Sunday, November 25, 2018

Deschutes County Clerk Search Page.

This looks new 

Helion Software - 2018

A Digital Research Room?
What hove I found here?

It is often amazing when one link leads to another as a function of search on specific to general.  It can go anywhere?  I went from the last link to this site

How did I get there?

There was a missing link.  That link was a search term that popped into me head.  I started out this morning with the idea that every Oregon County Assessor property tax data base is a silo. I have investigated the Deschutes County data base and done a comparison of it to other county data systems

Helion is. data base software provider.  Recently I discovered that Helion also is the provider of the Deschutes County Clerk system.  In the prior' blog entry I did some County Clerk record searching on Assessor property records.  They have linking data elements.  First and foremost is property location data element.  There are others as well.  Name for example.

This opens up a new door/window!

Of course it was there all the time.  I was in the Clerk's office recently and talked to Nancy about voting and the "No Confidence" vote.

Back to "How did I get there? above.

What was the missing link between the web link that connected
It was a link that popped into my head.
Why and how?  I never really know.  It came from the back office in my head.

The back office said to the front office:
Search on the term: " open source county property tax"

The intermediate link connecting it came out of my head.

When I woke up this morning the last dream like thought I had was to go back to my recent effort to take a look at all other  County Assessors and look at how they did their County Assessments.  They are a multitude of "Silos" that stick up across the landscape of a flat land like the grain elevators and water towers marking the small towns I passed on a 5,000 mile bike ride from west to east coast over an entire summer long ago.

In Europe the Silos were church steeples.  At the top of those steeples were direction pointers for travelers.  In Germany the best direction finders were signs closer to my bike level pointing to the next village.  Knowing the direction I wanted to go in from the church steeple I then saw the sign with the name of the next village followed signs pointing to it until I got there.


County assessor Property tax systems Data sets are silos of data containing  information that exist in every county in the country.  They are public silos with public information.

I started out to learn more about the County Clerk data se and information but discovered the aggregation of nation wide county silo data sets.

I think I see a clever business model behind this.  It is exactly the model I am using to obtain local property assessment data for a very focused purpose.  That purpose

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