenance Tax Receipts
Tax Reports
Tax Voucher
Turnover Distribution
Tax Receipt Image Loader Tax Balance Service
Prepaid Tax Processing Tax Rate Calculation Tax Amount Calculation Tax District Adjustments Tax Statements
Assessment and Tax Database Views
Helion also provides services to the County Clerk
1. Supported Software and Maintenance
Supported Software: Unless stated othelWise, Helion will provide support for all software listed below:
Helion Start Menu Deployer
Account Manager Real Value Voucher Ratio Study
Real Land Schedules Real Sales
Trend Finder
Real Librarian
Real Value Indexes Real Value Recalc
MS Ledger Voucher Personal Vouchers
Utility Ledger Voucher Utility Values
Utility Input
Address Parser
Appraisal Maintenance Appraisal Reports
Assessor Reports
Name Parser
Lookup Table Maintenance Name Parser
Property Query
Web Property Query
Custom Query
Image Processing
ORCATS Integration Services File Service
Data Exchange
Interested Party
Lender Code Maintenance Tax Notation Maintenance Tax Receipts
Tax Reports
Tax Voucher
Turnover Distribution
Tax Receipt Image Loader Tax Balance Service
Prepaid Tax Processing Tax Rate Calculation Tax Amount Calculation Tax District Adjustments Tax Statements
Assessment and Tax Database Views
Lever And A Place To Stand
Natural Language Expression
Conceptual Image Language:
Freedom is a place to stand
Freedom is a place to stand. - Image expression
Freedom is a place to stand
Jimmy Baca
Jimmy Visited Bend and I attended. I'm surprised that I link to him again in such a mysterious way.
It seems that everything in and on my mind is linking up recently in a very mysterious way. Lever linked to Freedom and Freedom linked to Jimmy.....who experienced the absence of physical Freedom and discovered conceptual Freedom.
That fits my model linking real to conceptual as something that creates an abstraction of the real world......with some degree of ambiguity introduced into the process.
New thought: Iconic Image is an object Instance of its Class. It inherits all the attributes of its class. What is the best representative iconic image Representing the Concept of the word Freedom? Time for an image Search. Everyone in the world should do an Image search on their language word for Freedom. What would the results of crowd sourcing everyone's image representation of freedom. The link between real and conceptual freedom?
Is Freedom a real thing? Yes, We declare it to be self evident! Period.
Image search: Freedom
Previously in this blog I used the idea that "Lets all get on the same map". as a better path to facilitate communication than saying "Let's all get on the same Page". (Turn your book to my page 1).
Put "Freedom" on the image map:
Everybody pick their best image and we will give it common meaning that transcends the ambiguity of our Natural Language that divides us.
Natural Language:
Image Language:
Comparative Natural Language study
Image selection for above link:
This leads me back to validating that the best way to organize and present my analysis is with a Mind Map...I knew that but discovered in the process that the Visual Image view, the real overhead geographic picture view is the best place to all get on the same map then overlay various conceptual view on it with each view having both natural language explanation and an easy user interface switch to a Mind Mapping view as a linking layer view.laying.
One GIS Map is True Visual thing on which anything and everything of either real or conceptual nature can to be presented as an overlay.
Conceptual Image Language:
Freedom is a place to stand
Freedom is a place to stand. - Image expression
Freedom is a place to stand
Jimmy Baca
Jimmy Visited Bend and I attended. I'm surprised that I link to him again in such a mysterious way.
It seems that everything in and on my mind is linking up recently in a very mysterious way. Lever linked to Freedom and Freedom linked to Jimmy.....who experienced the absence of physical Freedom and discovered conceptual Freedom.
That fits my model linking real to conceptual as something that creates an abstraction of the real world......with some degree of ambiguity introduced into the process.
New thought: Iconic Image is an object Instance of its Class. It inherits all the attributes of its class. What is the best representative iconic image Representing the Concept of the word Freedom? Time for an image Search. Everyone in the world should do an Image search on their language word for Freedom. What would the results of crowd sourcing everyone's image representation of freedom. The link between real and conceptual freedom?
Is Freedom a real thing? Yes, We declare it to be self evident! Period.
Image search: Freedom
Previously in this blog I used the idea that "Lets all get on the same map". as a better path to facilitate communication than saying "Let's all get on the same Page". (Turn your book to my page 1).
Put "Freedom" on the image map:
Everybody pick their best image and we will give it common meaning that transcends the ambiguity of our Natural Language that divides us.
Natural Language:
Image Language:
Comparative Natural Language study
Image selection for above link:
This leads me back to validating that the best way to organize and present my analysis is with a Mind Map...I knew that but discovered in the process that the Visual Image view, the real overhead geographic picture view is the best place to all get on the same map then overlay various conceptual view on it with each view having both natural language explanation and an easy user interface switch to a Mind Mapping view as a linking layer view.laying.
One GIS Map is True Visual thing on which anything and everything of either real or conceptual nature can to be presented as an overlay.
Mind Mapping
Getting lost in the free range wandering of the mind requires a mind mapping tool to find the way out that goes where I want to go.
A map is an abstract tool connecting to abstract and real things.
If we know how to use a map to get to a real place then we can apply that same Application to get to Conceptual Places.
What are Conceptual Places?
They can be anything we want them to be.
Mind Mapping is a Visual Information Presentation
Use a MindMapping tool to MindMap MindMapping!
First to find visually find one of those MindMapping things
Searching in Discovery of MindMapping will be done visually. The metaphor is finding things in the real world by using our own two feet to explore it Like John C. Fremont did. Blazing a trail with links.
Source of this idea: A forgotten link that left the idea that all of Economics can be explained using Metaphor. Every step in the explanation is a Metaphor in other words undertaken Metaphorically in the Coding Language of Metaphor. An Object Oriented language that walks like a Natural Language but quacks like an Artificial Language.
Am I crazy or what?
Crazy Smart!...........Only if everyone else thinks so.
Some get lost in the wilderness on the mind.
All that wander are not lost.
Steven in not lost...just wandering and exploring like a mountain man.
Can Metaphor be explored using Metaphor to export it?
Yes, of course the world of Object Orientation was opened up by creating an Object Oriented Tool to explore it. The visual image is that of a robot assembling itself....robotically.
Can you believe your lying eyes in a conceptual world of TruthTelling?
Enter the visual domain of Mind Ming by chosing an MindMap of the State that is the domain of exploration adventure.
All the Analogous Metaphorical "States" that can be entered on are "shown" at the top of the link that begins the visual exploration of MindMap
WTF! It all links together like a blockchain!
I have been here before in my wanderings. Now I see where I have been since then and how it got me to hear!
Temple Grandin could "see" things in a unique way that simplified complexity. Hers was a high degree of unique visual perception that showed us how to look at things and understand them by just looking at them an extracting the meanings of their actions.
I have been impressed before and learned form seeing things as she doe.
A different point of view is a visual thing.
Back to extending the the MainChain of thought:
Looking at Visual Conceptual Mapping:
Mind Map
1. Explained in Natural Language Coding (Simple to find explanation)
2. Explained in Visual Language Coding. (is there such a thing?)
1. Sign Language in Natural Language coding
2. Sign Language in Visual Language Coding
The difference in the two languages is in their degree and nature of abstraction from reality. Code and Decode and the Codex.
Another way to look at it.
How do we communicate to others that do not speak our spoken form of NaturalLanguageEnglish?
What you see is what you get.
Get it?
Where do you get it you may ask?
Youtube DIY video that has no Natural Language sound track.
Get it?
Test follows...
How do you "say" a conceptual thing visually without Natural Language words?
Example: "Truth or Consequences" How could the basic conceptual social meaning of the phrase be communicated conceptually with the least degree of ambiguity to a person who only spoke the Natural Language of Chinese.
Finding. Common Visual Language Representation?
Step one: Truth or Consequences meaning Natural Language Search
Chose "Images"
Scroll the top line of Image Categories. They all relate to geographical places that do not convey the conceptual meaning of Truth ore Consequences. All the image express the same thing.
Narrow the image search: "Truth or Consequences Justice",online_chips:southern+justice,online_chips:social+justice&usg=AI4_-kQpXrhsE2cjzrb2rLW8Ym8aucikCw&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjFt7PB2NveAhXVMX0KHWrwA_UQ4lYILCgD&biw=1200&bih=698&dpr=2
The top categorical bar narrows the search
Break time! Yesterday I was searching for something and the whirling pizza hung up on the search and the App was not responding. It hung up but kept looking harder using all of its processing power to find what I was looking for. In its frustration it produced heat and the cooling fan came on. It kept going. The fan went faster. It did. to know when to quit. I gave it a "Command W"
Break Time = Command W to my brain.
As a place marker to remind me of the VisualRepresentation image I have in my brain to illustrate what it wants to find to convey "Truth or Consequences Justice". This is my HeadImage at QuittingTime:
Image is at upper left:
Simple clue hidden in plain sight at this link:
Selecting the icon image on the upper left and search on the image itself
Fundamental property of the icon image?
A Circle!
Maybe the first visual concept to show to my Chinese Speaking friend to begin our communications discourse on finding the common meaning of justice is a Circle?
Put this icon in the middle of a mind map as the starting point to create that Mind Map that establishes without any ambiguity in common meaning the concept of "Truth or Consequences"
A map is an abstract tool connecting to abstract and real things.
If we know how to use a map to get to a real place then we can apply that same Application to get to Conceptual Places.
What are Conceptual Places?
They can be anything we want them to be.
Mind Mapping is a Visual Information Presentation
Use a MindMapping tool to MindMap MindMapping!
First to find visually find one of those MindMapping things
Searching in Discovery of MindMapping will be done visually. The metaphor is finding things in the real world by using our own two feet to explore it Like John C. Fremont did. Blazing a trail with links.
Source of this idea: A forgotten link that left the idea that all of Economics can be explained using Metaphor. Every step in the explanation is a Metaphor in other words undertaken Metaphorically in the Coding Language of Metaphor. An Object Oriented language that walks like a Natural Language but quacks like an Artificial Language.
Am I crazy or what?
Crazy Smart!...........Only if everyone else thinks so.
Some get lost in the wilderness on the mind.
All that wander are not lost.
Steven in not lost...just wandering and exploring like a mountain man.
Can Metaphor be explored using Metaphor to export it?
Yes, of course the world of Object Orientation was opened up by creating an Object Oriented Tool to explore it. The visual image is that of a robot assembling itself....robotically.
Can you believe your lying eyes in a conceptual world of TruthTelling?
Enter the visual domain of Mind Ming by chosing an MindMap of the State that is the domain of exploration adventure.
All the Analogous Metaphorical "States" that can be entered on are "shown" at the top of the link that begins the visual exploration of MindMap
WTF! It all links together like a blockchain!
I have been here before in my wanderings. Now I see where I have been since then and how it got me to hear!
Temple Grandin could "see" things in a unique way that simplified complexity. Hers was a high degree of unique visual perception that showed us how to look at things and understand them by just looking at them an extracting the meanings of their actions.
I have been impressed before and learned form seeing things as she doe.
A different point of view is a visual thing.
Back to extending the the MainChain of thought:
Looking at Visual Conceptual Mapping:
Mind Map
1. Explained in Natural Language Coding (Simple to find explanation)
2. Explained in Visual Language Coding. (is there such a thing?)
1. Sign Language in Natural Language coding
2. Sign Language in Visual Language Coding
The difference in the two languages is in their degree and nature of abstraction from reality. Code and Decode and the Codex.
Another way to look at it.
How do we communicate to others that do not speak our spoken form of NaturalLanguageEnglish?
What you see is what you get.
Get it?
Where do you get it you may ask?
Youtube DIY video that has no Natural Language sound track.
Get it?
Test follows...
How do you "say" a conceptual thing visually without Natural Language words?
Example: "Truth or Consequences" How could the basic conceptual social meaning of the phrase be communicated conceptually with the least degree of ambiguity to a person who only spoke the Natural Language of Chinese.
Finding. Common Visual Language Representation?
Step one: Truth or Consequences meaning Natural Language Search
Chose "Images"
Scroll the top line of Image Categories. They all relate to geographical places that do not convey the conceptual meaning of Truth ore Consequences. All the image express the same thing.
Narrow the image search: "Truth or Consequences Justice",online_chips:southern+justice,online_chips:social+justice&usg=AI4_-kQpXrhsE2cjzrb2rLW8Ym8aucikCw&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjFt7PB2NveAhXVMX0KHWrwA_UQ4lYILCgD&biw=1200&bih=698&dpr=2
The top categorical bar narrows the search
Break time! Yesterday I was searching for something and the whirling pizza hung up on the search and the App was not responding. It hung up but kept looking harder using all of its processing power to find what I was looking for. In its frustration it produced heat and the cooling fan came on. It kept going. The fan went faster. It did. to know when to quit. I gave it a "Command W"
Break Time = Command W to my brain.
As a place marker to remind me of the VisualRepresentation image I have in my brain to illustrate what it wants to find to convey "Truth or Consequences Justice". This is my HeadImage at QuittingTime:
Image is at upper left:
Simple clue hidden in plain sight at this link:
Selecting the icon image on the upper left and search on the image itself
Fundamental property of the icon image?
A Circle!
Maybe the first visual concept to show to my Chinese Speaking friend to begin our communications discourse on finding the common meaning of justice is a Circle?
Put this icon in the middle of a mind map as the starting point to create that Mind Map that establishes without any ambiguity in common meaning the concept of "Truth or Consequences"

Thursday, November 15, 2018
Home Rule
The Oregon Constitution gives voters the right to adopt, amend and revise a charter. The City of Bend Charter of 1995 grants legal home rule authority to the City and sets the duties of the Council, Mayor and City Manager. The Charter was submitted to and approved by the voters of the City of Bend in May of 1995.
High level business models differ as a function of an analysis of the type of business an enterprise conducts. Once that inclusive integrated model is designed and initially sold to a business enterprise the investment in creating a system for that sector becomes the basic model to sell with some tailoring to other enterprises conducting similar business. Some rule of thumb says there are only about 8 different business enterprise models into which most all private sector businesses fall into. Beyond that pattern it is only necessary to tailor make specifics.
Government and governance all seem to fall into a basic Federal State and local models. Not surprising because they are all driven by a structure of rules called law. Consultants that re-design big corporate business intimate their analysis by first asking what the rules of the company are. Corporate rules systems vary but are usually driven by the their business sector.
So....where are the big buck consultants that want to sell their integrating package of software to the 3 levels of governance that are all basically doin business in the same way to restructure the rules of relationships upon which the efficiency of governance rest?
Are you kidding/
Kill the Golden Goose?
That is not a good business model.
Private gain at public expense is a much better one that keeps on milking the cow.
There is a lot of money to be made in reinventing the wheel for every car it fits.
That business model works at all levels. It is fenced model to the extent that each city, county, state would have to design its own Home Rule system at great expense and do not have the money or talent to do that.
Some smart city or county or state with a lot of technical expertise does it first. Puts a patent lock on it and sells it to every other city or county as a governance package. The citizens of the creating City/County would not have to pay taxes anymore! They would be receiving dividends!
What is being sold to cities and counties is e-government but that does not really restructure government to serve its citizens. It only creates a better user interface to the old legacy back office.
What big business sells a Home Rule package system?
Home Rule:
Dillon's Rule's_Rule
Cooley Doctrine
Home rule is the power of a local city or county to set up its own system of self-government without receiving a charter from the state. Home rule is allowed undersome state constitutions. The authority to act in local affairs is transferred from state law to a local charter, adopted and, as need be amended, by the voters through referendum. Home rule shifts much of the responsibility for local government from the state legislature to the local community. A county that adopts a home rule charter has the ability to amend its governmental organization and powers to suit its needs. A home rule charter is, in essence, a local constitution.
The power of "Write-In" vote! Nov. 2018
General Search:
Local Background:
Oregon Constitution --- " Duly Elected" . "Oath of Office" Deschutes County Assessor
Progress Report.
It seemed unusual to me that the Deschutes County Assessor was on the ballot in the May primary but not on the General Election Ballot for election. The County Clerk explained this situation to me.
The Oregon Constitution contains references to County Assessors but the definitive rules and laws are determined by the status of a County and are to be found within the specific type of county governance authority.
Types of local government
Local government in Oregon consists of 36 counties and 241 cities. In addition, there are 1002 special districts and 230 independent school districts.[1]
Further classifications:
Counties may be:
General law: of which there are 27
Home rule charter: of which there are 9.[2] Lane and Washington were the first to adopt home rule in 1962, followed by Hood River (1964), Multnomah (1967), Benton (1972), Jackson (1978), Josephine (1980), Clatsop (1988) and Umatilla (1993).[3]
Cities may be:
General law: of which there are 130
Home rule charter: of which there are 111[4]
Deschutes County: General Law
Discovery is within the General Law framework of Deschutes County
Looks like solutions in Deschutes would be facilitated by a Home Rule Charter. Strange that there are 27 legacy system General Law counties and only 9 Home Rule Charter Counties adoptions. Dates range from 1962 to 1993. Lanes seems to be a more progressive county in relationship to many things I have been researching.
I will continue progress on the matter of Deschutes County Assessor and long range election strategy but it looks like a better horse to switch to in mid-stream is County Home Rule. That is something I know nothing much about now but appeals to me.
Home Rule would obviously be a major structuring undertaking on the part of any county. Last adoption was 1993. Technology modeling tools are now far in advance of what they were in 1993. I would expect to find business entities that specialize in this area of County Home Rule?
Jump from this bog entry to the next one: Home Rule
The Oregon Constitution specifies certain elected positions that must be filled by General Election procedures. Other elected positions may be filled as a direct vote result of Primary Elections. County Assessor is one of those positions filled by Primary Election.
I've never looked at the Oregon Constitution. I know that State Constitutions generally follow the form of our Federal Constitution. However they may depart and extend (but not detatch) and should depart in accordance with the Object Oriented Model of System design.
This morning I examined our Oregon Constitution with the intent to search for what it had to say about General and Primary Elections and which elective local government positions are filled by each.
I was not far into reading the Constitution when I read:
1859 Version:
7.-The mode of administering an oath, or affirmation shall be such as may be most consistent with, and binding upon the conscience of the person to whom such oath or affirmation may be administered.
2018 Version:
Section 7. Manner of administering oath or affirmation. The mode of administering an oath, or affirmation shall be such as may be most consistent with, and binding upon the conscience of the person to whom such oath or affirmation may be administered.—
Exactly the thinking of my conscience! Face the object of the Oath or Affirmation it is made to.
Resume election search in the Oregon Constitution.
Cities and Towns:
Section 14a. Time of holding elections in incorporated cities and towns. Incorporated cities and towns shall hold their nominating and regular elections for their several elective officers at the same time that the primary and general biennial elections for State and county officers are held, and the election precincts and officers shall be the same for all elections held at the same time. All provisions of the charters and ordinances of incorporated cities and towns pertaining to the holding of elections shall continue in full force and effect except so far as they relate to the time of holding such elections. Every officer who, at the time of the adoption of this amendment, is the duly qualified incumbent of an elective office of an incorporated city or town shall hold his office for the term for which he was elected and until his successor is elected and qualified. The Legislature, and cities and towns, shall enact such supplementary legislation as may be necessary to carry the provisions of this amendment into effect. [Created through H.J.R. 22, 1917, and adopted by the people June 4, 1917]
Section 23. Certain local and special laws prohibited. The Legislative Assembly, shall not pass special or local laws, in any of the following enumerated cases, that is to say:— skip to:
Section 32. Taxes and duties; uniformity of taxation. No tax or duty shall be imposed without the consent of the people or their representatives in the Legislative Assembly; and all taxation shall be uniform on the same class of subjects within the territorial limits of the authority levying the tax. [Constitution of 1859; Amendment proposed by H.J.R. 16, 1917, and adopted by the people June 4, 1917]
Section 16. Election by plurality; proportional representation. In all elections authorized by this constitution until otherwise provided by law, the person or persons receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected, but provision may be made by law for elections by equal proportional representation of all the voters for every office which is filled by the election of two or more persons whose official duties, rights and powers are equal and concurrent. Every qualified elector resident in his precinct and registered as may be required by law, may vote for one person under the title for each office. Provision may be made by law for the voter's direct or indirect expression of his first, second or additional choices among the candidates for any office. For an office which is filled by the election of one person it may be required by law that the person elected shall be the final choice of a majority of the electors voting for candidates for that office. These principles may be applied by law to nominations by political parties and organizations. [Constitution of 1859; Amendment proposed by initiative petition filed Jan. 29, 1908, and adopted by the people June 1, 1908]
Section 8. County officers' qualifications; location of offices of county and city officers; duties of such officers. Every county officer shall be an elector of the county, and the county assessor, county sheriff, county coroner and county surveyor shall possess such other qualifications as may be prescribed by law. All county and city officers shall keep their respective offices at such places therein, and perform such duties, as may be prescribed by law. [Constitution of 1859; Amendment proposed by H.J.R. 7, 1955, and adopted by the people Nov. 6, 1956; Amendment proposed by H.J.R. 42, 1971, and adopted by the people Nov. 7, 1972; Amendment proposed by H.J.R. 22, 1973, and adopted by the people Nov. 5, 1974]
Article VI
Section No. 6 There shall be elected in each county, by the qualified electors thereof, at the time of holding general elections, a county clerk, Treasurer, Sheriff, Coroner, and Surveyor, who shall severally hold their offices for the term of two years.-(Amended, November 2, 1920, infra.)
Section No. 7 Such other county, township, precinct, and city officers as may be necessary, shall be elected, or appointed in such manner as may be prescribed by law.-
It seemed unusual to me that the Deschutes County Assessor was on the ballot in the May primary but not on the General Election Ballot for election. The County Clerk explained this situation to me.
The Oregon Constitution contains references to County Assessors but the definitive rules and laws are determined by the status of a County and are to be found within the specific type of county governance authority.
Types of local government
Local government in Oregon consists of 36 counties and 241 cities. In addition, there are 1002 special districts and 230 independent school districts.[1]
Further classifications:
Counties may be:
General law: of which there are 27
Home rule charter: of which there are 9.[2] Lane and Washington were the first to adopt home rule in 1962, followed by Hood River (1964), Multnomah (1967), Benton (1972), Jackson (1978), Josephine (1980), Clatsop (1988) and Umatilla (1993).[3]
Cities may be:
General law: of which there are 130
Home rule charter: of which there are 111[4]
Discovery is within the General Law framework of Deschutes County
Looks like solutions in Deschutes would be facilitated by a Home Rule Charter. Strange that there are 27 legacy system General Law counties and only 9 Home Rule Charter Counties adoptions. Dates range from 1962 to 1993. Lanes seems to be a more progressive county in relationship to many things I have been researching.
I will continue progress on the matter of Deschutes County Assessor and long range election strategy but it looks like a better horse to switch to in mid-stream is County Home Rule. That is something I know nothing much about now but appeals to me.
Home Rule would obviously be a major structuring undertaking on the part of any county. Last adoption was 1993. Technology modeling tools are now far in advance of what they were in 1993. I would expect to find business entities that specialize in this area of County Home Rule?
Jump from this bog entry to the next one: Home Rule
The Oregon Constitution specifies certain elected positions that must be filled by General Election procedures. Other elected positions may be filled as a direct vote result of Primary Elections. County Assessor is one of those positions filled by Primary Election.
I've never looked at the Oregon Constitution. I know that State Constitutions generally follow the form of our Federal Constitution. However they may depart and extend (but not detatch) and should depart in accordance with the Object Oriented Model of System design.
This morning I examined our Oregon Constitution with the intent to search for what it had to say about General and Primary Elections and which elective local government positions are filled by each.
I was not far into reading the Constitution when I read:
1859 Version:
7.-The mode of administering an oath, or affirmation shall be such as may be most consistent with, and binding upon the conscience of the person to whom such oath or affirmation may be administered.
2018 Version:
Section 7. Manner of administering oath or affirmation. The mode of administering an oath, or affirmation shall be such as may be most consistent with, and binding upon the conscience of the person to whom such oath or affirmation may be administered.—
Exactly the thinking of my conscience! Face the object of the Oath or Affirmation it is made to.
Resume election search in the Oregon Constitution.
Cities and Towns:
Section 14a. Time of holding elections in incorporated cities and towns. Incorporated cities and towns shall hold their nominating and regular elections for their several elective officers at the same time that the primary and general biennial elections for State and county officers are held, and the election precincts and officers shall be the same for all elections held at the same time. All provisions of the charters and ordinances of incorporated cities and towns pertaining to the holding of elections shall continue in full force and effect except so far as they relate to the time of holding such elections. Every officer who, at the time of the adoption of this amendment, is the duly qualified incumbent of an elective office of an incorporated city or town shall hold his office for the term for which he was elected and until his successor is elected and qualified. The Legislature, and cities and towns, shall enact such supplementary legislation as may be necessary to carry the provisions of this amendment into effect. [Created through H.J.R. 22, 1917, and adopted by the people June 4, 1917]
Section 23. Certain local and special laws prohibited. The Legislative Assembly, shall not pass special or local laws, in any of the following enumerated cases, that is to say:— skip to:
Section 32. Taxes and duties; uniformity of taxation. No tax or duty shall be imposed without the consent of the people or their representatives in the Legislative Assembly; and all taxation shall be uniform on the same class of subjects within the territorial limits of the authority levying the tax. [Constitution of 1859; Amendment proposed by H.J.R. 16, 1917, and adopted by the people June 4, 1917]
Section 16. Election by plurality; proportional representation. In all elections authorized by this constitution until otherwise provided by law, the person or persons receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected, but provision may be made by law for elections by equal proportional representation of all the voters for every office which is filled by the election of two or more persons whose official duties, rights and powers are equal and concurrent. Every qualified elector resident in his precinct and registered as may be required by law, may vote for one person under the title for each office. Provision may be made by law for the voter's direct or indirect expression of his first, second or additional choices among the candidates for any office. For an office which is filled by the election of one person it may be required by law that the person elected shall be the final choice of a majority of the electors voting for candidates for that office. These principles may be applied by law to nominations by political parties and organizations. [Constitution of 1859; Amendment proposed by initiative petition filed Jan. 29, 1908, and adopted by the people June 1, 1908]
Section 8. County officers' qualifications; location of offices of county and city officers; duties of such officers. Every county officer shall be an elector of the county, and the county assessor, county sheriff, county coroner and county surveyor shall possess such other qualifications as may be prescribed by law. All county and city officers shall keep their respective offices at such places therein, and perform such duties, as may be prescribed by law. [Constitution of 1859; Amendment proposed by H.J.R. 7, 1955, and adopted by the people Nov. 6, 1956; Amendment proposed by H.J.R. 42, 1971, and adopted by the people Nov. 7, 1972; Amendment proposed by H.J.R. 22, 1973, and adopted by the people Nov. 5, 1974]
Article VI
Section No. 6 There shall be elected in each county, by the qualified electors thereof, at the time of holding general elections, a county clerk, Treasurer, Sheriff, Coroner, and Surveyor, who shall severally hold their offices for the term of two years.-(Amended, November 2, 1920, infra.)
Section No. 7 Such other county, township, precinct, and city officers as may be necessary, shall be elected, or appointed in such manner as may be prescribed by law.-
First, adopting a charter gives a county and its voters options for county government organization that are not available to general law counties. For example, only by adopting a county charter may county voters change the manner of selecting the county sheriff, assessor, clerk, and treasurer. Election of the sheriff, clerk and treasurer is required by the state constitution, but the county home rule constitutional amendment overrides that requirement by directing that county charters prescribe the organization of county government.
Introduction to the John C. Fremont Pathfinding Operating System
How in the world can I bring the subject of this blog entry down to earth?
Deschutes County is on the map. The technology of mapping has come a long ways since John C. Fremont camped in Shevlin Park. He was an exploring Pathfinder who has his name linked to many of the places he mapped. Near the end he mapped out his own life looking back on the paths he had followed and the linked steps that made the path. His story is full of a wide range of fascinating things in which he was first and foremost on the various paths he traveled.
He was the first candidate of the Republican Party for the office of President of the United States.
Since Fremont camped here hundreds of thousands followed some kind of map using some mode of travel to get to this County. They made their mark on its map in different ways. A more recent County Map links a name to land ownership entitlement.
Mapping technology has come a long way over time. This more recent County Tax Map is an old school way to find a path to a real place. An old school way to get from point A to point B but it is a fundmental building block in the structure of mapping technology today. That entire structure is all founded on the uniqueness of a granular level precise positioning coordinate system .over the entire two dimensional surface of the earth that was the launch point into a third dimension that took us to the moon and is taking us conceptually much farther than beyond the moon.
A geographic map is a human conceptual representation of the real world we live in and a tool to find our way in it. A month ago I saw Salmon leaping up a stream to a destination by direct physical sensing of present position linked to direction. They smell their way to an ultimate destination. Real salmon don't ask for directions they just follow them naturally. The same way I follow my nose to a donut shop when I am bike touring.
Maybe John C. Fremont just had a better sense of nose direction than the rest of us and followed it. A guy who never asked for directions.
Deschutes County is on the map. The technology of mapping has come a long ways since John C. Fremont camped in Shevlin Park. He was an exploring Pathfinder who has his name linked to many of the places he mapped. Near the end he mapped out his own life looking back on the paths he had followed and the linked steps that made the path. His story is full of a wide range of fascinating things in which he was first and foremost on the various paths he traveled.
He was the first candidate of the Republican Party for the office of President of the United States.
Since Fremont camped here hundreds of thousands followed some kind of map using some mode of travel to get to this County. They made their mark on its map in different ways. A more recent County Map links a name to land ownership entitlement.
Mapping technology has come a long way over time. This more recent County Tax Map is an old school way to find a path to a real place. An old school way to get from point A to point B but it is a fundmental building block in the structure of mapping technology today. That entire structure is all founded on the uniqueness of a granular level precise positioning coordinate system .over the entire two dimensional surface of the earth that was the launch point into a third dimension that took us to the moon and is taking us conceptually much farther than beyond the moon.
A geographic map is a human conceptual representation of the real world we live in and a tool to find our way in it. A month ago I saw Salmon leaping up a stream to a destination by direct physical sensing of present position linked to direction. They smell their way to an ultimate destination. Real salmon don't ask for directions they just follow them naturally. The same way I follow my nose to a donut shop when I am bike touring.
Maybe John C. Fremont just had a better sense of nose direction than the rest of us and followed it. A guy who never asked for directions.
John C. Fremont Object Oriented PathFinding Programming Programming Language
PlaceHolder for system architecture design.
FITR Fork In The Road SubRoutine - JCF PathFind Operating System (POS)
Mandatory required viewing pre-requisite to conceptually frame the nature of the ForkInTheRoad (FITR) SubRoutine in the JCF Object Oriented PathFindingOperatingSystem (POS)
FITR concept = Finding things by getting lost and stumbling across a good way to go.
Meeks cutoff was not.
How often I have found where I should be going only by setting out for somewhere else.
-- R. Buckminster Fuller = RBM
FITR - (come back to this point if you don't get lost to where it goes)
That does not link directly to finding what I was looking for but relates to something explored before. I have never seen the nature of that path officially stated anywhere as a mode of administering an oath or affirmation "shall be such as may be most consistent with, and binding upon the conscience of the person to whom such oath or affirmation may be administered."
FITR concept = Finding things by getting lost and stumbling across a good way to go.
Meeks cutoff was not.
How often I have found where I should be going only by setting out for somewhere else.
-- R. Buckminster Fuller = RBM
FITR - (come back to this point if you don't get lost to where it goes)
That does not link directly to finding what I was looking for but relates to something explored before. I have never seen the nature of that path officially stated anywhere as a mode of administering an oath or affirmation "shall be such as may be most consistent with, and binding upon the conscience of the person to whom such oath or affirmation may be administered."
That is exactly what my conscience tells me.
RBM Rule of Pathfinding Branch Choice
Link to previously explored Path
Extend that Path?
Do until satisfied
Return to Path Branch Point
Attach PlaceHolder note?
Make Stub Extension Note
Been here saw nothing Note
Been here saw this Note
Include LinkBack to Branch Departure Point on Note
Post Note to Path Point Trail Marker
Return to Path BranchPointLinkBack
Read DepartureNote posted on BranchPoint
Resume PathFinding from BranchPoint
Note on Notes: BlockChain thinking applies to notes. However, BranchChains are not abandoned in exploration if they do not become and extension of the MainChain but are always subject to extension as ObjectOriented Children of the ParentChain. All PathFinding TrailMarkers are TimePlace stamped.
Make Stub Extension Note
Been here saw nothing Note
Been here saw this Note
Include LinkBack to Branch Departure Point on Note
Post Note to Path Point Trail Marker
Return to Path BranchPointLinkBack
Read DepartureNote posted on BranchPoint
Resume PathFinding from BranchPoint
Note on Notes: BlockChain thinking applies to notes. However, BranchChains are not abandoned in exploration if they do not become and extension of the MainChain but are always subject to extension as ObjectOriented Children of the ParentChain. All PathFinding TrailMarkers are TimePlace stamped.
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Transect Deschutes County - Findings and Recommendations AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF
Issue #1 Page 4
The Hearings Officer found that the Subject Property was, before and at the time of adoption the 1980 Exception Statement was approved, “marginal resource land.” Therefore, the County did approve exceptions to Goals 3 and 4 for the Subject Property.
Finding of Fact E: Page
E. SITE DESCRIPTION: The South Property is approximately 307 acres and is currently vacant and undeveloped. The Subject Property borders Shevlin Park and Tumalo Creek to the west. Land to the north and east lies within the UGB. The southern end of the South Property borders directly upon the “Miller Tree Farm” subdivision. Most of the Subject Property was burned in connection with the Awbrey Hall fire in 1990. According to the application materials, the intensity and high temperatures associated with that wildfire have resulted in a landscape and soils that can no longer support the regeneration of a Ponderosa Pine forest.
County Assessor Map No. Situs Address
“North Property”
1711130000100 63285 Skyline Ranch Road
1711130000500 63200 Skyline Ranch Road. Account 112750
1711230000500 19050 Shevlin Park Road -- Account 272594 No Situs Address
1711230000502 No Situs Address
1711230000503 No Situs Address
1711240000100 63155 Skyline Ranch Road
1711240000102 63156 Skyline Ranch Road ? tax map number no situs address
1711240000403 63055 Skyline Ranch Road
1711240000600 62955 Skyline Ranch Road
1711240000700 62855 Skyline Ranch Road
1712180000100 63555 Skyline Ranch Road
1711230000600 No Situs Address
63285 Skyline Ranch rd
5 acre Tract
Three Following Accounts with the same Assessor map number
1711130000500 Account 112750
63200 Skyline Ranch Rd
13.70 Tract
1711230000500 Account 272594
5 Acres Tract
1711230000500 Account 131969
19050 Shevlin Park Road
40 acres Designated Forestland
Property Class 640 Forest
1711230000502 No Situs Address
25 acres Designated Forestland
Property Class - 640
1711230000503 No Situs Address
40 Acres Designated Forestland
Property Class 640 - Forest
63155 Skyline Ranch Road
18.58 acres Designated Forestland
Property Class 641- Forest
1 acre Rural Tract
21.32 Acres Designated Forestland
Property Class - 640
63055 Skyline Ranch Road
18.63 Acres Designated Forestland
Property Class 641 Forest
62955 Skyline Ranch Road - Same property as above
62855 Skyline Ranch Road
40 Acres Designated Forestland
Property Class -641 Forest
63555 Skyline Ranch Road
19.63 acres Designated Forestland
81.99 acres Tract
Property Class 680 Forest
1711230000600 No Situs Address
33.73 Acres School District #1
Page 8 Figure 1 shows the north property - 378 acres
page 11:
The 1990 Awbrey-Hall Fire spread onto the North Property resulting in a vegetative landscape dominated by bitterbrush, sage brush and rabbit brush with minimal pine tree regeneration. Existing vegetation includes some ponderosa pine, but mainly juniper trees, native shrubs and grasses.
“South Property”
1711260000400 3225 NW Shevlin Park Road
1711260000400 3229 NW Shevlin Park Road. (My note: same property as above)
1711000006000 62600 McClain Drive
Figure 2 shows the South Property 307 acres
3225 NW Shevlin Park Road - Tract
Account 125163
Map View:
3229 NW Shevlin Park Road
Account 125163
Same property as above
62600 McClain Drive
Map View:
Chapter 2 – Resource Management Section 2.6 –
Wildlife Goal 1 Maintain and enhance a diversity of wildlife and habitats.
Policy 2.6.2 Promote stewardship of wildlife habitats and corridors, particularly those with significant biological, ecological, aesthetic and recreational value.
Policy 2.6.4 Support incentives for restoring and/or preserving significant wildlife habitat by traditional means such as zoning or innovative means, including land swaps, conservation easements, transfer of development rights, tax incentives or purchase by public or non-profit agencies.
Policy 2.6.7 Use a combination of incentives, regulations and education to promote stewardship of wildlife habitat and address the impacts of development.
Applicants stated they are working with a professional biologist to voluntarily incorporate design elements and conservation measures into a plan to protect deer and elk populations on the Subject Property
Applicants stated they are working with a professional biologist to voluntarily incorporate design elements and conservation measures into a plan to protect deer and elk populations on the Subject Property
Page 67
Goal 4, Forest Lands. No forest lands are involved in the proposed plan amendment and zone change. Therefore Goal 4 does not apply. In addition, the 1980 Exception Statement (Exhibit 11) took exception to Goal 4 which includes the land in the Urban Reserve. In the event it is determined Goal 4 does apply, the applicants have submitted evidence and findings demonstrating why an exception to Goal 4 is warranted in Section VII hereof. Goal 5, Open Spaces, Scenic and Historic Areas and Natural Resources. No Goal 5 resources are located on the subject properties. There are no identified or inventoried Goal 5 open spaces, scenic spaces (such as Landscape Management Area Combining Zone), historic areas, natural resources, or surface mines on the properties. Nevertheless, the applicants recognize the resource values of the properties and do propose significant protections for wildlife and natural resources through the establishment of resource management corridors and CC&Rs for implementation and enforcement.”
Issue #1 Page 4
The Hearings Officer found that the Subject Property was, before and at the time of adoption the 1980 Exception Statement was approved, “marginal resource land.” Therefore, the County did approve exceptions to Goals 3 and 4 for the Subject Property.
Finding of Fact E: Page
E. SITE DESCRIPTION: The South Property is approximately 307 acres and is currently vacant and undeveloped. The Subject Property borders Shevlin Park and Tumalo Creek to the west. Land to the north and east lies within the UGB. The southern end of the South Property borders directly upon the “Miller Tree Farm” subdivision. Most of the Subject Property was burned in connection with the Awbrey Hall fire in 1990. According to the application materials, the intensity and high temperatures associated with that wildfire have resulted in a landscape and soils that can no longer support the regeneration of a Ponderosa Pine forest.
County Assessor Map No. Situs Address
“North Property”
1711130000100 63285 Skyline Ranch Road
1711130000500 63200 Skyline Ranch Road. Account 112750
1711230000500 19050 Shevlin Park Road -- Account 272594 No Situs Address
1711230000502 No Situs Address
1711230000503 No Situs Address
1711240000100 63155 Skyline Ranch Road
1711240000102 63156 Skyline Ranch Road ? tax map number no situs address
1711240000403 63055 Skyline Ranch Road
1711240000600 62955 Skyline Ranch Road
1711240000700 62855 Skyline Ranch Road
1712180000100 63555 Skyline Ranch Road
1711230000600 No Situs Address
63285 Skyline Ranch rd
5 acre Tract
Three Following Accounts with the same Assessor map number
1711130000500 Account 112750
63200 Skyline Ranch Rd
13.70 Tract
1711230000500 Account 272594
5 Acres Tract
1711230000500 Account 131969
19050 Shevlin Park Road
40 acres Designated Forestland
Property Class 640 Forest
1711230000502 No Situs Address
25 acres Designated Forestland
Property Class - 640
1711230000503 No Situs Address
40 Acres Designated Forestland
Property Class 640 - Forest
63155 Skyline Ranch Road
18.58 acres Designated Forestland
Property Class 641- Forest
1 acre Rural Tract
21.32 Acres Designated Forestland
Property Class - 640
63055 Skyline Ranch Road
18.63 Acres Designated Forestland
Property Class 641 Forest
62955 Skyline Ranch Road - Same property as above
62855 Skyline Ranch Road
40 Acres Designated Forestland
Property Class -641 Forest
63555 Skyline Ranch Road
19.63 acres Designated Forestland
81.99 acres Tract
Property Class 680 Forest
1711230000600 No Situs Address
33.73 Acres School District #1
Page 8 Figure 1 shows the north property - 378 acres
page 11:
The 1990 Awbrey-Hall Fire spread onto the North Property resulting in a vegetative landscape dominated by bitterbrush, sage brush and rabbit brush with minimal pine tree regeneration. Existing vegetation includes some ponderosa pine, but mainly juniper trees, native shrubs and grasses.
“South Property”
1711260000400 3225 NW Shevlin Park Road
1711260000400 3229 NW Shevlin Park Road. (My note: same property as above)
1711000006000 62600 McClain Drive
Figure 2 shows the South Property 307 acres
3225 NW Shevlin Park Road - Tract
Account 125163
Map View:
3229 NW Shevlin Park Road
Account 125163
Same property as above
62600 McClain Drive
Map View:
Chapter 2 – Resource Management Section 2.6 –
Wildlife Goal 1 Maintain and enhance a diversity of wildlife and habitats.
Policy 2.6.2 Promote stewardship of wildlife habitats and corridors, particularly those with significant biological, ecological, aesthetic and recreational value.
Policy 2.6.4 Support incentives for restoring and/or preserving significant wildlife habitat by traditional means such as zoning or innovative means, including land swaps, conservation easements, transfer of development rights, tax incentives or purchase by public or non-profit agencies.
Policy 2.6.7 Use a combination of incentives, regulations and education to promote stewardship of wildlife habitat and address the impacts of development.
Applicants stated they are working with a professional biologist to voluntarily incorporate design elements and conservation measures into a plan to protect deer and elk populations on the Subject Property
Applicants stated they are working with a professional biologist to voluntarily incorporate design elements and conservation measures into a plan to protect deer and elk populations on the Subject Property
Page 67
Goal 4, Forest Lands. No forest lands are involved in the proposed plan amendment and zone change. Therefore Goal 4 does not apply. In addition, the 1980 Exception Statement (Exhibit 11) took exception to Goal 4 which includes the land in the Urban Reserve. In the event it is determined Goal 4 does apply, the applicants have submitted evidence and findings demonstrating why an exception to Goal 4 is warranted in Section VII hereof. Goal 5, Open Spaces, Scenic and Historic Areas and Natural Resources. No Goal 5 resources are located on the subject properties. There are no identified or inventoried Goal 5 open spaces, scenic spaces (such as Landscape Management Area Combining Zone), historic areas, natural resources, or surface mines on the properties. Nevertheless, the applicants recognize the resource values of the properties and do propose significant protections for wildlife and natural resources through the establishment of resource management corridors and CC&Rs for implementation and enforcement.”
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