Friday, November 2, 2018

Public Information: "Show me your income tax statement, citizen"


In the course of examining Oregon property tax I  discover an amazing amount of information that extends from  taxlots and tax payers as a point of entry to related information far beyond the tax record into linkage on the World Wide Web.

County Assessor Property Tax on a taxlot basis examines the Real market Value of an owner's property and taxes accordingly through complex refinement from that value to a property tax bill.

Income tax is a tax on value.  The value of income "owned" by virtue of receipt.

Using the Property Tax model maybe what everyone "owns" as income should be public information?  Constrained of course by privacy considerations

Beneficial Ownership in property value is generally publicly available on the public county record that provides owner name, taxlot address and tax bill mailing address.  It also has archived historical information that is increasingly in digital form.

Few things pin a person to a place better than home ownership on which they pay property tax.  Renters have no connection to property tax.  Only the owners of bare and and the improvements on it, like a house.

There are intelligence gathering methods that connect a person to a taxlot that they may rent.  Home is not what they own but where they sleep at night.  Where they sleep at night is generally a static location.  Like where they work during the day to generally receive compensation for value of whatever they do.

In between home and work?  For most it is travel by some mode of transportation on a regular route.

Why shouldn't Income tax be modeled on property tax and value information be public?

County Property Tax system is going to be blockchained.

Why not the Income Tax system?

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