Friday, November 9, 2018

Using Drones to Gather Visual Documentation of Geographic Information.

My son gave me a drone.  He knows I like tech toys.  A computer is a tech toy.  A bike is a tech toy.  The fun in a tech toy is in finding new applications for it.  I put the drone up two hundred feet and look around. send it out a distance to look around.  Take a picture.  Take a video from a unique position.

I took flight lessons several years ago.  Put down the purchase price on an Icon A5 10 years ago.  It was to be delivered in 2 or 3 years.  My position number was 76.  I don't think that Icon is that far into delivery yet.  Maybe next year which would be my 76th birthday.  I did not complete my flight trining.  I was almost to the point of landing. At that point I asked myself what am I really going to do when the tech toy Icon A5 is mine to fly solo?

It was the same decision I faced on retirement from the navy.  What am I going to do and who am I going to do it with.  Prior to retirement I thought it might be getting a motorcycle and Easy Riding for a long time with others.

I chose a bike and started riding it with others to Alaska the day of my retirement.  A motorcycle would have taken me to quickly from point A to Point B.  Faster than I could think about where I was going and stop to smell the roses along the way.

The plane would have been the same.  My speed of life and thought is at a rate between 12 and 20 miles per hour.  On water between my swim pace and almost getting up on one hull of my Hobie Cat.  A thrilling position.  Like my max downhill speed of 52 mph.  Not really "my" speed but the speed of gravity.  I saw it as my max speed recorded on my Cat Eye after I slowed down enough to dare look.  Maybe that is a close to the thrill of free fall terminal velocity.

What I could do with my bike always thrilled me as well as who I rode it with.  For twenty years it was my passion expressed in Triathlons and traveling the world.  It was challenging and rewarding.  It was an excellent life style choice when I could choose any life style I wanted.  It got me where I wanted to go physically and conceptually.

We can always go to places in our mind faster than foot or flying.  By foot is maybe best.  I never thought about it before but riding the bicycle is not really riding a bicycle  It is all about travel by foot in a more efficient manner.

Maybe that would be the title of a book I would write about my adventures on a bike.  Travels By Foot.  Hiking, running, biking.  It is all done with foot power.  My right foot on the gas pedal is not really travel by foot power but horse power.    Foot power is personal power.  Swimming and kayaking are arm power.  Sailing?

Sailing...I have to think about that.  Maybe it is a gravity sport like skiing.  Strange thought to think of sailing as a gravity sport.  Not so strange when I think about biking as a gravity sport called "getting air".  Take that thinking a step farther and basket ball is a gravity sport.  What else? Pole vaulting. jumping rope.  Getting out of bed in the morning is a challenging gravity sport that becomes more challenging with age!

I think it is time to go into a life style transition zone.  Triathletes would get that.  I learned to visualize transition zone sequence before I got out of the swim.  Before I got off the bike and then just do it.  Do it better and faster each time I raced until it was my best speed and shortest time.

Another title for my book:  "Life Is A Series of Transition Zones". Otherwise what is it if there is no change?  Same old, same old.

I put my fingers on the keyboard and let them rest there of their own accord like on a Ouija Board pointer patiently waiting for what it would tell me or for me to tell it to myself?

They moved, pressed keys and spoke to me on the screen.

Ice Skating!

Ice Skating?

Maybe that was a dream that requires some conceptual analysis!

I get it!

Ice Skating is multi dimensional travel.

Michio Kaku  now I see him shaking hands with

I have been there before in this blog but forgotten how or where.

I searched my mind to find the link to Michio.  I discovered a reason and purpose of this blog.  When I can't find things as easily anymore in my  mind I can search where my mind has been in the travels of this blog.

Michio was here in my blog history

"So first of all, we are nothing but melodies. We are nothing but cosmic music played out on vibrating strings and membranes. Obeying the laws of physics, which is nothing but the laws of harmony of vibrating strings." 

Holy Smokes!  He was here too.

How in the world does this all come back in a Mobius Strip to what I sent to Ellie a couple of days a go.....?

The answer is not for print publication.  Not that it is secret.  Maybe secret because there are no words to express it.  Maybe that is the ultimate unbreakable crypto code that once encoded cannot ever be decoded.  A virtual nth dimension unbreakable codex.

Codex rings a bell to something I wrote in this blog before!

Searching for it.  Yes, found it and this is getting scary.

I wrote the link 1 year ago yesterday.

Maybe my appreciation of the music of life is growing (and the power of Search)

The title of this blog entry has nothing to do with what I initially wrote days ago and this morning at 3 am went back to add to it what has been added so far.  

What follows about a Drone was written several days before.   The first sentence of all of that was added to the original blog started the journey it has taken to this point.  Strange trip but I had nothing other than coffee this morning.

How that relates to this is food for thought with a 2nd cup of morning coffee.

Maybe it is the mystery of the Ouija Board.  I visited that mystery once before.

Entering the transition zone of what was written so far that takes me back to what ai wrote previously.  How do the two entries relate and link?

It is like coming out of the triathlon transition zone backwards while running forward.

Forward and backward are binary.  What action word implements their relationship?

Tracing the single edge of a Mobius Strip with a finger is perpetual.

Searching my blog entries takes me back to the first entry that writes about Mobius Strip.  I wrote the entry.  So it is not going back to the first entry with the keyword "Mobius" it is going back to myself, my minds thoughts at a time in the past and learning more from them from the retrospect point of view they journey they have taken me on.....In the gross analysis maybe this entire blog is a big Mobius Strip.

How do I see a Mobius Strip today?

A Mobius Strip is a Thinking Person's Circle.

It is certainly not Linear! Equally true it is not Random.

I am going to take the thought of the relationship between Linear and Random grab my drone and go flying this morning.


Search on Drone Tax Appraisal
Every three years, every parcel of property in Hays County is reviewed by the Hays County Appraisal District (CAD) to assess the value of a property.

With around 95,000 properties in Hays County, the appraisal district has turned to drone technology to assess properties.

The service is provided by Eagle View,

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